Acknowledgment: Brand Management Supreme Black Brew

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We hereby thank Allah who gave us the ability and

strength in completing this project. We also thank our
teacher whose kind words and guidance helped us
throughout this report, the work that have been put in this
report would not have been possible without his guidance
and support. This has been a thorough group efort and
each group member is thanked for putting in efort on this
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
E X E C T ! " E S M M A # $
Unilever !akistan" #imited $ormerly known as #ever %rothers
!akistan" #imited is by far the largest and most e&perienced fast
moving consumer goods $'()" organi*ation in !akistan. +t,s
beverages accounted for -./ of 0..0 revenues. The major tea brands
are %rooke %ond 1upreme, #ipton 2ellow #abel, !earl 3ust and A45
6arak (hai formerly A45 6enya mi&ture chai". Unilever has a dominant
78/ market share in tea industry and is the leading player in the
packaged tea market.
Unilever is very sensitive to international tea prices, this makes the
margins very sensitive as tea purchases constitute about -8/ of
manufacturing costs. Then of course smuggling is a major concern.
There is rampant smuggling of tea, which has seriously afected
#ever9s sales and earnings. :owever, company owns two of the most
widely recogni*ed brands 9#ipton 2ellow #abel9 and 9%rooke %ond
1upreme9. The major competition facing #ever at present is from Tapal
3anedar Tea, which is truly the market challenger.
%rooke bond 1upreme is one of the most popular brands which has the
major market share in !unjab and most of the rural !akistan, but it
hasn,t proved to be successful in 6arachi because there are already
established brands competing against 1upreme. As this product lies in
high involvement category and strong brand conviction, very few
percentage of the target market has tried the brand despite of high
image of the product. +ntensive advertising and promotional schemes
have been launched but did not enticed prospects to even try the
%rooke %ond supreme is weak in its assortment and it conveys low
;uality image from its packaging and labeling. 1econdly 6arachiites
prefer strong and aromatic blend where 1upreme is not prevailing
%rooke bond 1upreme has run out of options although there is a
reali*ation that newer brands takes time to establish but there is a
de<ciency in its assortment and its nature of blend which doesn,t
match with the preferences of target market 6arachi" and leaving the
brand as it is means that the market share will decrease over time and
soon it will be vanished from the market.
=n the other hand altering the product according to the geographic
region and preferences of people and using the brand name to gain a
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
competitive edge will result in a reasonable market share and a
success in a failed product which is also ruining the image in
populace,s psyche.
5. Tea
0. (ompany
7. ?e #aunch of %rooke %ond
-. An +ntroduction of 1upreme
%lack %rew>....A
8. (urrent 'arketing
@. =pportunity and +ssue
A. 'arketing
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
B. 'arketing
C. !rojected !ro<t and #oss
5.. Action
55. (onclusion>>>>>>>>>>
TEA A'(tract(
Today, tea is drunk by almost half of the world9s population. Tea is
undoubtedly the national drink of !akistan. Tea is an aromatic
stimulant, containing various polyphonic, essential oils and cafeine.
The concentration of cafeine in tea ranges from 0.8/ to -.8/ and it is
this cafeine content that makes tea a useful stimulant. Tea is the
beverage made when the processed leaves of the tea plant are infused
with boiling water.
+n !akistan, tea is only blended and packed, but not produced. Three
basic categories of tea are marketed in !akistan which areD
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
3anedar is also known as leaf tea while (hura is known as dust tea.
There are around <ve hundred Eavors available in tea.
The rural areas of 1indh are considered to be heavy consumers of dust
tea. !unjab has a high consumption of leaf tea.
!t *a( m+re c+n(umpt,+n t*an an- +t*er t-pe +. dr,nk a/a,la'le ,n t*e market t+da-0 !t ,(
e(t,mated t*at 1ak,(tan,( c+n(ume +/er 1&2 m,ll,+n kg +. tea w+rt* +/er ) ',ll,+n rupee(
e/er- -ear0 De(p,te t*e ,ncrea(,ng emp*a(,( +n ,t( *a3ard+u( e..ect( +n *ealt* and t*e
c+nt,nu+u(l- r,(,ng pr,ce(4 due t+ t*e l+w l,terac- rate and una/a,la',l,t- +. a 'etter
(u'(t,tute4 t*e demand and t*e c+n(umpt,+n *a( ,ncrea(ed +/er t*e -ear( and ,( gr+w,ng
at an annual rate +. 560
Tea ,( an ar+mat,c (t,mulant4 c+nta,n,ng /ar,+u( p+l-p*en+,(4 e((ent,al +,l( and ca..e,ne0
T*e c+ncentrat,+n +. ca..e,ne ,n tea range( .r+m %076 t+ )076 and ,t ,( t*,( ca..e,ne
c+ntent t*at make( tea a u(e.ul (t,mulant0 Alt*+ug* (ec+nd t+ ,n c+mmerc,al
/alue4 tea rank( 1(t a( t*e m+(t p+pular 'e/erage ,n t*e w+rld0
Tea ,( t*e 'e/erage made w*en t*e pr+ce((ed lea/e( +. t*e tea plant are ,n.u(ed w,t*
'+,l,ng water0 Nat,/e t+ S+ut*ea(t A(,a4 t*e tea plant4 Camell,a (,nen(,(4 ,( a
(mall (*ru'l,ke4 e/ergreen tree0 !t8( lea/e( *a/e t*e c*em,cal(4 ca..e,ne and tann,n0
n,le/er wa( created ,n 19&2 w*en t*e Br,t,(* (+ap maker Le/er Br+t*er( merged w,t*
t*e Dutc* margar,ne pr+ducer4 Margar,ne n,e0 At t*e t,me4 an ,nternat,+nal merger wa(
an unu(ual m+/e0 But t*e +wner( +. t*e tw+ c+mpan,e( c+uld (ee t*at 'r,ng,ng t+get*er
c+mpl,mentar- 'u(,ne((e( w,t* (tr+ng gl+'al netw+rk( w+uld create new +pp+rtun,t,e(0
n,le/er :1ak,(tan; L,m,ted <+rmerl- kn+wn a( Le/er Br+t*er( :1ak,(tan; L,m,ted ,( '-
.ar t*e large(t and m+(t e=per,enced .a(t m+/,ng c+n(umer g++d( :<MCG; .,rm ,n
1ak,(tan0 !t en>+-( a /er- large market (*are ,n c+n(umer g++d(4 t*e l,+n( (*are e/en4 and
,( part,cularl- d+m,nant ,n tea and ,ce?cream0 T*e large(t c+mpet,t+r +. n,le/er ,n
1ak,(tan ,( 1r+cter @ Gam'le w*,c* al(+ ,( a *+u(e *+ld name ,n c+n(umer g++d( all
+/er t*e w+rld0
n,le/erA( pr,nc,pal act,/,t,e( are t+ manu.acture and (ell (pread( and c++k,ng pr+duct(4
,ce cream4 'e/erage( and *+me and per(+nal care pr+duct(0 S+me +. t*e pr+duct( ,n t*e
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
un,le/er l,ne are Br++ke B+nd4 L,pt+n4 Lu=4 #e=+na4 Sun(,lk4 Sur.4 Blue Band and
The recent failure of %rooke %ond supreme is the prime reason for re
launching %rooke %ond supreme in 6arachi. The major reasons for the
failure of %rooke %ond supreme is credited to the taste preferences of
!eople of 6arachi and to the major competitions that %rooke %ond is
facing from Tapal 3anedar, Tapal $amily 'i&ture and from #ipton 2ellow
#abel which is the family brand of Unilever along with %rooke %ond
Reasons Of Failure:
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
%rooke %ond supreme is one of the leading tea brands all over !akistan
but the sales in 6arachi have been very poor since its introduction. The
major reason of it is D
The major concern which prevails in the tea industry is the blend
itself, and because of the preferences variation of people of
diferent parts of !akistan, one single tea can not be introduced
country wide without any alterations. After being successful in
!unjab, when %rooke %ond 1upreme was launched in 6arachi it
was not altered, which resulted in the failure of the product
!eople of 6arachi prefer 3anedar tea more then any other tea
because of the aromatic smell. This is the prime reason of the
success of Tapal 3anedar in 6arachi.
Another reason that can be cited for the failure of %rooke %ond is
the <erce competition it is facing from Tapal and #ipton 2ellow
#abel. Tapal have the upper edge over %rooke %ond is because of
the ;uality of the tea and with diferent assortments it has
covered the shelf space. =n the other hand %rooke %ond
supreme just have 0 diferent pack si*es.
!ntr+duct,+n +. S1#EME BLACK B#EW
%rooke %ond supreme have been re launched only in karachi
considering the large potential market and penchant of the target
market, we have e&ecuted the concept of multi4brands and launched
1upreme as F1upreme %lack %rew, in 6arachi. The name %lack %rew
has been kept to catch the eyes of people of 6arachi who prefer their
tea strong and aromatic. F%lack, gives an image of 1trong and F%rew,
comes from beverage which relates to the aroma of the tea.
1upreme %lack %rew have been re launched with many diferent
assortments along with heavy advertisements and promotional
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
schemes as it is the only way it will entice the people to try it, who as
of now are faithful to Tapal and #ipton.
1upreme %lack %rew has been re launched with diferent assortments
to cover the shelf space to catch the people,s eyes. The diferent
assortments areD
1mall !ackD 5.. grams
$amily !ackD 08. grams
!lastic Gars -.. grams
Tea %ags 8. !ieces
Tea %ags 5.. !ieces
1tir ?eady
1tir ?eady is the pioneer in its category and have been launched for
the <rst time. +t is as its name suggests F1tir ?eady,. A tea bag is
attached to a spoon which you stir and drink at the same time with
more convenience and ease.
Market S,tuat,+n
The tea industry of !akistan constitutes the target market of nearly
half of the population and yearly consumption is 57.,... tons. And the
consumption rate is still accelerating at a fast pace, accumulates to be
@/ annually.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
The populations of tea (onsumers represent the income level and area
of residence which constitute of upper middle class in volume of
5,C8.,..., middle class in volume of 8,0..,..., lower middle class in
volume of 7,C..,..., lower class 5,7..,..., calculated in percentage
as 58/, -./, 7./, and 5./ respectively.
The preference of buyers shows the concern in ;uality, aroma, strong
ness and the nature of tea type. Hormally the buying decision of tea is
taken by household women aged between 7. to @.. This category
belongs to the dissonance reducing buying behavior where there are
not many varieties or diferences are there however the involvement in
the product is high.
3ue to the humid weather and the hectic lifestyle, tea works as an
efective stimulant. Another reason for tea being a popular stimulant is
that cofee, a close substitute of tea is comparatively e&pensive which
most people cannot aford.
C+mpet,t,/e S,tuat,+n
n,le/er +wn( tw+ +. t*e m+(t w,del- rec+gn,3ed pr+duct l,ne( L,pt+n and Br++ke
B+nd0 T*e ma>+r c+mpet,t,+n .ac,ng Le/er at pre(ent ,( .r+m Tapal Danedar Tea4 w*+ ,(
trul- a market c*allenger0
#ipton comprises of 2ellow #abel which is designed for upper middle,
upper lower and upper middle class, which is a market leader in the
industry, it comes in all the packages including hard packs, jars, and
teabags. #ipton yellow label although the direct competitor of %rooke
%ond 1upreme comes in the family of Unilever so it is prone to its
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
competing attacks. #ipton follows a massive promotion scheme to hold
its share. ?ichbru is designed for middle and lower
upper classes, and !earl dust is designed for rural areas, mostly
districts of 1indh where consumption of dust is e&tensive. They both
are not stated as direct competitors of 1upreme because they are
targeting to diferent audience. #ipton has a market share of 08/.
%rooke %ond comprises of 1upreme and A5 karak Tea which is
designed for lower classes, originally known as 6enya mi&ture and
then A5 6enya mi&ture. %rooke %ond has a market share of C/.
Tapal with the assortments like 3anedar and $amily mi&ture
collectively has a market share of 00/ overall and in 6arachi it has
0-/. Tapal is not only a direct competitor but can be stated as a only
competitor because all the major market share holders belong to the
family of Unilever e&cept Tapal. Tapal also comes in various packages
and consumes much of the shelf space in super markets and
convenient stores. Tapal has the biggest advantage of its assortments
as is served not only by mi&ture but also 3anedar which is getting very
popular day by day. Tapal has a good image in consumer,s mind and
its price is also reasonably attractive.
A si*able portion of the market is dominated by loose tea or unbranded
tea. :owever, these brands are currently threatened by smuggled tea
from Afghanistan which is available in the open market duty free. This
has posed a lot of problems for genuine importers of tea who cannot
compete with this tea because of its low price. These unbranded teas
have the biggest market share of -./ because of its low price.
The other brands including 1ohni, 6ohinoor, and +spahani etc
constitute the market share of 0/ in 6arachi.
D,(tr,'ut,+n S,tuat,+n
This is the perfect e&ample of two4level channel distribution which
would be from the manufacturer to the distributor to the retailer.
Hormally the margin of distributor ranges from B to 5. percent per
pack and the margin associated for retailer is @ to A percent per pack.
Although it difers from company to company and brand to brand
because of the variation of the si*es and ;uantity disparity.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
Although established brands like Tapal and #ipton do intensive
distribution which has a major draw back of price wars and image of
the product sacri<ces as it can be found in lower class geographical
Macr+ En/,r+nment S,tuat,+n
3ue to the natural environment, Tea is not produced in !akistan, but
only blended and packed. +t is imported from 6enya, +ndonesia, 1ri
#anka, (hina, %angladesh, +ndia and other countries. Agents in these
countries purchase it from auction and e&port it to !akistan. They work
on commission basis, usually ten cents per kg.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
Unilever #ipton" in order to get backward integration is e&perimenting
in 1wat and 'ansera to produce tea. Although no signi<cant results
have been achieved, they are still trying. +f they get successful all the
products lie in the family of Unilever will enjoy the lowered prices of
tea without having to pay the import duty which will win a competitive
edge in terms of cost leadership.
The legal environment posses some of the problems like Tea sales
have continued to sufer from rampant smuggling of tea. #ever
presently pays more than B./ as ta&es on imported tea. This has
made tea smuggling attractive. Hot only unbranded tea but also
established brands are also threatened by smuggled tea from
Afghanistan which is available in the open market duty free. This has
posed a lot of problems for genuine importers of tea who cannot
compete with this tea because of its low price.
The 1ocio4cultural environment plays a very massive role in tea
industry because the choices and preferences of people in diferent
provinces are varied to a great e&tent. +n interior 1indh and
%alochistan, there are heavy consumers of 3ust tea, !unjab likes
mi&ture and in 6arachi 3anedar is e&ceedingly popular.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
The recent alteration results in 1trong blend backed up by even
stronger brand image.
The packaging is very attractive, <rst time tea has been
introduced in brown packaging
Uni;ue si*es have been introduced for various segments
including teabags, stir ready.
To compete with Tapal %rooke %ond has also launched its
assortments in mi&ture and 3anedar.
+%# distribution company, although charges high commission
charges, ofers eIcient service in which it is made sure that
product will be widely distributed, retailers will not e&perience
shortage of products and the name +%# increases more value of
the product.
+t is a product being introduced in an already e&isting tea market
with established brands.
Ho competitive advantage can be brought in this industry. =nly
massive advertising and promotional activities may entice
consumer for trial.
The consumption of tea increases with the growth in population.
At the moment, the population of the country is growing at a
rate of 0.C/ annually, and tea at a rate of @/. This means that
presently there is a considerable opportunity for the growth of
tea in !akistan.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
The initial re4launch of %rooke %ond 1upreme is limited to
6arachi only, however, other principle cities will be taken into
account in the future. 1pecially in !unjab mi&ture blend can be
introduced under the brand name of 1upreme. 1lowly, 1upreme
will penetrate the market in other cities and e&pand its future
market share.
Unilever is trying to produce tea in !akistan. +f this is successful,
then much lower prices will be ofered to consumers and
competitive advantage can be gained in terms of cost
A rigorous threat is the increasing number of branded and
unbranded tea in the market with ample price diference. $or
that, established companies need to increase their advertising
and promotional budget. There is a need to get a better shelf
space and more retailer patroni*ation for the company9s brand.
Unilever presently pays B./ as ta&es on imported tea. This rise
in import duty on tea by government is intended to discourage
it9s consumption, which possess to be a threat as it has resulted
in higher prices for the consumers.
The market share of %rooke %ond 1upreme in 6arachi is
decreasing day by day, would it be more suitable for the
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
company to divest 1upreme in 6arachi and continue with %rooke
%ond A5 tea.
+f the decision has been made to re4launch 1upreme, would it be
reasonable to re4launch it countrywide.
%ecause of e&pensive shelf spaces in popular stores, would it be
advisable for %rooke bond to introduce new !ackages and bear
additional costs or would it be more pro<table for long term to
introduce more packages and increase choice for end consumer.
+s it possible that the market share of #ipton which comes in the
family of Unilever" will be cannibali*ed by %rooke %ond 1upreme
which operates in almost the same target market as of #ipton,
instead of gaining the share of Tapal.
The %rooke %ond that is being launched only in 6arachi will difer
from the rest, so would it create any discrepancies in consumers
mind and disrupt the positioning or image of the product.
1hould price be set on the basis of competitor,s prices, premium
on ;uality, or desired margin schemes.
Advertising and promotional vehicles should be diferent than
before as there is an integration of upper segments have been
included super segments".
Market,ng O'>ect,/e(
Achieve target sales of -... kgJday. The strategy used to
accomplish this objective would be to advertise by using all
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
media vehicles selected, which will position %rooke %ond
supreme to be the best ;uality beverage among target market.
After si& months strategy of supreme will shift from selective
distribution to intensive distribution slowly, there by ma&imi*ing
the number of retailers.
=nce the awareness has been created, the main objective will be
to increase the market share. The aim will be to achieve an
increase in the market share of appro&imately 58/ in the <rst
!roducing a positive cash Eow hence increasing the growth rate
of %rooke %ond will be another objective.
According to our research target market in 6arachi prefer
3anedar and that is the reason why Tapal 3anedar is so popular.
1o 1upreme will be launched in both mi&ture and 3anedar.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
The pricing of our product gives us an advantage in the market
compared to our competitors, as most brands are priced at
+ntroductory pricing will be ofered for three months for ?s.7@
no pro<t basis".
There will be heavy advertisements done on supreme along with
sales promotional schemes both for the consumers and the
retailers. The aim will be to create awareness in the people and
to induce them in trials of 1upreme %lack %rew.
'any assortments of 1upreme will be taken out to cover the
shelf space and hence creating awareness which will increase
the choice and chance at the part of consumers.
Tea is an aromatic stimulant, containing various polyphenois, essential
oils and cafeine. The concentration of cafeine in tea ranges from
0.8/ to -.8/ and it is this cafeine content that makes tea a useful
stimulant. Tea is the beverage made when the processed leaves of the
tea plant are infused with boiling water.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
+n !akistan, tea is only blended and packed, but not produced. Three
basic categories of tea are marketed in !akistan, namely
3anedar is also known as leaf tea while (hura is known as dust tea.
There are around <ve hundred Eavors available in tea. $ine 3ust" tea
grains are distinguished by 3, 35, 30. The codes assigned to these
grains constitute the major categories of tea 4
3anedar 4 %!5 K %!
The rural areas of 1ind are considered to be heavy consumers of dust
tea. !unjab has a high consumption of leaf tea. According to our
research target market in 6arachi prefer danedar and that is the
reason why tapal danedar is so popular. 1o 1upreme will be launched
in both mi&ture and 3anedar.
%ecause of the high brand awareness of %rooke %ond 1upreme, +t can
not be changed during relaunch but if major alterations. :owever two
diferent product mi&es for same brand in diferent cities may lead to
confusionand discrepancy, so concept of multi brands has been
e&ecuted. The new name will be Supreme Black Brew which
communicates the bene<ts of the product such that the product is
strong in its blend and comes with two assortments demanded by the
target market.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
The pricing strategy put to work is 'arkup !ricing Techni;ue which
states that after calculating the cost, re;uired margin in percent
should be included to determine the price, 'oreover competition
pricing is also considered. Therefore the price is marginally high than
that of competitors to educate the consumers that the ;uality of the
product is improved and of high ;uality. $or an instance price of 5..g
is calculated as follows.
Cost for 100 grams Rs 16.0
Packaging cost per box Rs 0.5
Distributors profit margin Rs 3.6
Retailers profit margin Rs 3.0
Total Rs 23.3
ross !argin Rs 2."
Total Price Rs 26.0
!ricing of other packages are 0..gms for the price of ?s. 8@J4, teabags
8. pcs are priced at @8, teabags are priced at ?s 508J4 jar is priced at
?s 5..?s.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
The company is using a two4level channel, where (ompany will hire a
distributor who will work on commission basis and further more the
distributor will sell the product to customer which will ultimately be
sold to end4consumers. That is the channel of distribution would be
from the manufacturer to the distributor to the retailer. The distributor
that we have decided upon is +nternational %rands #imited +%#".
+n <rst si& months the %rooke %ond will use selective distribution
techni;ue where retailers will only be selected for distribution
according to the geographical regions, where the e&istence of target
market is at large
?eward power will be e&cercised with retailes that is the the margin
per pack will increase for diferent range of sales volume.
#ajawaab employees the push strategy as it ofers the distributor a
margin of ?s - on each bo& of 08. grams. 1imilarly, the retailers are
ofered ?s 7 on each bo& of 08. grams. This margin is comparatively
high as compared to our competitors.
Within 6arachi some of the major areas that will be covered are as
(lifton, 3efence, Tari; ?oad, !L(:1, %ahadurabad, 63A 1cheme5,
1addar, )ulshan4e4+;bal, Ha*imabad and )arden.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
+n initial si& months price will be slightly higher than other brands so to
increase the prestige of the product, but after that schemes will be
introduced like 5./ free which enhances the afordability and does not
instigate a price decrease which may result in the change of
perception in consumer,s mind. H that can happen either in form of
loss of ;uality or loss of sales.
1upreme employes the push strategy as it ofers the distributor +%#" a
margin of ?s 7.8J4 to ?s -J4 on each !ack. 1imilarly, the retailers are
ofered ?s 0.8J4 to ?s 7J4 on each !ack. This margin is comparatively
high as compared to our competitors. The objective is to increase the
sales , increase the awareness, and sustain preferences through the
distribution network.
At the same time, the pull strategy is also being employed. The
consumers are being directly reached through the efective media
planning $ollowing are some of the schemes included in the plan
1amples in form of sachets will be distributed to retail stores on
the basis of customers buying items more than 5..?s will be
given 0 1achets to induce people to try the new product
+f customers bring 5. packs of supreme they will be getting 0..
?s card worth of balance
3ispensers will be placed in 5. diferent localities of 6arachi,
where the e&istence of our target market is at ma&.
Top ?etailers will be given 5.. !acks per month for three months
7.. !acks
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
+n fast moving consumer goods packaging and labeling plays an
important part. :owever there are very sensitive decisions have to be
made for instance color scheme, types of packages, distribution and
retailer margin on diferent packs, communication criteria and etc.
3iferent !ackages of 1upreme %lack %rew
5. :ard !acks 1mall " of 5..g
0. :ard !acks $amily " of 0..g
7. Gars of -8.g
-. Lconomy packs of 8..g
8. Teabags of 8.
@. Teabags of 5..
A. 1tir ready packing.
The color scheme has been chosen with careful consideration of red
and black gradients. =riginally %rooke bond 1upreme served only
lower and middle classes. How that upward stretch has been done and
upper classes has also been targeted, so its necessary to communicate
high prestige through labeling. 'oreover red and black scheme is
chosen to show the strong nature of its blend.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
Budget has been done for the period of three months
Advertising Expenses
Advertising campaign will be featured on television emphasi*ing on
the new e&tension of supreme. The ad will accentuate on the
diferential features and bene<ts of Supreme black brew and there
by assent with slogan to enhance the sales of the product.
The product will be advertised on !TM and )L=. The preferred time
would between BD.. 4 5.D.. at night, as this is the time slot where
ma&imum prospective consumers are watching television. The reason
being that dramas, news and other popular programs are telecasted at
this time.
Release schedule & cost
of production (30 sec) T.V ad Rs 250,000/-
Release on PTV on dail !asis Rs 3,"#",000
02 fi$ed spot, alternate das.
% 3&,'00/- at #("0, )(30 p*
Release on +,- on dail !asis Rs 2,'.0,000/-
0. fi$ed spot, dail. % .",500/-
#(50, )(.5 p*.
Tota !s
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
As we are targeting upper as well as middle classes Advertisements
will be placed in maga*ines and newspapers, both in Lnglish and in
+nitially +t is very necessary to communicate the new e&tension of the
the product it should be profoundly advertised in leading newspapers
like 3AWH, HLW1 and GUH). At <rst, the third page will be used, and
the si*e of the ad will be half of 5J- pg. This will create awareness and
attract attention.
DAWN on 3rd page
(1! ("#cm$ pg colored$ % 1&!'(##)
*nce a month on Sunda+ ,s
/AN0 on 3rd page
(1! pg colored$ %1"-'"##)
*nce a month on 1rida+ ,s
Tota !s
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
3ue to high geographic and demographic selectivity and its credibility
and prestige it is preferred that this media vehicle should also be
selected. The following maga*ines have been considered N :erald
/,R012 (. p3 colored ad)
4econd /alf, -ne insertion
*onthl % 25000/- Rs #5000/-

4/, (. p3 colored ad)
-ne insertion *onthl % &000/- Rs 2"000/-
50+ ( . p3 colored ad)
-ne insertion 6ee7l % 2000/- Rs 2"000/-
Tota !s

!osters will be printed and distributed among retail outlets. (ut outs
will be provided to retailers in order to be put up in the air space.
$our billboards of Supreme Black Brew will be set up. =ne on 1hahrah4
e4$aisal, one near $T(, one near 1chon (ircle and one on :asan 1;uare
to get high repeat e&posure.
Posters and 8utouts Rs 200,000/-
2 9ill!oards 6ill !e placed at
4hahrah-e-faisal, 8lifton
4chon 8ircle
8ost of 9ill!oard .0: ; 5:
% 5.000 per !oard Rs .53,000/-
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
Rent for three *onth
% .&0,000 and 250,000 Rs .,2)0,000
Tota !s
1amples in form of sachets will be distributed to retail stores on the
basis of customers buying items more than 5..?s will be given 0
1achets to induce people to try the new product.
.000 sachets per *onth
for 3 *onths 3000 sachets.
8ost of one sachet Rs 2.'"
Tota Cost !s 1#-.&
+f customers bring 5. packs of supreme they will be getting 0.. ?s
card worth of balance.
Tota Cost o2 Cards !s
$.# &&&
3ispensers will be placed in 5. diferent localities of 6arachi, where the
e&istence of our target market is at ma&.
Dispenser cost @ 1750 Rs 17,500
Cost of ingredients Rs 6,800
Tota Cost o2 Free Tria !s .%#$&&
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
4cotch !rite % Rs &.5 Rs '&&
<or 3 *onths 0ccu*ulated
<or &. Pieces.
Cas5 !e6ates
1cheme =$ 1(?AT(: (A?31 +H LML?2 $+$T: !A(6 =$ TLA %A)
8ost of 4cratch cards Rs .00
Total tea!a3s sold 6ith Rs .0#
4cratch cards

Tota Cost o2 sc5eme !s
Top ?etailers will be given 5.. !acks per month for three months 7..
8ost of 300 Pac7s Rs ','00
Gran% Total of Sales Pro'otion Rs ()*)+(

TL#LM+1+=H (=1T ?s @,7--,...J4
HLW1!A!L? ?s 5,.C5,0..J4
'A)AO+HL1 ?s 507,...J4
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
=UT3==? ?s 5,@-7,...J4
(=HT+H)LH(2 ?s 8..,...J4

Tota !s -#1&,#.&&'(
6arachi9s population 57m
Target 'arket 55m
Ho. of households 5.Bm
Target 'arket 1hare of 1upreme 5./
(onsumption per month 5B.,... households
Avg consumption of householdsJmonth ..A8kg
(onsumption of 1upremeJmonth 578... kg
1ales per day ?s" A0.,...
1ales per day 6g" -8..
1ales per year ?s" 08C0.....
1ales per year kg" 5@0....
1ales per year 6g" 5@0....
?evenue per year ?s" -05,0..,...
1ales per 7 months -.8... 6g
?evenue per 7 months 5.8,7..,...
!ro<t in three months 5.,87.,...
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
Action Programs
=n August 0
The !roduct %rooke %ond will be launched at the
venue A'+ main campus and its scale would be 6arachi wide.
=n August 5A
, 1eptember A
, =ctober 8
advertisements will
be published in leading newspapers.
After si& months of #aunch, the company will commence a
downward stretch, and will launch a dust tea which will be
targeted to lower class income segments and interior sindh.
=n alternate days advertisements will be launched in two
diferent channels !TM and )L=" on the basis of two <&ed spots,
ie AD7. and CD7..
Advertisements will placed on 'aga*ines like :erald, she, and
'ag, once every month.
=n month end 3istributor will visit each retailer and give the
compensation on sales promotion schemes, company has
The company will participate in melas, trade shows, and
e&hibitions of all kind to increase the awareness of the new

Brand Management Supreme Black Brew
With reciprocity of understanding and strength of
character as the foundation of Supreme Black Brew
philosophy, %rooke %ond takes the lead as a fore4runner
in sophisticated, ethical consumer marketing, selling and
distribution of tea throughout the world.
The tea industry of !akistan constitutes the target
market of nearly half of the population and yearly
consumption is 57.,... tons. And the consumption rate
is still accelerating at a fast pace, accumulates to be @/
#ooking at an e&tensive target market of eleven million
one can say that there is still a chance to compete with
already established brands. The pillars of this project has
been laid on to this very foundation That our product is
positioned as a ;uality product, which is easily
afordable. Although the task of educating and spreading
awareness maybe a diIcult task, but the new brand will
be backed by the well4built identity of its parent brand.
The new brand which matches the preference of target
market will successfully commit the task of delighting
customers and at the end of the year, it will get a
success to gain market share of 58/ and capitali*ation
of @...g of %lack brew everyday.
Brand Management Supreme Black Brew

Brand Management Supreme Black Brew

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