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Poverty by the Numbers

Capita (Wealth
produced per
person per year in
US dollars)
Percentage of
Living in
mortality rate
(deaths in infancy
per 1,000 live
Literacy Rate
(percentage of the adult
population that can read
and write)
Kenya $1,00 !0" !! #!" (m:91%/f:80%)
$lgeria $,%00 &'" &# (0" (m:80%/f:60%)
)igeria $&,'00 (0" %* #" (m:76%/f:61%)
+, of -ongo $'00 N/A #1 (" (m:81%/f:54%)
South $frica $10,100 !0" ** #" (m:87%/f:86%)
For comparison:
.ndia $&,%00 &!" '0 1" (m:74%/f:48%)
-hina $,000 #" &0 %1" (m:95%/f:87%)
Sweden $'#,100 0" &/(! %%" (m:99%/f:99%)
)ew 0ealand $&#,000 N/A ! %%" (m:99%/f:99%)
United States $*,%00 1&" %%" (m:99%/f:99%)
1ased on your graph, 2a3e a general state2ent co2paring $frican nations to the rest of the world/
Which country in $frica has the worst standard of living4 Which has the best4 What factors do you
thin3 contribute to this4
5ic3 an $frican country and co2pare it to the United States/ 6ow 2any ti2es greater is $2erica7s
8+54 6ow 2any ti2es greater is the infant 2ortality rate4 (9:/ -hina7s 8+5 is $000/ ;he US has a
8+5 (<# ti2es greater than -hina/)
)a2e= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
6r= >>>>>
Graph it
Choose a daa se (one co!"mn) and proper!# depic ha daa on a $ar %raph "sin% he %rid pro&ided'
(epresen each co"nr# pro&ided )ih a $ar' *f #o" fee! !i+e #o" are a maser socia! scienis, fee!
free o creae a do"$!e $ar %raph "sin% he !ierac# raes for $oh men and )omen' -he %raph is
(emem$er o inc!"de a i!e for he %raph, !a$e! $oh he / and #0a/is, and !a$e! each $ar'

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