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As a Student of B.B.A. (Hons.) 16

Batch, the survey on customer
satisfaction on Britania has been provide to me by my department, under
the guidance of Miss. evagya Shrivastava.
! conducted this "or# in Sagar $ity. !t presents synoptic revie" the
research methodo%ogy. &b'ective, %imitations and suggestions regarding
the e(isting product. A fie%d survey "as conducted "ith the he%p of
)uestionnaire and persona% intervie" in Sagar $ity.
*he main aim of this survey is to #no" about the %eve% of constomer
satisfaction regarding Britania in Sagar $ity. it a%so inc%udes product
uti%ity. +eop%e behavior, Satisfaction, imagination, company po%icies and
customer prob%ems.
*his Survey is made to ans"er the e(pose above motioned topies
through statistica% representation, pie diagram and graphs.
B.B.A IInd Semester
+reparing a pro'ect of this nature is an arduous tas# and ! "as fortunate
enough to get support from a %arge number o persons. ! "ish to e(press my deep
sense of gratitude to a%% those "ho generous%y he%ped in successfu% comp%etion of this
report by sharing their inva%uab%e time and #no"%edge.
!t is my proud and previ%edge to e(press my deep regards to ,espected H&
r.-.S. *ha#ur , Head of epartment, Miss evagya Shrivastava epartment of
Business Management , r. Hari Singh .our /niversity Sagar for a%%o"ing me to
underta#e this pro'ect.
! fee% e(treme%y e(hi%arated to have comp%eted this pro'ect under the ab%e and
inspiring guidance of Miss evagya Shrivastava she rendered me a%% possib%e he%p
me guidance "hi%e revie"ing the manuscript in fina%ising the report.
! a%so e(tend my deep regards to my teachers , fami%y members , friends and
a%% those "hose encouragement has infused courage in me to comp%ete to "or#
B.B.A IInd Semester

ate 0
! dec%are that the pro'ect report tit%ed " BRITANNIA" on Mar#et
Segmentation is nay o"n "or# conducted under the supervision of Miss Devagya
Shrivastava epartment of Business Management r. Hari Singh .our $entra%
/niersity Sagar *o the best of my #no"%edge the report does not contain any "or# ,
"hich has been submitted for the a"ard of any degree , any"here.
B.B.A II Semester
*he pro'ect report tit%ed "BRITANNIA" been prepared by MR.
PRAMOD KURMI BBA !!nd Semester , !!nd Batch under the guidance and
supervision of Miss Devagya Shrivastava for the partia% fu%fi%%ment of the egree of
Signatre !" the Signatre !" the Signatre !" the
S#ervis!r $ead !" the
1. Preface
Declaration of the Candidate
5. Introduction of Britania
6. History of Britania
Scope of the Study
8. Limitation of the Study
Research ethodology
arket Segmentation
Company Comparison
Data analysis ! Interpretation
Swot Analysis of Britania
Suggestions ! Recommendation
%&%C'(I)% S'AR*
After going thick on the things+ now time is to make a complete picture, -hile making a
product a S.' /stock keeping unit0 of the shop retailers think a#out the 1R2I /gross
margin return on in3estment0 and they promote the #rand which pro3ides them highest, (hey
e4pect return in the form of profit margin+ company schemes+ window display and reference
of the shop, Among these+ company schemes make the difference and are the highest sources
of moti3ation after profit margin, Retailing demands a constant push from the company,
arketer needs to use ad3ertising and #rand #uilding strategies to address the discerning
#uyers and retail push to in different #uyers, (he manufacturer should understand consumer
#eha3ior #ecause retailers can5t help 6uality and price, It is only up to manufacturers to
deli3er what consumer wants, I need to stress on it #ecause 789 retailers said that it is
demand why they sell Britannia, :;9 agree that at retail shop it is #rand popularity+ which
determine the purchase of #iscuit, (here is a greater need to understand the retailer #eha3ior,
Considering them as a team+ working for the company may help them to #e attached to the
company, (here should #e a feeling of #elonging to the company in inner of the retailers,
(his can #e done #y setting 3alues clu# for retailers so that they may e4change 3iews with
the company and help in understanding consumer #eha3ior,
Britannia Industries Limited
Tye Pri3ate
!ounded ;8<=
.olkata and Bangalore> R!D
Chennai+ India
Num$er o%
?@@ stores /=@@@0
(rea ser)ed India
*ey eo&e
Ausli -adia+ Chairman
s, )inita Bali+ /anaging
Industry "ood
Biscuits *iger+ Britannia+
,e)enue B Rs =+=@@ crore
DAA2A%+ .ala#akan
-adia 1roup+
Associated Biscuits Intl, Holdings
1e$site www,#ritannia,co,in
(he story of one of IndiaCs fa3orite #rands reads almost like a fairy tale, 2nce upon a time+ in
;8<= to #e precise+ a #iscuit company was started in a nondescript house in Calcutta /now
.olkata0 with an initial in3estment of Rs, =<7, (he company we all know as Britannia today,
(he #eginnings might ha3e #een hum#leDthe dreams were anything #ut, By ;<;@+ with the
ad3ent of electricity+ Britannia mechaniEed its operations+ and in ;<=;+ it #ecame the first
company east of the SueE Canal to use imported gas o3ens, BritanniaCs #usiness was
flourishing, But+ more importantly+ Britannia was ac6uiring a reputation for 6uality and
3alue, As a result+ during the tragic -orld -ar II+ the 1o3ernment reposed its trust in
Britannia #y contracting it to supply large 6uantities of Fser3ice #iscuitsF to the armed
As time mo3ed on+ the #iscuit market continued to growG and Britannia grew along with it,
In ;<H7+ the Britannia Biscuit Company took o3er the distri#ution of #iscuits from ParryCs
who till now distri#uted Britannia #iscuits in India, In the su#se6uent pu#lic issue of ;<H8+
Indian shareholding crossed :@9+ firmly esta#lishing the Indianness of the firm, (he
following year+ Britannia Biscuit Company was reDchristened Britannia Industries Limited
/BIL0, "our years later in ;<8?+ it crossed the Rs, ;@@ crores re3enue mark,
2n the operations front+ the company was making e6ually dynamic strides, In ;<<=+ it
cele#rated its Platinum Iu#ilee, In ;<<H+ the company un3eiled its new corporate identity D
F%at Healthy+ (hink BetterF D and made its first foray into the dairy products market, In ;<<<+
the FBritannia .hao+ -orld Cup IaoF promotion further fortified the affinity consumers had
with CBrand BritanniaC,
Britannia strode into the =;st Century as one of IndiaCs #iggest #rands and the preDeminent
food #rand of the country, It was e6ually recogniEed for its inno3ati3e approach to products
and marketingJ the Lagaan atch was 3oted IndiaCs most successful promotional acti3ity of
the year =@@; while the delicious Britannia 7@D7@ askaDChaska #ecame IndiaCs most
successful product launch, In =@@=+ BritanniaCs Aew Business Di3ision formed a Koint
3enture with "onterra+ the worldCs second largest Dairy Company+ and Britannia Aew
Lealand "oods P3t, Ltd, was #orn, In recognition of its 3ision and accelerating graph+ "or#es
1lo#al rated Britannia C2ne amongst the (op =@@ Small Companies of the -orldC+ and (he
%conomic (imes pegged Britannia IndiaCs =nd ost (rusted Brand,
(oday+ more than a century after those tentati3e first steps+ BritanniaCs fairy tale is not only
going strong #ut #laEing new standards+ and that miniscule initial in3estment has grown #y
leaps and #ounds to crores of rupees in wealth for BritanniaCs shareholders, (he companyCs
offerings are spread across the spectrum with products ranging from the healthy and
economical (iger #iscuits to the more lifestyleDoriented ilkman Cheese, Ha3ing succeeded
in garnering the trust of almost oneDthird of IndiaCs one #illion populations and a strong
management at the helm means Britannia will continue to dream #ig on its path of
inno3ation and 6uality, And millions of consumers will sa3or the results+ happily e3er after,
,ESE(,2" 3ET"-4-L-56
Research methodology is considered as the ner3e of the proKect, -ithout a proper wellD
organiEed research plan+ it is impossi#le to complete the proKect and reach to any conclusion,
(he proKect was #ased on the sur3ey plan, (he main o#Kecti3e of sur3ey was to collect
appropriate data+ which work as a #ase for drawing conclusion and getting result,
T7ere%ore8 research methodology is the way to systematically sol3e the research pro#lem,
Research methodology not only talks of the methods #ut also logic #ehind the methods used
in the conte4t of a research study and it e4plains why a particular method has #een used in
the preference of the other methods
,esear'7 desi9n:
Research design is important primarily #ecause of the increased comple4ity in the market as
well as marketing approaches a3aila#le to the researchers, In fact+ it is the key to the
e3olution of successful marketing strategies and programmers, It is an important tool to
study #uyer5s #eha3ior+ consumption pattern+ #rand loyalty+ and focus market changes, A
research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study,
According to .erlinger+ MResearch Design is a plan+ conceptual structure+ and strategy of
in3estigation concei3ed as to o#tain answers to research 6uestions and to control 3ariance,
Tyes o% resear'7 are:
4es'riti)e ,esear'7
(he type of research adopted for study is descripti3e, Descripti3e studies are undertaken in
many circumstances when the researches is interested to know the characteristic of certain
group such as age+ se4+ education le3el+ occupation or income, A descripti3e study may #e
necessary in cases when a researcher is interested in knowing the proportion of people in a
gi3en population who ha3e in particular manner+ making proKections of a certain thing+ or
determining the relationship #etween two or more 3aria#les, (he o#Kecti3e of such study is
to answer the Mwho+ what+ when+ where and howN of the su#Kect under in3estigation, (here is
a general feeling that descripti3e studies are factual and 3ery simple, (his is not necessarily
true, Descripti3e study can #e comple4+ demanding a high degree of scientific skill on part of
the researcher,
Descripti3e studies are well structured, An e4ploratory study needs to #e fle4i#le in its
approach+ #ut a descripti3e study in contrast tends to #e rigid and its approach cannot #e
changed e3ery now and then, It is therefore necessary+ the researcher gi3e sufficient thought
to framing research,
;uestions and de'idin9 t7e tyes of data to #e collected and the procedure to #e used in
this purpose, Descripti3e studies can #e di3ided into two #road categoriesJ Cross Sectional
and Longitudinal Sectional, A cross sectional study is concerned with a sample of elements
from a gi3en population, (hus+ it may deal with household+ dealers+ retail stores+ or other
entities, Data on a num#er of characteristics from sample elements are collected and
analyEed, Cross sectional studies are of two typesJ "ield study and Sur3ey, Although the
distinction #etween them is not clearD cut+ there are some practical differences+ which need
different techni6ues and skills, "ield studies are e4DpostDfactor scientific in6uiries that aim at
finding the relations and interrelations among 3aria#les in a real setting, Such studies are
done in li3e situations like communities+ schools+ factories+ and organiEations,
Another type of cross sectional study is sur3ey result+ which has #een taken #y me, A maKor
strength of sur3ey research is its wide scope, Detail information can #e o#tained from a
sample of large population ,Besides> it is economical as more information can #e collected
per unit of cost, In addition+ it is o#3ious that a sample sur3ey needs less time than a census
in6uiry, Descripti3e research includes sur3ey and fact finding en6uiries of different kinds of
the maKor purpose, Descripti3e research is description of the state of affairs+ as it e4ists at
present, (he main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control o3er the
3aria#les> he can only report what has happened or what is happening, (he methods of
research utiliEed in descripti3e research are sur3ey methods of all kinds including
comparati3e and co relational methods, (he reason for using such needs to #e fle4i#le in its
approach+ #ut a descripti3e study in contrast tends to #e rigid and its approach cannot #e
changed e3ery now and then,
4ata 'o&&e'tion met7ods:
Data can #e o#tained from primary or secondary sources, Primary data refer to
information o#tained #y the researcher on the 3aria#les of interest for specific
purpose of the study, Secondary data refer to information gathered from sources
already e4isting+ while discussing literature sur3ey, Some of the e4amples of
secondary data are company records or archi3es+ go3ernment pu#lications+ industry
analysis offered #y the media+ we#sites+ the Internet+ and so on, In some cases+ the
en3ironment or particular settings and e3ents may themsel3es #e sources of data+ as
for e4ample+ studying the layout of a plant, Considering the research pro#lem and
research methods defined+ only secondary data was collected in this research,
Se'ondary 4ata O Secondary data are indispensi#le for most organiEational
research, Secondary data refer to information gathered #y someone other than the
researcher conducting the current study, Such data can #e internal or e4ternal to the
organiEation and accessed through the internet or perusal of recorded or pu#lished
information, Secondary data can #e used+ among other things+ for forecasting sales #y
constructing models #ased on past sales figures+ and through e4trapolation, (here are
se3eral sources of secondary data+ including #ooks and priodicals+ 1o3t, pu#lications
of economic indicators+ census data+ statistical a#stracts+ and data #ases the media+
annual reports of companies+ etc, Case studies and other archi3al records sources of
secondary data pro3ide a lot of information for research and pro#lem sol3ing, Such
data are+ as we ha3e seen+ mostly 6ualitati3e in nature, Also included in secondary
sources are schedules maintained for or #y key personnel in organiEations+ the desk
calendar or e4ecuti3e+ and speeches deli3ered #y them, uch of such internal data+
though+ could #e proprietary and not accessi#le to all,
(he ad3antage of seeking secondary data sources is sa3ings in time and costs of
ac6uiring information, Howe3er secondary data as the sole source of information as
the draw#ack of #ecoming o#solete+ and not meeting the specific needs of a
particular situation or setting, Hence+ it is important to refer to sources that offer
current and up to date information,
Secondary data in this research was collected through 3arious forms+ company5s
profile+ we#sites and 3arious literature studies,
S1-T (N(L6SIS -! B,IT(NNI(

"ulfill one of our Basic
Re6uirement among Air + -ater +
"ood+ Shelter
-idely accepted in all 1enerations
%asily a3aila#le in 3arious forms
Pro3ide good Instant Remedy for
hunger in the form of readymade
Preser3es the non seasonal food
and makes it a3aila#le all
throughout the year

Decreases nutritional 3alue
Increases the cost of food product
Industry and technology re6uires
high in3estment
Regular usage of processed food
can cause alteration in health

Increase economy of India
1enerate employment opportunity
1ood 6uality of 1oods
Pro3ide competition to foreign
Impro3e li3ing standard
Pro3ide goods to nation at cheaper
Inflow of foreign reser3e and funds
for the go3t,/ta4es0

any companies are result oriented
Increase in pollution
Sometimes pro3ide poor 6uality of
product for more profit
Lack of technology
'na#le to utiliEe all the resources
o (he 1enesis D Britannia esta#lished with an in3estment of Rs, =<7 in .olkata
o Ad3ent of electricity sees operations mechaniEed
o Imported machinery introduced> Britannia #ecomes the first company %ast of
the SueE to use gas o3ens
1939 = 44
o Sales rise e4ponentially to Rs,;:+=H+=@= in ;<?<
o During ;<PP sales ramp up #y more than eight times to reach Rs,;,?: crore
o Britannia Biscuit Company takes o3er #iscuit distri#ution from ParryCs
o Pu#lic issue D Indian shareholding crosses :@9
o ReDchristened Britannia Industries Ltd, /BIL0
o Sales cross Rs,;@@ crore
o (he %4ecuti3e 2ffice relocated to Bangalore
o BIL cele#rates its Platinum Iu#ilee
o -adia 1roup ac6uires stake in ABIL+ '. and #ecomes an e6ual partner with
1rouped DAA2A% in BIL
o )olumes cross ;+@@+@@@ tons of #iscuits
o ReD#irth D new corporate identity C%at Healthy+ (hink BetterC leads to new
missionJ Cake e3ery third Indian a Britannia consumerC
o BIL enters the dairy products market
o FBritannia .hao -orld Cup IaoF D a maKor successQ Profit up #y ?H9
o "or#es 1lo#al Ranking D Britannia among (op ?@@ small companies
o BIL ranked one of IndiaCs #iggest #rands
o Ao,; food #rand of the country
o Britannia Lagaan atchJ IndiaCs most successful promotional acti3ity of the
o aska ChaskaJ IndiaCs most successful "C1 launch
o BIL launches Koint 3enture with "onterra+ the worldCs second largest dairy
o Britannia Aew Lealand "oods P3t, Ltd, is #orn
o Rated as C2ne amongst the (op =@@ Small Companies of the -orldC #y "or#es
o %conomic (imes ranks BIL IndiaCs =nd ost (rusted Brand
o Pure agic D-inner of the -ordStar+ Asia star and India star award for
o C(reat DuetCD most successful launch of the year
o Britannia .hao -orld Cup Iao rocks the consumer li3es yet again
o Britannia accorded the status of #eing a CSuper #randC
o )olumes cross ?+@@+@@@ tons of #iscuits
o 1ood Day adds a new 3ariant D Choconut D in its range
o ReD#irth of (iger D CSwasth .hao+ (iger Ban IaoC #ecomes the popular chantQ
o Britannia launched C1reetingsC range of premium assorted gift packs
o (he new plant in 'ttaranchal+ commissioned ahead of schedule,
o (he launch of yet another e4citing snacking option D Britannia 7@D7@ Pepper
o Britannia industries formed a Koint 3enture with the .himKi Ramdas 1roup
and ac6uired a H@ percent #eneficial state in the Du#aiD#ased Strategic "oods
International Co, LLC and :7,P9 in the 2manD#ased Al Sallan "ood
Industries Co, SA21,
o Britannia launched Iron fortified C(iger BananaC #iscuits+ C1ood Day Classic
CookiesC+ Low "at Dahi and reno3ated Carie1oldC,
4r. N Ba&asu$ramanian
4r *.B 27andras7e<7ar
3r. (r>un 3a&7otra
+ro%. ?a9dis7 S7et7
4r. Srid7ar 3itta
Name 4esi9nation
r, Ausli Ae3ille -adia Chairman
s, )inita Bali anaging Director
r, A,.,HirKee Director
Dr, AKai Puri Director
r, A3iKit De# Director
r, Ieh A -adia Director
r, .eki Dadiseth Director
r, Aimesh A .ampani Director
r, Pratap .hanna Director
r, S,S,.elkar Director
HIS(2R* 2" BISC'I(
Sweet or salty, Soft or crunchy, Simple or e4otic, %3ery#ody lo3es munching on #iscuits+ #ut
do they know how #iscuits #eganR
(he history of #iscuits can #e traced #ack to a recipe created #y the Roman chef Apicius+ in
which Fa thick paste of fine wheat flour was #oiled and spread out on a plate, -hen it had
dried and hardened it was cut up and then fried until crisp+ then ser3ed with honey and
(he word CBiscuitC is deri3ed from the Latin words CBisC /meaning CtwiceC0 and CCoctusC
/meaning cooked or #aked0, (he word CBiscottiC is also the generic term for cookies in
Italian, Back then+ #iscuits were unlea3ened+ hard and thin wafers which+ #ecause of their
low water content+ were ideal food to store,
As people started to e4plore the glo#e+ #iscuits #ecame the ideal tra3elling food since they
stayed fresh for long periods, (he seafaring age+ thus+ witnessed the #oom of #iscuits when
these were sealed in airtight containers to last for months at a time, Hard track #iscuits
/earliest 3ersion of the #iscotti and presentDday crackers0 were part of the staple diet of
%nglish and American sailors for many centuries, In fact+ the countries which led this
seafaring charge+ such as those in -estern %urope+ are the ones where #iscuits are most
popular e3en today, Biscotti is said to ha3e #een a fa3orite of Christopher Colum#us who
disco3ered AmericaQ
aking good #iscuits is 6uite an art+ and history #ears testimony to that, During the ;Hth and
;8th Centuries in %urope+ #aking was a carefully controlled profession+ managed through a
series of CguildsC or professional associations, (o #ecome a #aker+ one had to complete years
of apprenticeship D working through the ranks of apprentice+ Kourneyman+ and finally master
#aker, Aot only this+ the amount and 6uality of #iscuits #aked were also carefully monitored,
(he %nglish+ Scotch and Dutch immigrants originally #rought the first cookies to the 'nited
States and they were called teacakes, (hey were often fla3ored with nothing more than the
finest #utter+ sometimes with the addition of a few drops of rose water, Cookies in America
were also called #y such names as FKum#lesF+ FplunketsF and Fcry #a#iesF,
As technology impro3ed during the Industrial Re3olution in the ;<th century+ the price of
sugar and flour dropped, Chemical lea3ening agents+ such as #aking soda+ #ecame a3aila#le
and a profusion of cookie recipes occurred, (his led to the de3elopment of manufactured
Interestingly+ as time has passed and despite more 3arieties #ecoming a3aila#le+ the essential
ingredients of #iscuits ha3enCt changed D like CsoftC wheat flour /which contains less protein
than the flour used to #ake #read0 sugar+ and fats+ such as #utter and oil, (oday+ though they
are known #y different names the world o3er+ people agree on one thing D nothing #eats the
S!me interesting "a'ts !n the !rigin !" !ther "!rms !" (is'its)
(he recipe for o3al shaped cookies /that are also known as #oudoir #iscuits+ sponge #iscuits+
sponge fingers+ Aaples #iscuits and Sa3oy #iscuits0 has changed little in <@@ years and dates
#ack to the house of Sa3oy in the ;;th century "rance, Peter the 1reat of Russia seems to
ha3e enKoyed an o3alDshaped cookie called Flady fingersF when 3isiting Louis &) of "rance,
(he macaroon D a small round cookie with crisp crust and a soft interior D seems to ha3e
originated in an Italian monastery in ;H<= during the "rench Re3olution,
SPRIA1DuhrDlee+ ha3e #een traditional Christmas cookies in Austria and Ba3aria for
centuries, (hey are made from a simple egg+ flour and sugar dough and are usually
rectangular in shape, (hese cookies are made with a lea3ening agent called ammonium
car#onate and #aking ammonia,
(he inspiration for fortune cookies dates #ack to the ;=th and ;?th Centuries+ when Chinese
soldiers slipped rice paper messages into moon cakes to help coDordinate their defense
against ongolian in3aders,
Britannia in t7e 3idd&e=East
In arch =@@H+ Britannia Industries Limited formed a Ioint )enture with the .himKi Ramdas
1roup+ one of the largest and the most respected #usiness conglomerates in the iddle %ast,
Britannia and its Associates ha3e ac6uired a significant stake in Du#ai #ased Strategic "ood
International Co, LLC and 2man #ased Al Sallan "ood Industries Co SA21, (he two
companies are key regional players in the #iscuits+ wafers and cookies segment in the 1CC
markets and e4port their products across the world,
Strategic "ood International Co, LLC /S"IC0 is one of the largest #iscuit and wafer
manufacturing companies in the iddle %ast, An IS2 and HACCP certified company> S"IC
is also a proud winner of the Du#ai $uality Appreciation Certificate, It offers a wide
spectrum of products under the #rand Nutro+ which is a leading #iscuit #rand in the iddle
Al Sallan "ood Industries Co is one of the foremost companies for the production of cookies+
rolls and chocolates, (he products are well known under the #rand name of Ba<erAs +ride,
Britannia in Sri Lan<a
=<th August =@@8 goes down in the history of our company as the day+ when Britannia
started manufacturing and marketing its products in Sri Lanka, Apart from tapping new
markets and going international+ our company will afford many more families and
indi3iduals a chance to enKoy healthy+ nutritious and delightful products, %3en as we
na3igate foreign territories+ we affirm our purpose+ 3alues+ 3ision and goals in Sri LankaD to
help people enKoy life+ through healthy snacking+ and make this accessi#le to all people
anywhere+ e3erydayG
Products manufactured in Sri Lanka include the most popular ilk Bikis+ ilk Cream
Smileys+ )ita arie 1old+ Creams and Cookies,
2RI1IA 2" %A( H%AL(H* (HIA. B%((%R
Britannia Dthe C#iscuitC leader with a historyDhas withstood the tests of time, Part of the reason
for its success has #een its a#ility to resonate with the changes in consumer needsDneeds that
ha3e 3aried significantly across its ;@@S year epoch, -ith consumer democracy reaching
new le3els+ the one common thread to emerge in recent times has #een the shift in lifestyles
and a corresponding awareness of health, People are increasingly #ecoming conscious of
dietary care and its correlation to wellness and matching the new pace to their li3es with
impro3ed nutritional and dietary ha#its, (his new awareness has seen consumers seeking
foods that complement their lifestyles while offering con3enience+ 3ariety and economy+
o3er and a#o3e health and nutrition,
Britannia saw the writing on the wall, Its FSwasth .hao (an an IagaoF /%at Healthy+ (hink
Better0 reDposition directly addressed this new trend #y promising the new generation a
healthy and nutritious alternati3e D that was also delightful and tasty,
(hus+ the new logo was #orn+ encapsulating the core essence of Britannia D healthy+
nutritious+ and optimistic D and com#ining it with a delightful product range to offer 3ariety
and choice to consumers,
AR.%( ! AR.%(IA1 S(RA(%1*
arketing is a societal process #y which indi3iduals and groups o#tain what they need and
want through creating+ offering and freely e4changing products and ser3ices of 3alue with
others or otherwise it is the process of planning and e4ecuting the conception+ pricing+
promotion and distri#ution of ideas+ goods+ ser3ices to create e4changes that satisfy
indi3idual and organiEational goals,
3ar<etin9 Strate9y
arketing strategy is a set of o#Kecti3es+ policies and rules that leads the companyCs
marketing efforts, It is the marketing approach to accomplish the #read o#Kecti3e of the
marketing approach to accomplish the #read o#Kecti3e of the marketing plan, (he 3arious
process of marketing strategy is gi3en #elow,
;, Selecting largest markets segmentation
=, Positioning
?, Product
P, Price
7, Place
:, Promotion
H, Research and de3elopment
8, arketing research
1. 3ar<et se9mentation and se&e'tin9 tar9et mar<et
It is an effort to increase a companyCs precision marketing, (he starting point of any
segmentation discussion is mass marketing, In mass marketing+ the seller engaged in the
mass production+ mass distri#ution and mass promotion of one product for all #uyers,
arket segment consists of a large identifia#le group within a market with similar wants+
purchasing power geographical location+ #uying attitudes or #uying ha#its, It is an approach
midway #etween mass marketing and indi3idual marketing, (hrough this the choice of
distri#ution channels and communication channels #ecome much easier, (he researchers try
to form segments #y looking at consumer characteristics> geographic+ demographic+ and
psychographic, After segmenting the market then target market selected,
2. +ositionin9: = (he positioning is a creati3e e4ercise down with an e4isting product, (he
well known products generally hold a distincti3e position in consumerCs minds, (he
positioning re6uires that e3ery tangi#le aspect of product+ price+ place and promotion must
support the chosen positioning strategy, Company should de3elop a uni6ue selling
proposition /'SP0 for each #rand and stick to it+ PPL consistently promotes it5s DAP
fertiliEer #y Higher yield at lower cost, As companies increase the num#er of claims for their
#rand+ they risk dis#elief and a loss of clear positioning, In general a company must a3oid
four maKor positioning errors, (hose are under positioning o3er positioning+ confused
positioning and dou#tful positioning,
3. +rodu't: = A product is any offering that can satisfy a need or want, (he maKor types of
#asic offerings are goods+ ser3ices+ e4periences+ e3ents+ places+ properties+ organiEations+
information and ideas, (he company gi3es more importance in 6uality+ packaging+ ser3ices
etc, to satisfy the customers, (he product has its life cycle, (he product strategies are
modified in different stages of product life cycle,
4. +ri'e: = It is the most important aspect in companyCs point of 3iew, Price of the product
will #e decided #y the company according to the competitorCs price,
5. +&a'e: = (his plays a maKor role in the entire marketing system, (he company emphasis on
its distri#ution network, Proper distri#ution network gi3es proper a3aila#ility of the product,
1etting the right product to the right place at the right time in3ol3es the distri#ution system,
Distri#ution is the process of mo3ing goods and ser3ices to the places where they are
Channel Le3elsJ (he channel of distri#ution used #y Britannia isJ
Intensi3e Distri#utionJ As #iscuits need to reach the consumer at their nearest locations this
type of distri#ution channel is used, (his type of distri#ution helps when for products that are
categoriEed #y low in3ol3ement of the customer and where customer looks for location
6. +romotion: = Promotion is the one of the maKor aspects in marketing strategies, By
adopting 3arious promotional acti3ities the company create strong #rand image, It also helps
in increasing the #rand awareness, It includes ad3ertising+ sales promotions and pu#lic
relations etc,
Britannia works in close partnership to promote its #iscuits with retailers, Promotion costs
are shared with retailers, (he more retailers sell D the more Britannia is a#le to help them,
Britannia launches products that offer the company good returns+ supporting these through
#rand #uilding and le3eraging on its nationwide supply chain, Brand #uilding is an integral
part of Britannia5s marketing philosophy with continued promotions for its 3arious #rands
creating loyal customers in the process,
1ood Day+ FRichness is only one functional facet of 1ood Day, But there is also a large
emotional facet T that of spreading happiness, (his #ecame the plank on which 1ood Day
#egan to #e ad3ertised, Also with traditional notions of health changing+ rich foods are not
necessarily looked at as #eing unhealthy, F1ood Day is full of nuts and is rich #ut it is also
good for health, So+ they created the S"asth #ao, tan man 'agao /%at healthy+ energiEe #ody
and mind0 campaign,F
Sa&es romotion:
M%at Britannia+ 1o for -orld CupF was the theme adopted in ;<<< ,People #ought the #iscuit
packs and searched for the lucky scratch for flying to %ngland to see world Cup Cricket
match, (he sales #ounced ?H9 high on account of this strategy, (he scheme came ali3e
again during the world Cup atch in =@@=D=@@? in South Africa,
MLagaan D the super hit mo3ie F #rought fame to Britannia Biscuits also as P@@@@ #uyers of
Britannia Biscuit packs were in3ited to see and a small lucky group to play the game with
the mo3ie Stars of Lagan, -hat a no3el way to promote a product D a perception in correct
proportion indeedQQ
Aow+ recently promotional strategies are FIodi BanaoF 2ffer ! winning ideas of the
Monmatano Britannia pran #horano sharodiyaN contest like create a special flower
arrangement for dashmi, 1et all the women in your street together and make a huge+
ela#orate face of durga with flowers,
Britannia #rand is ad3ertised through hoardings on cricket grounds+ on highways+ through
image #uilding e4ercises like donations etc,
7. ,esear'7 and 4e)e&oment: = after testing+ the new product manager must de3elop a
preliminary marketing strategy plan for introducing the new product in to the market, (he
plan consists of three parts, (he first part descri#es the target marketCs siEe+ structure and
#eha3ior, (he second part outlines the planned price+ distri#ution strategy and marketing
#udget for the first year, (he third part of the de3elopment descri#es the long run sales and
profit goals and marketing mi4 strategy o3er time,
3(,*ETIN5 3IB
+rodu't +ri'e +romotion +&a'e
Product 3ariety List price Sales promotion Channels
$uality Discounts Ad3ertising Co3erage
Design Allowances Sales forces Assortments
"eatures Payment period Pu#lic relation Locations
Brand name Credit terms Direct marketing In3entory
Packaging (ransport
+,-4C2T LINE
As a mo3e to consolidate all the indi3idual Cream (reat offerings under a single um#rella+
Britannia launched (reat in =@@=, (reat has a range of tasty delights for all kids with yummy
creamy treasures within the #iscuit shells, (he kids ha3e always relished unra3eling the
irresisti#ly delicious creams hidden inside the #iscuit Britannia (reat offers a wide 3ariety of
fla3ors+ such as the %laichi+ the "ruit "la3ored Creams such as 2range+ Pineapple+ ango+
and Straw#erry+ the Iam "illed Centers under the Iim Iam range+ and the Duet Range
/#iscuits with two fla3ors of cream #etween three layers of #iscuit0 comprising Straw#erry
)anilla and Duet Straw#erry Chocolate,
Britannia (reat has now launched yet another mouth watering delight under its um#rella, (he
delicious "ruit RollE take the (reat #rand #eyond the cream #iscuits and pro3ides yet another
lip smacking delight to its consumersQ
!ruit ,o&&D are soft rolls filled with the goodness of real fruits+ and pro3ide a healthy yet
scrumptious treat to our Clo3ea#le de3ilsC (reat also introduced its
naughty and adora#le #rand mascot "'A(22SH whose primary
occupation is mischiefQ "'A(22SH is the guy who will pull off
any trick to make sure he gets to eat his Britannia (reatQ
"or all you kids+ who ha3e relished the yummy treasures of
Britannia (reat in e4citing fla3ors+ look out for yet another reason to
Britannia (reat launches a new and e4citing com#ination of chocolate and caramel in a
single #ar D (R%A( $H&$& .12&, (his uni6ue and ne3er #efore product is guaranteed to
dou#le the masti and dou#le the fun that you ha3e with (reat,
(reat Choco 1elo has #een launched nationally in August+ =@@H and is a3aila#le at an
attracti3e price of Kust Rs,7UD
So go ahead+ open this delicious pack+ indulge yourself with (reat $hoco .e%o and enKoy
-ummy $hoco%ate and .ooey $arame% for Foub%e Masti #a oub%e oseF
(iger+ launched in ;<<H+ #ecame the largest #rand in BritanniaCs portfolio in the 3ery first
year of its launch and continues to #e so till today, (iger has grown from strength to strength
and the reDin3igoration in Iune =@@7 and more recently+ in Apr =@@8 has further helped
#olster its growth in the highly competiti3e glucose #iscuit category,
(iger is a 1lucose #iscuit+ which comes with the added goodness of wheat and milk, It is for
modern mothers who play an ena#ling role for their children to compete in todayCs world and
thus want the #est, Aow (iger 1lucose has #een fortified with FIron LorF with an attempt
towards addressing the Iron Deficiency crisis the children of India face,
23er the years+ (iger has #ecome the massDmarket face of Britannia sym#oliEing fun and
energy in #oth ur#an and rural India+ and transcending glucose #iscuits,
Ti9er 2o'onutJ Delicious Coconut "la3ored %nergy Biscuits+ launched in =@@;
Ti9er 2reamsJ -as introduced in =@@= at Kust Rs 7 per pack, (iger Cream is now a3aila#le
in 2range+ %laichi+ Chocolate+ Pineapple+ Straw#erry and Butterscotch fla3ors+ and promises
to #ring more fun and more energy to children across the country,
27ota Ti9erJ Is an e4tension of #rand (iger launched nationally in ay+ =@@H, It is mini
siEed poppa#le glucose #iscuit with colored sugar sprinkling, It comes in two 3ariantsJ ilk
Sparkies and Choco Sparkies
Ti9er BananaJ Britannia is committed to help secure e3ery childCs
right to 1rowth ! De3elopment through good food e3ery day,
Purposefully taking forward the credo of C%at Healthy+ (hink Better C+
we ha3e launched a new 3ariant under our power #rand TI5E, =
TI5E, B(N(N( D power packed with I,-N E-, ! and with the
delightful taste of #anana,
I,-N E-, helps make mind sharper and #ody stronger, An Rs,P pack has as much I,-N
E-, as that in ; kg of Banana,
R!D in Britannia has spent considera#le time to de3elop this nutritious and delightful snack
for children,
Britannia Ti9er Banana packed with I,-N E-, and goodness of Banana is accessi#le to
all+ #eing a3aila#le in con3enient packs priced at Rs,=+ Rs,P and Rs,;@,
122D DA*
Britannia 1ood Day was launched in ;<8: in two delecta#le a3atars D 1ood Day Cashew and
Butter, 23er the years+ new 3ariants were introduced D 1ood Day Pista Badam in ;<8<+
1ood Day Chocochips in =@@@ and 1ood Day Coconut in =@@P,
(his rich #iscuit enKoys a fan following of consumers across all ages+ loyal to the #rand
promise of a great taste e3ident from the 3isi#ly a#undant ingredients, 1ood Day is amongst
the fastest growing #rands in BritanniaCs portfolio and is today the market leader with almost
=U? share of the market, (he #rand is synonymous with e3eryday treats that infuse happiness
into peopleCs daily li3es,
After two decades of magnificent success> it was time to gi3e the nation yet another reason
to ha3e a good day, A#undance+ goodness+ indulgence and now unrestrained Koy D that is the
message of this new campaign,
(he new (( ad is the uncontrolla#le e4pression of the ticket collectorCs happiness and Koy
that is stimulated #y consumption of the cookie that spreads cheer amongst the people
around him creating an atmosphere of shared Koy thatCs unorchestrated and straight from the
heart, (he cele#ration was taken to the IPL as 1ood day cheered along with a million cricket
fans in the stadiums+ each screaming and proclaiming FHo 1aya re 1ood DayF, (he daEEling
#rilliance of this %ndea3our+ the contagious rhythm needs to #e li3ed and spread through the
nation+ making CIs<a to7 7o 5aya ,e 5ood 4ayC a part of the common lingo and a way of
1ood Day truly #elie3es laughter and happiness are infectious+ it transcends race+ caste creed
unifying humanity in an inclusi3e emotion,
(he #rand perse3eres to infuse cheer+ hearten the nation and enli3en li3es, -ith its rightful
place on the front page of (he (imes of India+ 1ood Day gifts the nation a priceless treasure+
that of spreading I2*Q
(hick+ rich and delicious chocolate packed #etween two crunchy chocolate #iscuits+ topped
with sugar crystals D presenting+ the original Bour#on+ from the house of Britannia,
IndiaCs first and fa3orite Bour#onCs sweet ad3enture #egan in ;<77, Since then+ Bour#on
lo3ers across the country ha3e #een caught opening this chocolate couplet+ licking the cream+
and ni##ling at the meltDinDyourDmouth #iscuit+ #it #y #it, Some ha3e #een witnessed
chomping it whole+ at one go, Some ha3e #een noted to alternate it with sips of coffee>
others team it with lots of gossip and gupshup+ while a few ha3e #een o#ser3ed enKoying it
with a #ook,
And some ha3e #een seen reluctantly sharing their Bour#on,
-hate3er the occasion+ where3er the hangout+ Bour#on makes for great company, *ou can
gra# your 3ery own Aano Pack or a Pocket Pack, (he Hangout Pack is Kust right for chilling
with friends, (ake along a Party Pack for,,, yes+ a partyQ And the 1ift Pack will surely win
you a few #rownie pointsQ
7@ D7@
-ith a #rand name like 7@D7@+ can the product #e anything #ut funR Launched in ;<<?+ 7@D
7@ #elongs to the family of crackers and is considered the F3ery 3ery tasty tastyF snack,
Britannia 7@D7@ is the leader in its category with more than oneDthird of market share, (he
3ersatile and youthful #rand constantly aims to pro3ide a no3el and e4citing taste e4perience
to the consumer, As a result+ in =@@;+ the delicious aska Chaska was launched as a 3ariant
of the original #rand and #ecame an instant success,
BritanniaCs oldest #rand enKoys a heritage that spans the last 7@ years D and going strong, In a
market swamped with meDtoo products and where e3en the name CarieC has #ecome
generic+ Britannia arie 1old has maintained its stronghold, (oday+ the e3erDpopular arie
1old is synonymous with the C(ea (ime BiscuitC, Its taste+ crispiness and lightness make it a
must for e3ery tea #reak, It is the V; #rand in its category #y a long shot,
.ids may dislike drinking milk+ #ut they lo3e Britannia ilk BikisQ ilk Bikis has #een
trusted #y mothers as a source of growth energy of milk and their
loyalty to the #rand has made it an integral part of their childrenCs
nutrition regimen,
In ;<<:+ ilk Bikis launched a 3ariant called ilk Cream, (hese
round #iscuits come with smiley faces and are full of milk cream
that makes them 3ery popular with children, ilk Cream also
promoted the idea of Ceating milkC in a yummy way+ which makes mothers happy as well,
(o keep pace with the demands of the new generation and to #ring milk nutrition to the
masses in a delightful form+ ilk Bikis+ went one step further in the last 6uarter of =@@: in
pro3iding not Kust energy #ut Wde3elopmental fuel5 for children, -ith a uni6ue and attracti3e
honeycom# design and an enhanced product e4perience+ the new #iscuit is now fortified
with SAR( A'(RI%A(S O P 3ital 3itamins+ iron and iodine+ pro3en to aid mental and
physical de3elopment in growing kids,
In continuation of the promise of 3S"asth 4hao, *an Man 5agao,3 Britannia introduced
AutriChoice range of healthy #iscuits in ;<<8, (he #rand is targeted towards o3erall health
and wellness for adults,
(he range has for long comprised of three popular 3ariants+ namely AutriChoice (hin
Arrowroot+ AutriChoice Cream Cracker and AutriChoice Digesti3e,
Nutri27oi'e T7in (rro.root = (n a9e&ess '&assi'
%4tremely popular in %ast India for o3er P decades /"here it is affectionate%y referred to as
Britannia *heen0+ this #rand contains the #enefits of arrowroot known to aid digestion and
remo3e harmful to4ins from the #ody, Prior to ;<<8 it was #eing marketed as Britannia
Iaco#Cs (hin,
Nutri27oi'e 2ream 2ra'<er = (s nature .ou&d 7a)e .anted it to $e
Ask any #iscuit manufacturer and they will tell you how difficult it is to make this #iscuit+
especially with ne4t to nothing sugar+ with N- added colors and fla3orings for taste, It is this
neutral taste that makes it an ideal choice to #e consumed with hot #e3erages+ dips+ chutneys+
and accompaniments,
Nutri27oi'e 4i9esti)e = 4e&i97t%u&&y tasty and .7o&esome
ade with 7@9 wholeDwheat and packed with added fi#er /;@9 of our
daily dietary needs0+ these delightfully tasty #iscuits are amongst your
healthiest #ites of the day, In your ne4t 3isit to a shop Kust look out for
its 1oldenDgreen international pack,
In =@@H+ Nutri27oi'e Su9ar-ut was launched, AutriChoice Sugar2ut
is the most no3el product range to ha3e #een introduced in the market,
(he product is not Kust sweet #ut tastes great+ and yet contains no added sugar, It is
sweetened with FSucralose+F deri3ed from sugar+ which pro3ides the same sweetness as any
other #iscuit+ without the added calories of sugar,
(his range is a3aila#le in ? delicious 3ariants namely Li%etime8 27o'o&ate 2ream8 and
-ran9e 2ream+ targeted towards all health sensiti3e people, It is also rele3ant for
consumers with sugarD related ailments,
-e are confident that you will #e pleasantly surprised with the great tasting and healthy
range of AutriChoice, (ry one and youCll know that youC3e made one smart choice,
Nutri27oi'e 5 5rain
ost consumers #elie3e that to in order to stay healthy one needs to make certain
compromises on some good things in life, -hether it is missing that e4tra hour of sleep o3er
early morning e4ercise+ or eating unappetiEing foods o3er that e4tra oilDdripping samosa, At
the same time most of us agree that good nutrition cannot come from one kind of food alone+
#ut from a healthy com#ination U assortment of se3eral healthy ingredients put together,
Britannia AutriChoice 7 1rain Biscuits are a perfect answer to those looking for healthy
eating options without as much making a compromise on taste+ or con3enience+ or health,
Because Britannia AutriChoice 7 1rain #iscuits are made from 7 carefully chosen healthy
cereals /2ats that help reduce #ad cholesterol+ Corn which promotes heart health+ Ragi a
good source of #oth Calcium as well as "i#er+ Rice low in fat+ and -heat that pro3ides
wholesome energy0, (hese #iscuits are delicately sweetened with natural honey+ and come in
a uni6ue large o3al shape, It is this large siEe and the healthy com#ination of the ingredients
that make it an ideal hunger #uster for those inD#etween meals time hunger,
Britannia AutriChoice 7 1rain #iscuit pack contains se3eral small single ser3e pocket meals
packs+ so that one is ne3er far away from pacifying hunger on the mo3e, So whene3er you
miss your #reakfast+ or succum# to those unhealthy e3ening snacks+ you can relish the
goodness of health with Britannia AutriChoice 7 1rain #iscuits,
Nutri27oi'e 2&assi' Lite 2ra'<er D AutriChoice Crackers ha3e for long #een the healthy
choice of the discerning consumer, (he popular AutriChoice Cream Cracker has #een
impro3ed to make it crispier and tastier and #een rechristened as Autrichoice Classic Lite
Nutri27oi'e Nature Si'e 2ra'<er D Aow there is more choice for the discerning cracker
consumer, AutriChoice Aature Spice Crackers are delicately sprinkled with the goodness of
AKwain and Ieera, AKwain s #enefit with good digestion is legendary+ while each one of us
relishes the taste of Ieera, In addition @9 Sugar is added to these #iscuits which deli3er the
health promise that Autrichoice is known for,
AutriChoice Crackers are made #y using a special "R%SH BA.% (%CHA2L21*+ which
ensures that they are completely free from Cholesterol+ harmful (ransfats+ artificial
preser3ati3es+ colors and fla3ors, (hey come in an international metaliEed packaging+ which
ensures that the #iscuits retain ma4imum freshness till the time they are opened,
Before (ime pass+ BritanniaCs offering in the salted cracker category was Snacks, Launched
in ;<<<+ Snacks was promoted as a tastier #ase for toppings through edgy ad3ertising,
(hen in late =@@@+ supported #y aggressi3e ad3ertising that featured the #rand as a perfect
partner for time pass moments+ Britannia (ime pass was launched,
(he #rand 6uickly #ecame a leader in BritanniaCs portfolio and+ conse6uently+ Snacks was
re3amped as a lighter product and renamed Britannia (ime pass Classic Salted, (o further
the franchise of the (ime pass #rand+ a 3ariant CAimkeeC was introduced in the %astern
market in April =@@?+ and then taken nationwide after a fa3ora#le response, Iudging #y its
history+ the resounding success of Britannia (ime pass will continue to grow,
Little Hearts was launched in ;<<? and targeted the growing youth segment, A completely
uni6ue product+ it was the first time #iscuits were retailed in pouch packs like potato wafers,
(he launch message introduced a special taste e4perience that made the unlikeliest
characters D like Dracula and "rankenstein D melt, In ;<<H+ the CDirect Dil SeC campaign
encouraged youngsters to openly e4press their feelings, And in =@@?+ two 3ariants called
Little Hearts Chocolate and Little Hearts Sesame were rolled out with a campaign FDil sa#ka
actually sweet haiF, -ith Little Hearts+ Britannia has tasted the sweet taste of success,
AIC% (I%
Britannia Aice (ime was the pioneer of sugar sprinkled #iscuits in India, (his uni6ue
product managed to create such a strong consumer pull that soon there was a rush of
pretender products in the market+ clearly indicati3e of the success of the concept, (oday+
Aice (ime has a fan #ase spread across India+ and+ particularly+ %ast India+ where its
consumers ha3e grown up with the #rand, %specially popular amongst children+ Britannia
Aice (ime has managed to create a loyal franchise for itself and is a strong #rand lo3ed #y
people of all ages,
(ill ;<78+ there were no #reads in the organiEed sector and #read consumption was a ha#it
typified #y the British, (hen+ a mechaniEed #read unit was set up in Delhi with the name
FDel#isF which produced sliced #read and packed it under the Britannia name, (hus+
Britannia was not only the pioneer+ #ut also inculcated in the people of Delhi the ha#it of
eating white sliced #read,
(he um#ai unit came up in ;<:?+ and there again Britannia was the first #randed #read in
the city, "rom a company offering = packs D the P@@gm and the 8@@gm plain white sliced
#read D Britannia has e3ol3ed into a company offering == packs+ catering to a 3ariety of taste
and price segments in the #read consuming market, (he last couple of years also saw the
introduction of -hole -heat Bread as a part of F%at Healthy+ (hink BetterF credo,
Britannia entered the cake market in the year ;<:? and is the top player in the market,
Britannia Cakes range is di3inely scrumptious and has #oth Bar Cakes and Cup Cakes which
were launched in =@@7, Bar Cakes are a3aila#le in 3ariants that include "ruit+ Butter Sponge+
Chocolate+ Pineapple+ ilk+ )anilla Chocolate and 2range, Apart from #eing delicious+ these
snacks are packed with healthy ingredients making them wholesome ! delightful,
Britannia cup cakes come in 3anilla and orange fla3ors,
Britannia launched its rusks in the year =@@7, In a arket full of un#randed players+
Britannia rusks ha3e stood head and shoulders a#o3e the rest in terms of sheer 6uality ,(hey
are made from the finest ingredients and #aked with care as they are twice as crisper as and
tastier than ordinary rusks, (he communication for this mouthwatering offering is aptly
M%nli3en your spirits with Britannia rusks
Britannia #rings you CShu#h .aamnayeinC con3erting little moments of the festi3e season
into delightful memories
(he magical time of year+ is round the corner, Bring in this festi3e season reKoicing+ and
adding the glitter and glamour of cele#ration+ with Britannia CShu#h .aamnayeinC a range of
#iscuits+ premium cookies and cakes,
(he special edition for =@@8 CBritannia Premium Assorted CookiesC is all a#out surprises+ the
enchanting disco3ery of new tastes and inno3ati3e packaging, It offers you a#solutely
delightful cookies made with rich ingredients and fla3ors such as Cran#erry+ Butter Scotch+
Honey Raisin+ Choc Chips+ Coffee Almond+ Cashew+ Honey and Almond, (he much lo3ed
CBritannia Classic HampersC contain an assortment of BritanniaCs popular #rands like 1ood
Day+ (reat Iim Iam+ Bour#on and Little Hearts,
(he inno3ati3ely conceptualiEed packaging+ of ingenious tray packs and collecti#le tin
#o4es+ uses calligraphy+ #rush strokes of colors and cle3er use of sym#ols+ #eautifully fusing
tradition and art for the festi3e season, It #rings ali3e a commonality of Koy and cele#ration,
(his range promises to pamper your senses and emotions,
-e understand that the wondrous occasion of light and radiance is incomplete without the
presence of near and dear ones, Britannia CShu#h .aamnayeinC Koins you as you e4press your
lo3e and good wishes+ to the ones who make life special for you,
Britannia CShu#h .aamnayeinC is designed to add Koy to moments+ transforming them into
delightful memories, -e ha3e Kudiciously packaged and priced this entire range to make it
a3aila#le to e3eryone who wants to share good wishes, As part of our <@th year festi3ity we
present Britannia Shu#h .aamnayein+ to add CLindagi mein lifeC,
ilk Rusk /round0 H@UD /a3aila#le in =@@gms+ P@@gms0
ilk Rusk /o3al0 H@UD /a3aila#le in =@@gms+ P@@gms0
Saunf RuskH@UD /a3aila#le in =@@gms+ P@@gms0
Ieera RuskH@UD /a3aila#le in =@@gms+ P@@gms0
Cardamom RuskH7UD /a3aila#le in =@@gms+ P@@gms0
"lower Biscuits H@UD /a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Coconut Biscuits H7UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Iam Centre H7UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Custard H7UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Chocolate ar#le H7UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
2range H7UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Coconut acroon <7UD/a3aila#le in =@@gms+ ?7@gms0
Chocolate -alnut ;=@UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Pure Chocolate Cashew ;=@UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Butter Pista ;?@UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0
Almond Cookies ;?@UD/a3aila#le in =7@gms+ P@@gms0

C2AC%P('AL "RA%-2R.
T7e 'on'etua& %rame.or< o% t7is ro>e't essentia&&y %o'uses on t7e 'onsumer $uyin9
$e7a)iora& ana&ysis.
'nderstanding the #uying #eha3ior of the target market is the essential task of marketing
management under marketing concept, (he consumer market consists of all the indi3iduals
and households who #uy or ac6uire good and ser3ices for personal consumptions, (he
#uying #eha3ior tries to find out the answers for the 6uestions+ who #uysR How do they #uyR
-here do they #uyR Do they #uyR
/(0 !(2T-,S IN!LCEN2IN5 2-NSC3E, BC6IN5 BE"(@I-,
(here are four maKor factors that influence the #uying #eha3ior such as cultural factors+
social factors+ personal factors+ and psychological factors,
i, 2CLTC,(L !(2T-,S: Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person
wants and #eha3ior, )alues+ perceptions+ preferences+ and #eha3ior are the main
3aria#le under culture of an indi3idual, %ach culture contains su#Dculture like
nationality+ religious group+ geographical area+ and linguistic di3isions etc,
ii, S-2I(L !(2T-,S: A consumer #eha3ior is also influenced #y social factors such
as the consumer reference group family and social roles and status,
iii, +E,S-N(L !(2T-,S: A #uyer decision is also influenced #y his or personal
characteristics+ nota#ly the #uyers age+ lifestyle+ occupation+ economic circumstances
+S62"-L-5I2(L !(2T-,S: a person #uying choice is also influenced #y four maKor
psychological factors such as moti3ation+ perception+ learning #elief and attitudes,
/B0 BC6IN5 4E2ISI-N +,-2ESS
It includes #uying roles+ types of #uying and steps in #uying process,
I. BC6IN5 ,-LE
(he #uying role could #e classified into four parts, (hese are initiator+ influencer+ decider
and #uyer,
II. T6+ES -! BC6IN5 BE"(@I-,
Consumer decision taking 3aries with the type of #uying decision, (here are four types
#uying #eha3ior such as Comple4 #uying #eha3ior+ Ha#itual #uying #eha3ior+ )ariety
seeking #uying #eha3ior,
Here are fi3e stages in #uying decision process namely pro#lem recognition search+
e3aluation of alternati3es purchase decision and past purchase #eha3ior,
(he #uying process starts with the #uyer5s recognition of a pro#lem of need, (he #uyer
senses a difference #etween his actual state and desired state,
IN!-,3(TI-N SE(,2"
(here are different sources from where a consumer can gather information like personal
sources commercial sources+ e4perimental sources,
After gathering information a#out different products the customer will #e in a fuss as to
choose which product among the mainly alternati3es consumer usually e3aluate the
alternati3es on traditional #asis+ on the #asis of utility function etc, from the many alternati3e
consumers at last choose the #est one for him,
+C,2"(SE 4E2ISI-N
A consumer who decides to e4ecute purchase intention will #e making up to fi3e purchase
+-ST +C,2"(SE BE"(@I-,
After purchasing the product and ser3ices the consumer will e4perience some le3el of
satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the product and ser3ices that will influence su#se6uent
#eha3ior, If consumer is satisfied he may show the pro#a#ility of #uying the product the ne4t
time+ satisfied customer will say good thing a#out the product+ pro3ing the statement that
Fsatisfied customer is the #est ad3ertisement,N A dissatisfied customer may take some action
against it, (hey may try to reduce the dissonance #y a#andoning returning the product,
'nderstanding consumer needs and #uying process is the foundation of any company, By
understanding how #uyers go through pro#lem recognition+ information search e3aluation of
alternati3es+ the purchase decision and post purchase #eha3ior marketers can pick up many
clues as to how to meet #uyers need,
(H% IAD'S(R*
Biscuits deri3e its name from a "rench word meaning twice #acked #read> Biscuits in
general ha3e a good shelf life+ which is higher than all other snack items a3aila#le in the
India is the second largest producer of #iscuits in the world after the ',S,A, #ut still the per
capita consumption is only =,? kgUyear of de3eloped countries, As per the latest sur3ey done
#y A,C,A,%,R,+ P< #iscuits are consumed in rural areas, (he penetration of #iscuits into
households stands at an a3erage of 8?,=9 with the rural penetration at HH9 and ur#an
penetration at 889, Biscuits are reser3ed for the small scale sector #ut there are strong
possi#ilities of the industry #eing deser3ed in line with the go3ernment policy of
li#eraliEation, (he net effect thus would #e greater choice for the consumer as well as a
check on the costs,
(he country production of the #iscuits during =@@PD@7 was ;8,: Lac tons of which ;U= were
manufactured #y the organiEed sector, (he industry turno3er was 7?==,H Crores of which
organiEed sector contri#uted =7;<,? crores,
Britannia+ makers of Britannia #iscuits+ dou#led capacity from =7 tons a day to 7@ tones and
plans to #e a national #rand soon, In an aggressi3e mode+ the Aorth dominated #iscuit player
has increased its ad #udget to Rs, 7 crore this year from Rs, ? crore last year, Britannia has
also recently in3ested a#out Rs, 7 crore in the moderniEation and e4pansion of its production
and packing its production capacity of P@ tons per day to ;@@ tons per day #y ne4t year, (he
aimJ to take the current turno3er of Rs, 7@ crore to Rs, ;@@ crore #y the year,
(he low priced #rand claims to ha3e a ;7 per cent market share in the Aorth and is
aggressi3ely eyeing a #igger #ite of the Rs, =+7@@ crore #iscuit industries, (he #rand plans to
gain a P@ per cent market share in the Aorth #y the year of,
(he companyCs strategy has #een to attract new consumer segments and widen its consumer
#ase with its well packaged low priced offerings, BritanniaCs success has also come from its
It gi3es me great pleasure to introduce the Summer (raining Report, It is #ased on the sur3ey
conducted in %ast Delhi region on Biscuit industry, (he applica#ility of 3arious #randing
strategies play crucial role in marketing in product, (he applica#ility has grown due to the
li#eraliEation+ competition and technological changes taking place in corporate world,
In this proKect the 3arious #randing strategies adopted #y the company has #een studied and
compared on the #asis of current market scenario, It gi3es the idea a#out the market share
enKoyed #y the different companies in the Bis'uit Industry. It pro3ides the ade6uate
co3erage of many issues related to #iscuit industry, (he o#Kecti3e of this report is to gi3e the
market share of Britannia #iscuits in the Indian capital /Aew Delhi0, It has #een made
possi#le #y knowing the consumerCs #eha3ior and #y studying the patterns adopted #y the
retailers, It gi3es us 3ery precise 3iew a#out the e4isting demand of Britannia #iscuits and
demand of their products as compared to other competitors, It also highlights the changing
market trends and consumer preferences+ why they ha3e shifted from finally pack to pouch
pack, (he annual growth rate of the industry is a#out ;=,79, Howe3er+ the growth of cream
#iscuits+ assorted or special 3ariety is the range of ?@DP@9,
(he organiEed sector consists of large+ medium and small scale #iscuit manufacturers who
produce packed #iscuits, (he maKor players in this sector are Britannia+ Bakeman5s+ and
Parle+ etc, the unorganiEed sector comprises of small #akery units+ cottage and household
type manufacturing plants, (hese units distri#ute their #iscuits in the surrounding 3icinity of
their manufacturing locations of say =@D7@ kms, (he country production of #iscuits during
=@@7D@: is estimated to #e a#out ;<,7 lack tons, 2ut of which ;U= again is e4pected from
unorganiEed sector,
1enerally all organiEations ha3e competitors in the market, A particular organiEation always
comprises with other same #usiness and according to market share we clarify the #rand of
product is gi3ing more challenge to my product,
I found many products which can #e compared with Britannia Biscuit, As a conclusion I
found that particularly in my pro3ided area Britannia is really doing well and its
performance is on surprising le3el, Lost market share to I(C "oods and has struggled to
keep pace with Parle in glucose #iscuits, Pepsi+ .raft+ DAA2A% could #e formida#le
competitors, Britannia seeks to #uild market share through e4panded product portfolio+
ac6uisitions+ I)s and thrust on rural consumer, In my pro3ided area the share of the market
is as follows,
PARL%D1 ?;,<9
I(C 8,:9
S'R*A "22DS 89
AA2L BA.%RS P,=9
2(H%RS ;7,:9
-hen we compared with other #usinesses then we follow the 6uality+ price+ distri#ution
system+ promotional strategy etc, of the competitors Britannia in this area is doing well,
So this is the comparison with other #iscuits #rands, According to our findings we found that
BRI(AAAIA is the market leader followed #y BRI(AAAIA #iscuits, (hese two #iscuits
company the lionCs share in the =+=@@ crore #iscuits industry,

AR.%( P2(%A(IAL
arket potential of the BRI(AAAIA is much positi3e in competiti3e era and will sure co3er
the ma4imum market share of #iscuit product, Potentiality of any product depends upon the
futuristic performance of the product, It depends that how much retailers ha3e potentiality to
#e permanent seller of BRI(AAAIA,
"or great potentiality it is necessary to impro3e those factors which are going to affect
retailers, In my study I found some factors which can help to co3er great potentiality,
(hese factors are followingJ
Scheme deli3ery should in perfect determining time,
Some places distri#utors not a#le to co3er his particular area, (hat should #e impro3ed,
Scheme facility should #e regular as much as possi#le,
Small pack also should #e in the market,
Always collect the 3iews of retailers, It gi3es psychological effect on the retailers a#out
careness #y manufacturing company,
(hese factors are 3ery important for the organiEation, If company is a#le to impro3e these all
factors then definitely its market share will more increase, Retailers will take more interest to
sell Britannia #iscuit and customer will also enKoy for it,
So potentiality is 3ery high to Britannia #iscuit in positi3e direction,
Annual Performance =@@HD@8J
"or the year ended ?;st arch =@@8+ the Company achie3ed a sales growth of ;H,79 on an
e4panded #ase arising from =H,79 growth in the pre3ious year, Aet Profit of the Company
increased HH,7 9 to Rs ;+<;@ n compared with Rs ;+@H: n in =@@:D@H, 2perating argin
increased #y ?@H #asis points to H,79,
(he Company witnessed all round growth in key categories with Biscuits recording sales of
Rs, =?+=<< n, Bread+ Cake and Rusk #usiness crossed the Rs, =+H@@ n mark during =@@HD
@8, (his #usiness has dou#led in two years,
In an intensely competiti3e #iscuit en3ironment+ all XPower BrandsY of the Company
recorded dou#le digit growth+ with (iger and 1ood Day growing in e4cess of =@9, (he
CompanyZs inno3ation forays ha3e successfully addressed new #enefit clusters and
AutriChoice Digesti3e has claimed its position in the health and 3itality space, (he Company
continues to maintain its leadership edge in : out of H key product segments+ the only
e4ception #eing 1lucose,
(he #usiness continued to face inflationary pressure in key raw materials such as wheat
flour+ refined palm oil+ skimmed milk powder and other dairy products+ as well as energy
costs, (hese were more than offset on the cost side through operational and procurement
efficiencies+ producti3ity impro3ements+ cost reduction programs and on the re3enue side
through impro3ed product mi4 and higher realiEation+ aided #y strong consumer off take,
%4ceptional items for the year include Rs ;?@,7 n towards amortiEation of )RS costs,
%arnings per Share are Rs, 8@ compared with Rs,P7,; last year,
A%( PR2"I(
Britannia Net +ro%it in'reases 17.5F
um#ai+ Iuly ?;st+ =@@<J Britannia Industries Ltd, /BIL0+ India5s leading "ood Company+
reported sales of Rs, H+?;= for the 6uarter ended ?@th Iune =@@<+ a growth of 7,79 and
Aet profit of Rs, PHP + an increase of ;H,79, Consolidated Re3enue of Rs, 8+=;;
and Aet Profit of Rs, PP8 grew #y <9 and ??9 respecti3ely,
2ommentin9 on t7e er%orman'e8 3s. @inita Ba&i8 3ana9in9 4ire'tor8 said8
MIn an intensely competiti3e market+ we significantly increased our in3estment #ehind
#rands and maintained operating margin, In3igorated focus on working capital management
also contri#uted to cash from operations of o3er Rs, ;+H7@ during the 6uarter,N
Britannia launched se3eral new and reno3ated offerings+ which included WAutriChoice
Aature Spice Cracker5 with the goodness of AKwain ! Ieera+ Britannia W(op5 and a reno3ated
Warigold5 O more tasty and fortified with ;@ Proteins+ )itamins ! inerals+ in line with
Britannia5s WHealth ! Autrition5 platform,
Consumers continue to reDaffirm their trust in Brand WBritannia5 and ha3e once again 3oted
WBritannia5 among the (op ;@ ost (rusted Brands across all categories and V = ost
(rusted "ood #rand+ in an independent sur3ey conducted #y AC Aielsen and (he %conomic
After going thick on the thing+ now time is to make a complete picture, -hile making a
product a S.' /Stock .eeping 'nit0 of the shop retailers think a#out the 1R2I /1ross
argin Return on In3estment0 and they promote the #rands which pro3ide them highest,
(hey e4pect return in the form of profit margin+ company schemes+ window display and
references of the shop, Among these+ company schemes make the differences and are the
highest source of moti3ation after profit margin, Retailing demands a constant push from the
arketer needs to use ad3ertising and #rand #uilding strategies to address the discerning
#uyers and retail push to in different #uyers, (he manufacturer should understand consumer
#eha3ior #ecause retailers canCt help 6uality and price, It is only up to dealers said it is
demand they sell Britannia P=9 agree that at retail shop it is #rand popularity+ which
determine the purchase of #iscuit,
(here is a greater need to understand the retailer #eha3ior considering them as a team
working for the company may help them to #e attached to the company, (here should #e
feeling of #elonging to the company in inner of the retailers, Setting 3alues clu# for retailers
so that they may e4change 3iews with the company and help in understanding consumer

(he data presented to you in this proKect has #een compiled from the following #ooks (he data presented to you in this proKect has #een compiled from the following #ooks
and we#sitesJ and we#sitesJ
+. Mar#eting management0 ana%ysis, p%anning, imp%ementation, and contro% (y Phi,i#
K!t,er - Bsiness . %'!n!mi's - +/00
1. Mar*eting Management (y Phi,i# K!t,er2 Kevin Ke,,er - Bsiness . %'!n!mi's -
4. Resear'h meth!d!,!gy) a ste#-(y-ste# gide "!r (eginners (y Ran5it Kmar -
S!'ia, S'ien'e - 1336
7. Resear'h meth!d!,!gy (y D!g,as K. Detterman - Psy'h!,!gy - +/06
6AM1 &7 S!*1 ---,BRI(AAAIA,C2,in
Researcher's Nae ! Nae "# Pers"$ ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C&ass ! '.'.A. II Se A(e ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Ge$)er ! Occ*+a,-"$ !
A))ress !
Q.1 Do you know aou! B"#!ann#a$
a. Y%&. . No.
Q.'. Ha(% you u&%) B"#!ann#a $
a. Y%&. . No.
Q.. H"/ O#,e$ Sa&es Pr"",-"$ Schees are "0ere) "$ B"#!ann#a
a, : months O ; year #,+ ?D: months c, less than ? months,
$+P, Rate the following factors you consider are important for #uilding #rand
a,Price #, Clarity c, Dura#ility
d, Looks e, $uality
$ 7, -hat do you look for while purchasing Britannia R Please rank in order of
a, Comparati3e Ad3antage #, Price
c, SchemeUDiscountU"ree 1ift d, $uality
(o study a#out the company and its products
(o find out market strategy regarding product and ser3ice,
.nowledge a#out the competiti3e market,
(o know the goodwill as demand of the product in world

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