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Shodhu Gouli
Professor Braman
Assignment #1
Net Neutrality
The article "Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now" gives you a summary of
what the concept of net neutrality is. Net Neutrality is when all the internet service providers
(ISP) treats all of the traffic the same. Your ISP shouldn't be able to slow down your access to
one site while making another site faster because they paid the ISP money or you paid the ISP
money. Recently, congress has been trying to pass a law to reclassify ISPs as private carriers. On
top of this companies like Google and Netflix will have to pay the ISP in order to provide
content over their network. The only ones that benefit from this proposal is the ISP. They can
make you pay to access certain sites and make the content provider or even businesses pay in
order to allow their data to pass through the network.( Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know
The search engines I used was Google and Bing to Google Net Neutrality under the news
section. I noticed a few differences though mostly it was the same. It seemed like Google was a
little bit better because on Bing there were articles on other topics such as aurora borealis and 3-d
printed cars. It wasnt what I was looking for. Also Google had an option to do an in depth
research option. This grouped up articles that were similar and listed all the sites for you.
I chose the article I found on Google to TRAAP. The article was written in September 17,
2014. It definitely relates to the topic of net neutrality considering it has arguments on why net
neutrality is a terrible idea. The author is a woman named Vera Bergengruen; she was a
corporate communications/ investor relation intern for four months with Verizon. So, she has an
idea of the ISP and how they operate. I do think the information is trustworthy because it


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presents both sides of the argument and there are a lot of quotes so the information is accurate.
This article was written with a bias for keeping net neutrality though it presents the opposite
viewpoint it does negate those viewpoints (Bergengruen, Vera).
When I went to find a scholarly article all I had to do was go to the CCBC library and
search up net neutrality. I had the option to choose by database or a subject but I didnt have to
as all of the articles were there already. It was very easy to find it as it automatically searched
different databases for me and gave me the content that closely related what I was looking for.
Both articles were very easy to access because they were both in well-known databases
and the keywords were very specific. Certainly, the article written by Vickie Cooks (Cook,
Vickie) is more up to date than the one written by Hong Guo (Guo, Hong). Hong Guos article
was written in 2010 so it doesnt talk about the situation unfold right now. Cooks article brings
up the recent ruling of net neutrality which helps the reader understand current events. Both
articles were written by people who had an understanding of the subject. Guos article was the
economic aspect of net neutrality; she and the other authors had good understanding because
there was authors that had background in economics, information systems, and management. On
the other hand, in the article by Cook; she is an associate professor of research. She may not have
a background in internet related topic but she knows where to get the information.



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Works Cited in MLA
"Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now." Free Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.
BERGENGRUEN, VERA. "Local & North Carolina State News from Raleigh, NC |" Local & North Carolina State News from Raleigh, NC | Newsobserver, 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.
Miniter, Frank. "Limbaugh Is Right, Net Neutrality Is An Attack On Free Speech -- So Why Is
Comcast For It?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 18 Sept. 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.
Guo, Hong; Bandyopadhyay, Subhajyoti; Cheng, Hsing Kenneth; Yang, Yu-Chen. Journal of
Management Information Systems. Fall2010, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p243-275. 33p. 6
Diagrams, 3 Charts. DOI: 10.2753/MIS0742-1222270208. , Database: Business
Source Premier
Cook, Vickie S.. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin , Summer2014, Vol. 80 Issue 4, p46-49, 4p,
Database: Education Source

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