Summer Training Report ON "Consumer Behavior & Satisfaction" FOR

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
Post Graduate Diploma in Management.
!"#$%$&#! '% #(! 'MP&)*
This is to certify that Mr. ROHAN ROY SAMUEL of DSM has successfully
completed the summer traii! i partial fulfilmet of re"uiremet for the
a#ard of PGDM Degree prescri$ed $y the %stitute.
This report is the record of authetic #or& carried out $y the studet duri!
the academic year '(() *'((+.
Prof. VIBHUTI JHA Prof. N. H.
(Internal Guide) Vice-President (Faculty of
%, Roha Roy Samuel here$y declare that this report is the record of authetic
#or& carried out $y me duri! the academic year '(()*'((+ i Amul -.u/rat
co*operati0e Mil& Mar&eti! 1ederatio2
.u/arat 3o*operati0e Mil& Mar&eti! 1ederatio
.udiyari Raipur -3...2
( )
Signature of the student
( Rohan Roy Samuel )
4ith immese pleasure, % #ould li&e to preset this pro/ect report for &M.+
/G.0"&# '-'P!"&#$1! M$+, M&",!#$)G %!D!"%&#$'). %t has $ee a
erichi! e5periece for me to uder!o my summer traii! at AMUL, #hich #ould
ot ha0e possi$le #ithout the !ood#ill ad support of the people aroud. As a
studet of D$S(& S(''+ '% M&)&G!M!)# % #ould li&e to e5press my sicere
tha&s to all those #ho helped me duri! my practical traii! pro!ramme.
4ords are isufficiet to e5press my !ratitude to#ard Mr. 1en2at "am, the Depo
%char!e of &M.+ "aipur. % #ould li&e to !i0e my heartily tha&s to Mr. Sourabh
"a34anshi Sr. E5ecuti0e Sales, #ho permitted me to !et traii! at &M.+. % am 0ery
tha&ful to Mr. 5. "ohit , #ho helped me at e0ery step #hee0er eeded.
At last $ut ot least my !rateful tha&s is also e5teded to Prof. )itin Deshpande
-6ice 7residet 1aculty of Maa!emet2 ad my tha&s to all my faculty mem$ers
for the proper !uidace ad assistace e5teded $y them. % am also !rateful to my
parets, fried to ecoura!e 8 !i0i! me moral support.
Ho#e0er, % accept the sole resposi$ility for ay possi$le error of omissio ad
#ould $e e5tremely !rateful to the readers of this pro/ect report if they $ri! such
mista&es to my otice.
Date6 70
Ma89 2009 "'(&) "'* S&M.!+
Pla:e6 "&$P." ;.G.< PGDM
Duration6 =
&pril to 70
Ma89 2009 >

" )'.

! )'.
E5ecuti0e Summary 9(
9. .eeral %troductio
%troductio 8 History
7rofile of the %dustry
7roduct 7rofile
'. A$out the Topic
3osumer ;eha0iour
3osumer Satisfactio
:. Mar&eti! Research :(*:>
>. Research Methodolo!y :<*>9
<. Data Aalysis Ad %terpretatio >'*<=
?. 1idi!s, Su!!estio 8 3oclusio <)*?9
=. S4OT Aalysis ?'
). Ae5ure@
a2 ;i$lio!raphy 8 4e$lio!raphy
$2 Auestioaire
+$S# '% #(! #&5+!
#able no. ontents Page no.
<.9 3lassificatio of 3ustomers ;ased O
<.' Aalysis of Occupatio of the
<.: Aalysis of Mothly %come of the
<.> Aalysis of 1actors to ;uy Amul Mil& >)
<.< Aalysis of 3osumptio of A0era!e
Mil& per Day
<.? Aalysis of 7urchase Duratio of Amul
<.= Aalysis of Rati! To#ards AMUL Mil&
8 Mil& products
<.) Aalysis of 6alue for Moey 7aid $y the
<.+ Aalysis of Recommedatios <?
+$S# '% #(! G"&P(S
Graph no. ontents Page no.
<.9 3lassificatio of 3ustomers ;ased O
<.' Aalysis of Occupatio of the
<.: Aalysis of Mothly %come of the
<.> Aalysis of 1actors to ;uy Amul Mil& >)
<.< Aalysis of 3osumptio of A0era!e
Mil& per Day
<.? Aalysis of 7urchase Duratio of Amul
<.= Aalysis of Rati! To#ards Amul mil& <>
<.) Aalysis of 6alue for Moey 7aid $y the
<.+ Aalysis of Recommedatios <=
Today the $usiess e0iromet is rapidly cha!i! i this competiti0e
e0iromet the popular tred is also stri0i! for maitaii! its positios therefore it
$ecome essetial for the compaies that they should &o# a$out their preferece 8
Re!ardi! a particular product it is of almost ecessary to &o# the cosumers
satisfactio to the 0alue offered $y the compay i case of dissatisfactory result it is
essetial to as certai #hether the dissatisfactio is for etire product or part of it is
ad #hat 0alue do the cosumers e5pect from itB
The research #ill pro0ide the rele0at iformatio to the or!aiCatio a$out
cosumerDs attitude to#ards there products 8 ser0ices.
The research #or& is sicere effort to fid out the ultimate re"uiremet of
cosumers for the $ettermet of research as #ell as the or!aiCatio.
!?!.#$1! S.MM&"*
The mai o$/ecti0e of summer traii! #as !i0e $y the Maa!emet of Amul. The
o$/ecti0e #as E3ONSUMER ;EHA6%OR 8 SAT%S1A3T%ON.F
% started my summer traii! o 9
of April. Ad duri! summer traii! % had to
report at the or!aiCatio at sharp 9(@:(am ad #as as&ed to #or& till ?@:( pm. 1irst
9< days % spet o 0arious mar&eti! acti0ities li&e % had 0isited ear a$out :<( retail
shops to &o# there 0ie# 8 cosumer $eha0iour to#ards Amul Mil&.
Ad also collects detail a$out the competitors there offers 8 profit mar!i.
After that e5t fe# days % #et #ith distri$utors early i the mori! <@(( am to &o#
ho# distri$utio chael #or&s.
Ad the at last % #or&ed #ith "uestioaire a sample siCe of 9(( respodets #as
ta&e for the study #hose resposes #ere studied ad iterpreted .The sampli!
desi! #as used co0eiece sampli!. The process of aalysis #as doe throu!h
e5cel #or& sheets, fre"uecy ta$le, perceta!e aalysis etc.
Duri! the preparatio of "uestioaire % faced difficulties re!ardi! the selectio of
"uestios ad i collectio of the data % foud some difficulties li&e the customers
had o time to !i0e.
There is oe thi! that % ha0e foud that the peoples #or&i! at AMUL are 0ery much
helpful i all areas. E0ery time they come to me ad told me that they are a0aila$le
at ay time for me for aythi!, #hich really $oost me ad moti0ates me to#ards my
!oal ad o$/ecti0es. The culture of AMUL is 0ery much friedly.
% completed my pro/ect o :(th
of May 8 duri! the pro/ect % ha0e achie0ed my all
o$/ecti0es of my pro/ect.

&)D ($S#'"*
$)#"'D.#$') &)D ($S#'"*
% the year =9>@ the first mil& uio #as esta$lished. This uio #as started #ith '<(
liters of mil& per day. % the year =9AA AMUL #as esta$lished. % the year 9+>? the
uio #as &o# as ,&$"& D$S#"$# '-'P!"&#$1! M$+, P"'D.!"SB
.)$'). This uio selected the $rad ame AMUL i 9+<<.
The $rad ame Amul meas /&M.+*&C. #his word deri4ed form the
Sans2rit word /&M.+*&C whi:h means /P"$!+!SSC. A "uality cotrol e5pert i
Aad had su!!ested the $rad ame EAMULF. Amul products ha0e $ee i use i
millios of homes sice 9+>?. Amul ;utter, Amul Mil& 7o#der, Amul .hee,
Amulspray, Amul 3heese, Amul 3hocolates, Amul Shri&had, Amul %ce cream,
Nutramul, Amul Mil& ad Amulya ha0e made Amul a leadi! food $rad i %dia.
-The total sale is Rs. ? $illio i '((<2. Today Amul is a sym$ol of may thi!s li&e of
the hi!h*"uality products sold at reasoa$le prices, of the !eesis of a 0ast co*
operati0e et#or&, of the triumph of idi!eous techolo!y, of the mar&eti! sa00y of
a farmersG or!aiCatio. Ad ha0e a pro0e model for dairy de0elopmet -.eerally
&o# as /&)&)D P&##!")C2.
% the early >(Ds, the mai sources of eari! for the farmers of Haira district
#ere farmi! ad selli! of mil&. That time there #as hi!h demad for mil& i
;om$ay. The mai supplier of the mil& #as Polson dair8 limited, #hich #as a
pri0ately o#ed compay ad held moopoly o0er the supply of mil& at 5omba8
from the Haira district. This system leads to e5ploitatio of poor ad illiteratesD
farmers $y the pri0ate traders. The traders used to $eside the prices of mil& ad the
farmers #ere forced to accept it #ithout utteri! a si!le #ord.
Ho#e0er, #he the e5ploitatio $ecame itolera$le, the farmers #ere
frustrated. They collecti0ely appealed to Sardar 1allabhbhai Patel, #ho #as a
leadi! acti0ist i the freedom mo0emet. Sardar 7atel ad0ised the farmers to sell
the mil& o their o# $y esta$lishi! a co*operati0e uio, %stead of supplyi! mil&
to pri0ate traders. Sardar 7atel set the farmers to Shri Morar3i Desai i order to
!ai his co*operatio ad help. Shri Desai held a meeti! at Samar2ha 0illa!e ear
Aad, o >
0anuar8 =9>@. He ad0ised the farmers to form a society for collectio
of the mil&.

These 0illa!e societies #ould collect the mil& themsel0es ad #ould decide the
prices at #hich they ca sell the mil&. The district uio #as also form to collect the
mil& from such 0illa!e co*operati0e societies ad to sell them. %t #as also resol0ed
that the .o0ermet should $e as&ed to $uy mil& from the uio.
Ho#e0er, the !o0t. did ot seem to help farmers $y ay meas. %t !a0e the
e!ati0e respose $y turi! do# the demad for the mil&. To respod to this
actio of !o0t., the farmers of ,aira distri:t #et o a mil& stri&e. 1or 9< #hole days
ot a si!le drop of mil& #as sold to the traders. As a result the ;om$ay mil& scheme
#as se0erely affected. The mil& commissioer of ;om$ay the 0isited Aad to
assess the situatio. Ha0i! seemed the coditio, he decided to fulfill the farmers
Thus their cooperati0e uios #ere forced at the 0illa!e ad district le0el to
collect ad sell mil& o a cooperati0e $asis, #ithout the iter0etio of .o0ermet.
Mr. 1erghese ,urien sho#ed mai iterest i esta$lishi! uio #ho #as supported
$y Shri #ribhu4andas Patel #ho lead the farmers i formi! the 3o*operati0e
uios at the 0illa!e le0el. The Haira district mil& producers uio #as thus
esta$lished i &)&)D ad #as re!istered formally o =>
De:ember =9>@. Sice
farmers sold all the mil& i Aad throu!h a co*operati0e uio, it #as commoly
resol0ed to sell the mil& uder the $rad ame &M.+.

At the iitial sta!e oly 2A0 litres of mil& #as collected e0eryday. ;ut #ith
the !ro#i! a#areess of the $eefits of the cooperati0eess, the collectio of mil&
icreased. Today Amul collect == la2hs litres of mil& e0eryday. Sice mil& #as a
perisha$le commodity it $ecomes difficult to preser0e mil& flora lo!er period. ;esides
#he the mil& #as to $e collected from the far places, there #as a fear of spoili! of
mil&. To o0ercome this pro$lem the uio thou!ht out to de0elop the chilli! uit at
0arious /uctios, #hich #ould collect the mil& ad could chill it, so as to preser0e it for
a lo!er period. Thus, today Amul has more tha =A0 :hilling :entres i 0arious
0illa!es. Mil& is collected from almost =0D7 so:ieties.
4ith the fiacial help from .)$!%, assistace from the !o0t. of Ne#
Iealad uder the 3olom$o pla, of Rs. <( millios for factory to maufacture mil&
po#der ad $utter #as plaed. Dr."a3endra Prasad, the presidet of %dia laid the
foudatio o )o4ember =A9 =9A>. Shri Pandit 0awaharlal )ehru, the prime
miister of %dia declared it ope at Amul dairy o )o4ember 209 =9AA.
&($!1!M!)#S 6
&mul 6 AsiaDs lar!est dairy co*operati0e #as created #ay $ac& i9+>? to
ma&e the mil& producer self*reliat ad coduct mil&* $usiess #ith pride. Amul has
al#ays $ee the tred setter i $ri!i! ad adapti! the most moder techolo!y to
door steps to rural farmers.
Amul created history i follo#i! areas@
a< 1irst self moti0ated ad autoomous farmers or!aiCatio comprisi! of
more tha <(((((( mar!ial mil& producers of Haira District.
b< 3reated Dairy co*operati0es at 0illa!e le0el fuctioi! #ith mil& collectio
cetres o#ed $y them.
:< 3omputeriCed mil& collectio system #ith electroic scale ad
computeriCed accouti! system.
d< The first ad oly or!aiCatio i #orld to !et %SO +((( stadard for its
farmers co*operati0es.
e< 1irst to produce mil& from po#der from surplus mil&.
Amul is the li0e e5ample of ho# co*operatio amo!st the poor mar!ial
farmers ca pro0ide meas for the socio*ecoomic de0elopmet of the uder
pri0ile!ed mar!ial farmers
Amul a co*operati0e society ad its co*operatio has led may differet
a#ards i its fa0or.
Ma!saysay a#ard for commuity leadership preseted i maila,
7hilippies to Shri Tri$hu0adas 7atel, Shri D N Hhurody ad Shri 6. Hurie
9+@>6 E7adma$husaF a#ard !i0e to Shri T.H. 7atel
9+@A6 E7admshri a#arded #as !i0e to 6. Hurie, !eeral maa!er, $y
the presidet of %dia
9+8D6 E;est 7roducti0ityF a#arded $y atioal producti0ity coucil for
the year 9+)<*)? a#arded to Amul dairy.
9+886 E;est 7roducti0ityF a#arded for the secod successi0e year 9+)?*)=
$y the presidet of %dia, Mr. R. 6e&atrao to &aira uio.
9+97@ E%3AF Memeoto to#ards !euie ad self sustaii! co*
operati0e #orld#ide %3A re!ioal office for Asia ad pacific, Ne# Delhi, 9++?.
9+99@ ..;.;irla a#ard.
Moreover the Amul union has achieved the prestigious ISO 9001-2000
and HACCP Certiicate and eects are got to o!tain ISO 1"000#
&mul in abroad 6
Amul is !oi! places. Literally. After ha0i! esta$lished its presece i 3hia,
Mauritius ad Ho! Ho!, .u/arat 3ooperati0e Mil& Mar&eti! 1ederatio -.3MM12,
%dia s lar!est mil& cooperati0e, is #aiti! to flood the Japaese mar&et.
The, .3MM1 is also loo&i! at Sri La&a as oe of its e5t e5port destiatios.
Amul products are already a0aila$le o shel0es across se0eral coutries, icludi!
the US, 3hia, Australia, 4est Asia coutries ad Africa.
.3MM1 recorded a turo0er of Rs ',+'' crore last fiscal. %ts products iclude
pouch mil&, ultra heat treated -UHT2 mil&, ice*cream, $utter, cheese ad $uttermil&.
P!'P+! P'-!"6 &M.+ES S!"!# '% S.!SS
The system succeeded maily $ecause it pro0ides a assured mar&et at
remuerati0e prices for producersG mil& $esides acti! as a chael to mar&et the
productio ehacemet pac&a!e. 4hatGs more, it does ot distur$ the a!ro*system
of the farmers. %t also ea$les the cosumer a access to hi!h "uality mil& ad mil&
products. 3otrary to the traditioal system, #he the profit of the $usiess #as
corered $y the middleme, the system esured that the profit !oes to the
participats for their socio*ecoomic upliftmet ad commo !ood.
Loo&i! $ac& o the path tra0ersed $y Amul, the follo#i! features ma&e it a patter
ad model for emulatio else#here.
&mul has been able to6
7roduce a appropriate $led of the policy ma&ers farmers $oard of
maa!emet ad the professioals@ each !roup appreciati! its rotes
ad limitatios,
;ri! at the commad of the rural mil& producers the $est of the
techolo!y ad haress its fruit for $ettermet.
7ro0ide a support system to the mil& producers #ithout distur$i! their
a!ro*ecoomic systems,
7lou!h $ac& the profits, $y prudet use of me, material ad machies,
i the rural sector for the commo !ood ad $ettermet of the mem$er
producers ad
The Uio loo&s after policy formulatio, processi! ad mar&eti! of
mil&, pro0isio of techical iputs to ehace mil& yield of aimals, the artificial
isemiatio ser0ice, 0eteriary care, $etter feeds ad the li&e * all throu!h the
0illa!e societies. ;asically the uio ad cooperatio of people $rou!ht Amul ito
fame i.e. &M.+ ;&)&)D M$+, .)$') +$M$#!D<, a ame #hich su!!est #(!
#&S#! '% $)D$&!
%irst plat is at &)&)D, #hich e!a!ed i the maufacturi! of mil&, $utter,
!hee, mil& po#der, fla0oured mil& ad $uttermil&.
Se:ond plat is at M'G&", #hich e!a!ed i maufacturi! chocolate,
utramul, Amul .athia ad Amul lite.
#hird plat is at ,an3ari, #hich produces cattelfeed.
%ourth plat is at ,hatra3, #hich e!a!ed i produci! cheese.
Today, twel4e dairies are produci! differet products uder the $rad ame
Amul. Today Amul dairy is no. = dairy i &sia ad no. 2 i the world, #hich is
matter of proud for .u/arat ad #hole %dia.
P"'D.# P"'%$+!6-
S.)o. )&M! #*P! %&# S'+$D )&#."&+ %&#S
9. TaCaa Toed Mil& :.(K mi. ).<K mi.
'. Slim 8
Dou$le Toed Mil& 9.<K mi. +K mi.
:. .old 1ull 3ream Mil& ?K mi. +K mi.

(&P#!" F 2
&5'.# #(! #'P$6-
')S.M!" 5!(&1$'."6-
%t is defied as all psycholo!ical, social ad physical $eha0ior of potetial
customers as they $ecome a#are, e0aluate, purchase, cosume, ad tell to
others a$out product ad ser0ices.
;uyi! $eha0ior i0ol0es $oth idi0idual - psycholo!ical2 ad !roup process.
o ;uyer $eha0ior is reflected from a#areess ri!ht throu!h post
purchase e0aluatio idicati! satisfactio ad o satisfactio , from
o ;uyer $eha0ior icludes commuicatio, purchasi! ad cosumptio
o 3osumer $eha0ior is $asically social i ature hece the social
factors play importat roles i shapi! $uyi! $eha0ior
o ;uyer $eha0ior icludes $oth customer ad idustrial $eha0ior.
/(en:e :onsumer beha4ior is an orderl8 pro:ess whereb8 the :onsumer
intera:ts with the en4ironment for ma2ing a pur:hase de:ision on produ:ts E
')S.M!" 5!(&1$'" &)D M&",!#$)G M&)&G!M!)#
Mar&eti! maa!emets #or& aroud cosumers #hich is actually the mar&et for
Uderstadi! their $eha0ior is 0ery 0ital i e0ery se!met to pla mar&eti!
acti0ities accordi!ly.
;oth idustrial ad idi0idual customers are 0ital i mar&eti! maa!emet
D$1!"S$#* '% ')S.M!" 5!(&1$'"6-
customer ad cosumer #ords are referred as syoyms $ut the
differece e5ists
customer * the purchaser of product or ser0ice , may or may ot $e the
ed user
cosumer* the ed user , may or may ot $e the purchaser
e# a!e of $usiess demads differetiatio of customers $y idi0idual
differeces i cosumer e5pectatios, prefereces ad iflueces.
1irms eed to !o ito deep of cosumer $eha0ior to aalyCe ad act to
achie0e o$/ecti0es
')!P# G )!!D %'" S#.D*$)G ')S.M!" 5!(&1$'"6-
3osumer $eha0ior ca $e said to $e the study of ho# idi0idual ma&e decisio o
ho# to sped their a0aila$le resources -time, moey, effort2 o 0arious cosumptio
related items. This simple defiitio of cosumer $eha0ior tells the mar&ets to
resol0e e0ery acti0ity aroud the ultimate cosumers 8 !au!e their $eha0ior $y
specially focusi! o@
4ho $uys products or ser0icesB
Ho# do they $uy products or ser0icesB
4here do they $uy themB
Ho# ofte they $uy themB
4hy do they $uy themB
Ho# ofte they use themB
These "uestios #ill help i uderstadi! $etter #hat factors iflueces the
decisio ma&i! process of the customers. The decisio ma&i! process idetifies
the um$er of people #ho are i0ol0e i this process 8 descri$es a role to them
li&e users, decides, iflueces 8 $uyers.
%t is $elie0ed that cosumers or customers ma&e purchase decisio o the $asis of
receipt of a small um$er of selecti0ity chose pieces of iformatio. Thus it #ill $e
0ery importat to uderstad #hat 8 ho# mush them to e0aluate the !oods 8
ser0ices offeri!s.
')S.M!" D!$S$') M&,$)G P"'!SS '-
Stimuli* eed, reasos, iflueces, !atheri! iformatio
%formatio processi!* process , aalyCe iformatio a$out product
Decisio ma&i! * o the $asis of aalysis , decisio to !o for
Respose* respose to $uy #ithout ay pre/udice
1or idustrial $uyers the process is almost similar oly #ith additio of re*
$uy, modified re $uy or e# tas&.
%&#'" $)%+.!)$)G 5.*$)G 5!(&1$'"6-
%di0idual factors
3o!iti0e thi&i! process L perceptio , attitudes , NeedsMmoti0es
7ersoal characteristics L demo!raphy, lifestyles ,persoal traits
E0irometal factors
3ulture* 0alues ,$eliefs, su$ cultural M cross cultural factors
Social class* social class , society
%fluece !roups L family, opiio leaders, referece !roup
Situatioal 0aria$les L purchase occasio , mar&et commuicatio,
shoppi! $eha0ior, price , sales ifluece , product positio
')S.M!" S&#$S%&#$') $-
All $usiess firms ha0e realiCed that mar&eti! is a core elemet of maa!emet
philosophy 8 the &ey to its success lies i focusi! more 8 more o the customers.
That is, it #ill $e the customer #ho #ill decide #here the firm is headi!. Thus the
challe!e $efore the mar&eter is to esure that they should satisfy e0ery customer.
Satisfactio is a importat elemet i the e0aluati! sta!e. Satisfactio refers to the
$uyers state of $ei! ade"uately re#arded i a $uyi! situatio for the sacrifices he
has made oe the customer purchase 8 use the product they may the $ecome
either satisfy or dissatisfied.
The result of satisfactio to customer form the purchase of the product or ser0ices is
that more fa0oura$le post*purchase attitude, hi!her purchase itetio 8 $rad
loyalty to $e e5hi$ited that the same $eha0ior is li&ely to $e e5hi$ited i a similar
purchasi! situatio. The term NcosumerD is a typically used to refer to someoe
#ho re!ularly purchase from a particular store or compay.
3ustomers are people #ho are happy #ith the product 8 ser0ices 8 are #illi! to
come $ac& 8 pay for it a!ai.
Today the firms aim to !i0e satisfactio to the customer throu!h mar&eti! cocepts.
The firm try to help the $uyers i the sol0i! the pro$lem the competitors. The
mar&eters must see that cosumers #ith purchasi! po#er costitute a potetials
$uyers are idetified. %t is essetial for the mar&eter to carry out the $usiess i such
a #ay that they !i0e satisfactio to cosumers eeded. 4he a firm mar&ets a
product or ser0ice it should aim to e/oy cosumerDs satisfactio 8 profit
')S.M!" "!S!&"(6-
3osumer research is the methodolo!y used to study cosumer $eha0ior research
offer set di0erse to idetify cosumer eeds it is used to idetify $oth felt 8 ufelt
eeds, to lear ho# cosumers. 7ercei0e product 8 $rad 8 stores. 4hat their
attitudes are $efore ad after promotioal campai!s 8 ho# 8 #hy they ma&e their
cosumptio decisio.
M&",!#$)G "!S!&"(6-
Mar&eti! research plays a importat role i the process of mar&eti!. Starti!
#ith mar&et compoet of the total mar&eti! tal&s. %t helps the firm to ac"uire a
$etter uderstadi! of the cosumers, the competitio ad the mar&eti!
EMar&eti! research is a systematic !atheri!, recordi! ad aalysis mar&eti!
pro$lem to facilitate decisio ma&i!.F
* 3oudiff 8 Still.
EMar&eti! research is a systematic pro$lem aalysis, model $uildi! ad fact fidi!
for the purpose of importat decisio ma&i! ad cotrol i the mar&eti! of !oods
ad ser0ices.
- 7hillip Hotler.
M&$) S#!PS $)1'+1!D $) M&",!#$)G "!S!&"(
Defii! the Mar&eti! 7ro$lem to $e tac&led ad idetifyi! the mar&et research
pro$lem i0ol0ed i the tas&.
-92 Defie the pro$lem ad its o$/ecti0es.
-'2 %detify the pro$lem.
-:2 Determie the iformatio eeded.
->2 Determie the sources of iformatio.
-<2 Decide research methods.
-?2 Ta$ulate, AalyCe ad iterpret the data.
-=2 7repare research report.
-)2 1ollo#*up the study.
=< Define the problem and its ob3e:ti4es 6- This icludes a effecti0e /o$ i
plai! ad desi!i! a research pro/ect that #ill pro0ide the eeded iformatio. %t
also icludes the esta$lishmet of a !eeral frame#or& of ma/or mar&eti! elemets
such as the idustry elemets, competiti0e elemets, mar&eti! elemets ad
compay elemets.
2<$dentif8 the problem 6- %detifyi! the pro$lem i0ol0es !etti! ac"uaited
#ith the compay, its $usiess, its products ad mar&et e0iromet, ad0ertisi! $y
meas of li$rary cosultatio ad e5tesi0e iter0ie#i! of compayDs officials.
7<Determining the spe:ifi: $nformation needed 6- % !eeral the producer,
the maufacturer, the #holesaler ad the retailer try to fid out four thi!s amely @*
-92 4hat to sell
-'2 4he to sell
-:2 4here to sell
>< Determine the sour:es of information 6-
Primar8 Data 6- 7rimary datas are those #hich are !athered
specially for the pro/ect at had, directly L e.!. throu!h "uestioaires 8
iter0ie#s. 7rimary data sources iclude compay salesma, middlema,
cosumers, $uyers, trade associatioDs e5ecuti0es 8 other $usiessma 8 e0e
Se:ondar8 Data 6- These are !eerally pu$lished sources, #hich
ha0e $ee collected ori!ially for some other purpose. Source are iteral
compay records, !o0ermet pu$licatio, reports 8 pu$licatio, reports 8
/ourals, trade, professioal ad $usiess associatios pu$licatios 8
A< De:ide "esear:h methods for :olle:ting data6 - %f it is foud that the
secodary data caot $e of much use, collectio of primary data $ecome
ecessary. Three #idely used methods of !atheri! primary data are @*
A2 Sur0ey
;2 O$ser0atio
32 E5perimetatio
&< Sur4e8 Method6 - % this method, iformatio !athered directly from idi0idual
respodets, either throu!h persoal iter0ie#s or throu!h mail "uestioaires or
telephoe iter0ie#s.
5< 'bser4ation Method6 - The research data are !athered throu!h o$ser0i!
ad recordi! their actios i a mar&eti! situatio. This techi"ue is hi!hly
accurate. %t is rather a e5pesi0e techi"ue.
< !Hperimental Method6 - This method i0ol0es carryi! out a small scale trial
solutio to a pro$lem, #hile at the same time, attempti! to cotrol all factors
rele0at to the pro$lem. The mai assumptio here is that the test coditios are
essetially the same as those that #ill $e ecoutered later #he coclusios
deri0ed from the e5perimet are applied to a $roader mar&eti! area.
D< #he Panel "esear:h6- % this techi"ue the same !roup of respodets is
cotacted for more the oe occasioO ad the iformatio o$taied to fid out if
there has $ee ay i their taste demad or they #at ay special "uality, color, siCe,
pac&i! i the product.
a2 7reparatio of "uestioaire
$2 7resetti! of "uestioaire
c2 7lai! of the sample
@< #abulate9 &nal8sis and $nterpret the Data6-
#he report must gi4eI:ontain the following information6-
a2 The title of research
$2 The ame of the or!aiCatio for #hich it has $ee 3oducted
c2 The o$/ecti0es of research
d2 The methodolo!y used
e2 Or!aiCatio ad the plai! of the report
f2 A ta$le of cotets alo! #ith charts ad dia!rams used i the reports
!2 The mai report cotaii! the fidi!s
h2 3oclusio arri0ed at ed recommedatios su!!ested
i2 Appedices -cotaii! "uestioaire M forms used sample desi!, istructios.2
D< %ollow-up the stud8 6-
"he researchers# in the last stage# should follo$ u% this study to &nd if his
recommendation are 'eing im%lemented and if not# $hy
"!S!&"( M!#('D'+'G*6-
"!S!&"( P"'5+!M
See& the !eeral perceptio of cosumer to#ards &mul Mil2.
To &o# the cosumer psyche ad their $eha0iour to#ards &mul Mil2 .
'50!#$1! '% #(! "!S!&"(
To &o# the relatioship of sales #ith the ad0ertisemet.
To &o# a#areess of people to#ards &mul Mil2.
To &o# #hich ad0ertisemet tool is mostly preferred $y people.
To &o# the preferece of &mul Mil2 #ith compariso to
Other competiti0e $rads .
To &o# the factors #hich affects cosumerDs $uyi! $eha0iour
to purchase mil&.

$nformation requirement
1irst, % had to &o# a$out all the competitors preset i the Mil&
se!met -Reputed ad #ell esta$lished $rads as #ell as Local $rads2.
;efore !oi! for the sur0ey % had to &o# the comparati0e pac&s ad
prices of all the competitors e5isti! i the mar&et.
Sice Mil& is a product that used daily hece % had to trace the mar&et ad
se!met it, #hich maily deals #ith people of 0arious a!e !roups.
The mai iformatio eeded is the 0arious types of $rads a0aila$le i the
mar&et, their calorific 0alue ad 0arious other facts.
As Amul mil& ad0ertisemets are maily doe throu!h hoardi!s $ut o
tele0isio the ad0ertisemet is $ei! telecasted timely ad o the proper time
or ot.
"!S!&"( D!S$G)
A Research desi! specifies the methods ad procedures for coducti! a particular
study. %t is a map -or2 $lue prit to #hich the research is to $e coducted. Descripti0e
research desi! has $ee cosidered as a suita$le methodolo!y for preset study
ad for data aalysis.
S&MP+$)G D!S$G)
The sampli! desi! used #as 3o0eiece sampli!, #hich is a o*pro$a$ility
sampli! method. The co0eiece factors #ere the a0aila$ility ad approacha$ility
of the respodets.
All types of outlets that stoc& ad sell Amul mil& i the mar&ets. The outlets ha0e
$ee classified ito as follo#s
3o0eiece stores@ All &ids of shops icludi! $a&eries
Eateries@ all &ids of eati! /oits

P+&!S '% S#.D*
The study #as coducted i the retail outlets i Raipur i the follo#i! areas
i. Amlidih.
ii. Ne# Ra/edra Na!ar.
iii. Hatora Tala$.
i0. 7riyadarshii Na!ar.
0. Shailedra Na!ar.
0i. ;yro ;aCar.
0ii. ;udhapara.
0iii. .ol$aCar.
i5. Teli$adha.
5. ;ramhpuri.
5i. Ha&ali 7ara.
5ii La&he Na!ar.
5iii. Satoshi Na!ar.
5i0. 7urai ;asti.
50. Sa/ay Na!ar.
50i. Sudar Na!ar.
50ii. Da!aia.
50iii.Dee Dayal Upadhyay Na!ar.
5i5. Aad Na!ar.

S'."!S '% D&#&

Primar8 sour:es
The primary data #as collected throu!h "uestioaires. They #ere filled usi! the
scheduled method of data collectio $y the researcher.
Se:ondar8 sour:es
The secodary sources #ere used oly for collecti! iformatio re!ardi! the
sampleO they #ere ho#e0er ot used for aalysis
+$M$#&#$')S '% #(! "!S!&"( 6-
The limitatios of the research #ere as follo#s
9. Lac& of proper e5periece o the part of the researcher i coducti! such studies
i the past.
'. Time frame re"uired #as ot eou!h to sur0ey more um$er of outlets.
&)&+*S$S #!()$J.!S
Juantitati4e anal8sis is performed usi! the data collected at each outlet to
estimate the presece of Amul mil&.
Tools UtiliCed
7erceta!e Aalysis
.raph 3hart
9. Sampli! Techi"ue @ No pro$a$ility sampli!
-A o pro$a$ility sampli! techi"ue is
that i #hich each elemet i the
populatio does ot ha0e a e"ual
chace of !etti! selected2
'. Sample Uit @ 7eople #ho $uy mil& a0aila$le
i retail outlets, superstores, etc
:. Sample siCe @ 9(( respodets -A!e ra!i!
;et#ee =8 yrs to @A yrs2

>. Method @ Direct iter0ie# throu!h "uestioaire.
<. Data aalysis method @ .raphical method.
?. Area of sur0ey @ Raipur District.
=. Timi! of sur0ey @ +.(( am to <.:( pm.
%$!+D -'",- M!#('D .S!D %'" D&#& '++!#$')

Auestioaire #as prepared &eepi! the o$/ecti0e of research i mid.
Auestios #ere as&ed to respodets as re!ards to their #illi!ess to
purchase mil&.
The help of "uestioaires coducted direct iter0ie#s, i order to !et
accurate iformatio.
% order to !et correct iformatio % had to approach cosumers ra!i! from
=A 8rs to @A 8rs.
% 0isited as may respodets as % ca ad as&ed them their real li&i!s a$out
ay mil& ad also !ot a idea.
%t is really a (er:ulean tas& to uderstad 3osumer ;eha0iour, as the
defiitio su!!est, Consumer behaviour is a physical activity as well as
decision process individual engaged in when evaluating, acquiring,
using and disposing goods and services.
% order to collect accurate iformatio % 0isited to Garden9 Par2s9 #emple9
Superstores and G8mnasium, each ad e0ery "uestio #as filled persoally
$y the respodets ad chec&ed properly.
7eople #ere ot #illi! to as#er, #he they #ere cotacted $et#ee 9.((
pm to <.(( pm, the time #he most of the people ta&e rest duri! the
scorchi! heat.
D&#& &)&+*S$S &)D $)#!"P"!#&#$')6-
The collected data #ere ot easily uderstada$le, so % li&e to aalyCe the
collected data i a systematic maer ad iterpreted #ith simple method.
The aalysis ad iterpretatio of the data i0ol0es the aalyCi! of the
collected data ad iterpretatio it #ith pictorial represetatio such as $ar charts,
pie charts ad others.
G!)D!" $
.eder play 0ital role i purchase decisios. .eder classified o se5 $asis
i.e. male ad female. .eder classificatio is re"uiri! to mar&eter $ecause differet
!eder e5hi$its differet perceptio to#ards products. % classificatio of !eder the
follo#i! um$er is used to &o# their perceptio.
lassifi:ation of ustomers 5ased 'n SeH
Se5 No. of respodets 7erceta!e K
Male :< :<
1emale ?< ?<
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es@ Primar8 Data
#able6 A.=
$)#!"P"!#&#$') 6
:<K of the respodets are male ad ?<K of the respodets are female.
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that, the ma/ority of the respodets #ere
$elo!s to female !roup.
Graph no6 A.=
'.P&#$') @
Occupatio is also iflueces a persoDs cosumptio patter. A $lue collar
#or&er #ill $uy #or& clothes, #or& shoes ad luch $o5es. Similarly the Amul Mil&
ad Mil& products are purchased $y 0arious occupats. The follo#i! occupats of
the respodets are classifies for the data collectio.
&nal8sis of '::upation of the "espondents
Occupatio No. of. respodets 7erceta!e
;usiess '( '(
Employee 9( 9(
House #ife ?< ?<
Others (< (<
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es6 Primar8 Data
#able )o6 A.2
$)#!"P"!#&#$') 6
'(K of the respodets are $usiessme, 9(K of the respodets are
employees, ad ?<K of the respodets are house #i0es, (<K of the respodets
are others !roup.
$)'M! $
%come decided the purchasi! po#er of the customer. %f the icome is hi!h
the, they !o for hi!h "uality irrespecti0e of price of the product. Hece i this
research % li&e to collect the data ho# icome is ifluece to purchase Amul Mil& .
Aalysis of Mothly %come of the Respodets
Mothly icome No. of respodets 7erceta!e K
;elo# <((( :) :)
<((9*9(((( :( :(
9(((9*9<((( '9 '9
9<((9 8 a$o0e 99 99
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es6 Primar8 Data
#able )o6 A.7
$)#!"P"!#&#$') @
As per the data :)K of the respodets ear per moth $elo# <(((, :(K of
the respodets ear <((9 to 9((((, '9K of the respodets ear a$o0e 9(((9 to
9<(((. 99K of the respodets ear 9<((( 8 a$o0e. 1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca
coclude that ma/ority of the respodetsD mothly icome !roup of $elo# <((( ad
more tha <((( to 9((((.
G"&P( )'6 A.7
P."(&S$)G %&#'"6
%detificatio of 0arious factors plays a 0ital role i cosumer $eha0ior
study. The 0arious factors such as "uality, price easy a0aila$le etc. is iflueci! lot
ad iflueces positi0ely. The follo#i! data re0eals ho# 0arious factors are
iflueci! to $uyi! of Amul Mil& ad Mil& products#

Anal%sis o &actors to 'u% AM() Mil*
&actors +o# o ,espondents Percentage -
.ualit% /0 /0
'rand image 20 20
Price 20 20
1as% availa!ilit% 1" 1"
Others +il +il
2otal 100 100
3 Source: Primary Data
Graph )o. A.>
:)K of respodets $uyi! AMUL Mil& for its .ood Auality, ')K of
respodets use for its ;ad Name,'(K of its 7rice cosideratio, 9>K of its easy
a0aila$ility of respodets $uyi! AMUL Mil& 8 Mil& products.
"espondents onsumption Jualit86
3osumptio "uality is 0aryi! #ith 0arious respodets. Some of customer
they $uy less "uatity ad some them hu!e "uatity depeds upo re"uiremet ad
um$er of people i their houses. The data is collected to &o# the 0arious
cosumptio patters.
&nal8sis of onsumption of &4erage Mil2 per Da8
3osumptio No. of Respodets 7erceta!e -K2
9 Litre =( =(
'*> Litre 9( 9(
More tha > Litres '( '(
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es6 Primar8 Data
#able no6 A.A
Graph no.A.A
=(K of the respodets are cosumi! oe litre per day. 9(K of the
respodets are cosumi! t#o to four litres per day. '(K of the respodets are
cosumi! more tha four litres per day.
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that ma/ority of the respodets #ere
cosumi! oe litre per day.
P."(&S! D."&#$') @
Repeat purchase #ill help to &o# #hat customer loyalty to#ards Amul Mil& 8
mil& products. 4he cosumer repeatedly purchases the product, it is uderstood
that they are satisfied #ith the products. The follo#i! data sho# the 0arious
statuses of the respodets.
Aalysis of 7urchase Duratio of the AMUL Mil&
Duratio No. of Respodets 7erceta!e -K2
? Moths (< (<
9*' Years 9< 9<
:*> Years '( '(
More tha > years ?( ?(
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es6 Primar8 Data
#able no6 A.@
$)#!"P"!#&#$') @
As per the data !athered, out of 9(( respodets, (<K of the respodets
$uyi! sice last si5 moths, 9<K of the respodets from oe to t#o years, '( K of
the respodets from three to four years, ?(K of the respodets $uyi! AMUL Mil&
8 Mil& products from more tha four years.
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that ma/ority of the respodets
cosumi! AMUL Mil& 8 Mil& products more tha four years.
Graph no: 5.6
'P$)$') #'-&"DS P"'D.# @
The $eha0iour of users after his commitmet to a product has $ee collected
#ith respect product ad terms of satisfactio #ith rati! scale. The follo#i! are the
data o$taied related to AMUL Mil&.
&nal8sis of "ating towards &M.+ Mil2.
Rati!s No. of Respodets 7erceta!e -K2
E5cellet '< '<
.ood >) >)
A0era!e '' ''
7oor (< (<
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:e6 Primar8 Data
#able no6 A.D
'<K of the respodets rated that AMUL Mil& 8 Mil& products are E5cellet.
>)K of the respodets rated as !ood, ''K of the respodets rated as A0era!e
Auality. (<K of the respodets rated that AMUL Mil& 8 Mil& products are 7oor.
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that ma/ority of the respodets rated
AMUL Mil& 8 Mil& products are of .ood Auality.
Graph no.A.D
1&+.! %'" #(! M')!* $
3osumers al#ays thi& #hile payi! price to the products such as ho# much
#e are payi! to#ards products ad ho# much #e are !etti!. This data is !athered
to &o# #hat 0alue they are recei0i! from the AMUL Mil&.
Aalysis of 6alue for Moey 7aid $y the Respodets
Respose No. of Respodets 7erceta!e -K2
Yes +? +?
No (> (>
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es6 Primar8 Data
#able no6 A.8
$)#!"P"!#&#$') @
+?K of the respodets feel that they !et the 0alue for moey they paid. Oly
(>K of the respodets feel that they are ot !etti! the 0alue for moey #hat they
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that ma/ority of the respodets are
a!reed that they are !etti! the 0alue for moey they paid.
Graph no6 A.8
$)%+.!)! #' '#(!" #' 5.* P"'D.#S6
7ost e5periece 8 $eefits #ill help or!aiCatio i o$taii! the additioal
sale. % this coectio feed$ac& its act as a ifluece to others to adopt the
product the user sur0ey has coducted to idetify #hat a e5tet user recommeds
to others. The data has $ee e5tracted 8 it is as follo#s.
&nal8sis of "e:ommendations
Recommeded No. of Respodets 7erceta!e -K2
Yes += +=
No (: (:
Total 9(( 9((
Sour:es6 Primar8 Data
#able no6 A.9
$)#!"P"!#&#$') @
+=K of the respodets #ere recommeded Amul mil& ad, (:K of the
respodets #ere ot recommeded Amul mil& ad products to others.
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that ma/ority of the respodets #ere
recommeded Amul mil&.
Ta$le o@ <.+
+=K of the respodets #ere satisfies #ith the AMUL Mil&. (:K of the
respodets #ere ot satisfies #ith the AMUL Mil&.
1rom the a$o0e ta$le #e ca coclude that ma/ority of the respodets #ere
satisfied #ith the AMUL Mil&.
1irst % #ould li&e to preset my sur0ey fidi!s. The mai fidi!s of my sur0ey are
as follo#s@
9. %t is fidi!s i the sur0ey that females are the mai decisio ma&er for the mil&. As
per the data, ?<K of female ad :<K of male ma&es purchase decisio.
'. ;ased o the occupatio of the customer, it is foud i the sur0ey that ?<K are the
house#i0es ad :<K are from 0arious occupatios such as a $usiessma,
employee etc for the Amul Mil&.
:. %comes less tha <((( to 9(((( are more attracted to Amul Mil&. As per the data,
=+K of the respodetsD icome is uder this !roup.
>. The mai purchasi! factors for the Amul Mil& are Auality ad ;rad ima!e. The
data re0eals that >'K iflueces o Auality ad :'K iflueced for the ;rad.
<. ))K of the total respodets are usi! product sice from a lo! time. The ma/ority
of the respodets are usi! Amul Mil& 8 Mil& products from more tha : years.
?. +?K the respodets thi& that purchasi! Amul mil& is 0alue for the moey i.e.
Amul mil& is 0alua$le product for them.
=. %t is foud i the sur0ey that customer are iflueci! throu!h 4ord of Mouth.
9. Mil& purchasi! decisios are more decided $y #ome rather tha male, $ecause
she act as a i0i!ilator, e5ecute her decisio ad ifluece the same to the purchase
#hile ascertaii! the "uality, freshess ad price. Hece, % su!!est .3MM1 to
cocetrate more o the #ome ad me su!!estios for desi!i! the mar&eti!
strate!y, $ecause #omeDs role i the house is domiat, e0e i the 0arious
'. Occupatio of the user iflueces the purchase decisios. The particular occupatio
plays a 0ital role i decidi! the product or ser0ices. 4ome se!met are iflueci!
more o mil&. Therefore, a occupatio is the factor iflueci! the product.
:. %come of the people decides the purchasi! po#er. The hi!h icome prefers to
purchase product #ith the "uality, freshess, thic&ess, etc. ad 0ice 0ersa. So %
su!!est Amul to cocetrate also o lo# icome se!met to capture mar&et ad
positio themsel0es i the mids of the customer #ith re"uired "uality ad "uality
>. Sice Amul is ha0i! loyal customers ad therefore should cocetrate more o this
factor throu!h 0arious potetial pro!rammes such as campai!, premium pac&s,
offers etc., this helps to icrease the loyalty to#ards the Amul products.
<. Mil& is ha0i! hi!h demad ad it is cosidered as a 0ery essetial products. %
preset practice, purchase of mil& is throu!h dealers. % this coectio dealers
approach to#ards the product.
?. 3ustomer is ifluetial, hece % su!!est Amul to loo& after the dealers issue #ith due
=. 4he product possesses "uality ad other importat attri$utes aturally they
propa!ada a$out product throu!h #ord of mouth ad 0ice 0ersa. Therefore if the
"uality ad attri$utes are fie tued accordi! to the eeds #ill help the Amul to !et
reputatio ad additio mar&et.
). %troductio of 0arious ecoomic products lies may help Amul to attract the e5isti!
ad e# customers ad may attract all icome le0el !roups. Hece % su!!est
maa!emet to itroduce e# product lie #hich ca satisfy the etire !roup.
')+.S$') @*
1rom the sur0ey coducted it is o$ser0ed that Amul mil& has a !ood mar&et
1rom the study coducted the follo#i! coclusios ca $e dra#. % order
the dreams comes ito reality ad for turi! lia$ilities ito assets oe must
ha0e to meet the eeds of the customers.
The factors cosidered $y the customer $efore purchasi! mil& are freshess,
taste, thic&ess ad a0aila$ility.
1ially % coclude that, ma/ority of the customers are satisfied #ith the Amul
mil& ad Mil& products $ecause of its !ood "uality, reputatio, easy
a0aila$ilities. Some customers are ot satisfied #ith the Amul Mil& $ecause of
hi!h price, lac& of dealer ser0ices, spoila!e ad lo# shelf life etc. therefore, if
sli!ht modificatio i the mar&eti! pro!ramme such as dealers ad outlets,
promotio pro!rammers, product lies etc., defiitely compay ca $e as a
moopoly ad stro! mar&et leader.
Amul has also to ta&e care of its competitors ito cosideratio ad more importatly
its customers $efore ma&i! ay mo0e.
S-'# &)&+*S$S '% &M.+ M$+,6-
6ery efficiet distri$utio chael.
;rad ame.
Trust of the ed users.
Shelf life of the products.
Auality of the product.
Relatioship #ith the distri$utor.
No supply as per demad.
1rom Natioal 8 Local players@*
3apture the mar&et #here supply of mil& is il.
Mar&eti! Maa!emet 7hilip Hotler, The Milleium Editio, 7retice Hall
Of %dia 7ri0ate Limited, Ne# Delhi.
7eriodical@ ;usiess 4orld
Research Methodolo!y@ 3.R.Hothari , '
S.N Murty ad U ;ho/aa
4e$site Address@
Dear SirMMadam,
% am coducti! a sur0ey etitled /onsumer 5eha4ior G Satisfa:tion.C
7lease !i0e your 0alua$le iformatio, your iformatio #ill $e &ept cofidetial ad
#ill $e used oly for academic purpose.
Roha Roy Samuel
7.DM >
92 4hich do you cosumeB
a. 7ouch mil&
$. Loose mil&
c. ;oth
'2 Are you satisfied #ith the mil& you are cosumi!B
a2 Yes
$2 No
:2 4hat do you li&eB
a2 Auality $2 Taste
c2 7rice d2 A0aila$ility
>2 Do you !et mil& pouch atQQQQ..
$2 1rom retailer
<2 Total cosumptio of mil& i a dayB
a2 7ouch mil& i litreQQ
$2Loose mil& i litreQQ
?2 Your mothly e5pediture i mil& -i Rs.2B
$2 '((*:((
c2 :((*>((
d2 >((*<((
e2 A$o0e <((
=2 % pouch mil& #hich $rad do you preferB
$2 Sachi
c2 Disha#
d2 6eus
e2 7a#a
)2 4hy you prefer this $radM due toQQQQ..
a2Auality $2 Taste
c2 7rice d2 A0aila$ility
+2 %f you $uy AMUL mil& pouch #hich pac& you purchaseB
a2 AMUL .old
$2 AMUL TaaCa
c2 AMUL Slim 8 Trim
9(24hat is the reaso for $uyi!M ot $uyi! AMULB
992 4hat are your su!!estioM e5pectatios from AMULB
9'2Ho# do you scale your pouch mil&B
g4 5hat si6e o the mil* pac*ets do %ou preer to store7
1# 280 ml
2# 800ml
/# 1 lit
"# 8 lit
i) Which is the most prefferd milk brand that you stock?
1. Amul
2. Nandini
3. Britania
4. Nestle
eference! http!"""$hread%amul%&uestionnaire'i())2*W+,-.&/

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