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Dear Mr. Finney:

In response to your September 19 public records request, please see attached documents:

1. SORTA does not have a contract with any individual or firm to conduct the public opinion survey. SORTA has a
contract with Vehr Communications for public relations services, and the survey is being conducted by a firm
engaged by Vehr Communicastions. SORTA does not have a copy of that survey contract. However, a copy of the
SORTA - Vehr Communications contract is attached.
2. A copy of the Transit Funding Priorities Study survey is attached. Although captioned "Fifth Draft," the attached is
the final version.
3. No results of the public opinion survey have been provided to SORTA.

We are reviewing our files to identify any other recrds that are responsive to your request. There is no charge for
the attached documents because they are in electronic format. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you for your cooperation.
William J. Desmond
General Counsel
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority/Metro
602 Main St., Suite 1100
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Tel. (513) 632-7604

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