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Course Objectives
In congruence with the aim of marketing to convert a commodity into an identifiable product and to a subsequent
brand, the course involves the objective of imparting comprehensive understanding of the process of product
strategy and the fundamentals of building, measuring, and managing a brand.

Course Contents

Module I: Product Strategy Development
Elements of Product Strategy, Product Mix and Line decisions. Positioning Strategy, Product Strategy over Life
Cycle, New Product Development Process

Module II: Introduction to Brand Management
Concept of branding, the challenges faced by brand managers, the value of a brand to customers and the
organization, Branding Challenges & Opportunities, Strategic Brand Management Process

Module III: Elements to build Effective Brands
Criteria to choose brand elements, Creation of brand personality, brand personality scale, brand image sources,
Brand identity dimensions

Module IV: Brand Re-vitalization
Brand & Line Extensions, Marketing Mix for Brand Extensions, Co Branding. Upward and Downward stretching
of brands.

Module V: Managing the Brand Systems
The brand equity concept, Brand Equity Models Customer Based Brand Equity, Aaker Model, Brand hierarchy
Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Associations, Brand Recognition, Recall.

Examination Scheme

Components CPA TP Q/S A ME EE
Weightage (%) 5 5 5 5 10 70


Keller K.L. (2008), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Prentice
Sengupta S. (2010), Brand Positioning, Tata McGraw-Hill
Kapferer J. L. (1994), Strategic Brand Management, Free Press

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