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<cfmail to="" from="transportsystem@dataon.

subject="Info Transport" type="HTML">
<b> #qrySelectName.Nama# </b> has been booking for transportation
<tr><td width=70>Date </td><td>:</td> <td> #DateFormat(Date,"dddd dd mm
mm yyyy")# </td></tr>
<tr><td width=70>Time </td><td>:</td> <td> #TimeStart# - #TimeEnd#</td><
<tr><td width=70>To </td><td>:</td> <td> #ClientName# </td></tr>
<tr><td width=70>Address </td><td>:</td> <td> #ClientAddress# </td></tr>
<tr><td width=70>Member </td><td>:</td> <td> #Replace(qryGetMember.test,
",","","one")# </td></tr>
<tr><td width=70></td></tr>
<cfif #Description# neq ''> <br> <p style="color:red">
<b>Description : #Description# </b></p>

Please logon into <a href = "">DataOn Transporta
tion System</a> to see the details
SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate,
DATENAME(dw, OrderDate) as DayName
From Orders
Form Instance
cf gabung dengan instance
type internal masuk server dataon misal domx1, domx2 dst
type eksternal input manual
database server bikin master sendiri
penginputan setiap hari senin data terakhir data instance status
pembuatan note untuk bintang 1, bintang 2, bintang 3
pembuatan location
App server ganti Management Server
CF hapus
App Server
IP Server
Application H/W PLatform
Web Server
buat master baru untuk location

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