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Date: December 18, 2009

To: Kevin Brooks

From: Brittney Frey

Subject: Class participation grade 44/50

I strongly believe that I deserve a class participation grade of 44 out of 50 points for the semester. I had
nearly perfect attendance, only missing two class periods, and was prepared for each class period.
Although this class was not a top priority of this semester, I spent a considerable amount of time
completing the assignments and making revisions, etc.

My attendance for the semester was ideal, being absent for only two class periods due to family
matters. In both events, I contacted you prior to the start of class to inform you of my absence and to
ask what I would miss. Kirsten was very kind and offered me her notes on both occasions (perhaps she
deserves an extra participation point). Nonetheless, I did not fall behind and continued to complete my
work in a timely manner.

I also dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to completing both the in-class tasks and the
larger unit assignments. Whenever there was a practice paragraph assigned for the discussion board, I
would strive to complete it in class or shortly thereafter. Although some of those assignments appeared
to be optional, I completed them every time in order to improve my personal writing strengths. Another
area that I feel deserves acknowledgment is the three main unit assignments. For each project, I aimed
to generate a rough draft and then send it to you for editing before I completed the final draft and
handed it in. I could easily have looked right past your comments but I made it in my best interest to fix
the areas of interest to better my credibility as a writer and student.

Looking back, I feel that I had a successful semester in this course. Although my grades may not have
lived up to my original expectations, I learned a lot more than just correct grammar and formatting. I
value good communication much more and have learned that I can only gain from asking for more help
and more feedback. I have also learned, both through this course as well as through my architecture
courses that my work will never be ‘complete’ but that I just have to keep working towards something
better than what I had before.

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