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Biology A

Mr. Burrill
Course Description
Biology is a combination of traditional classroom (lecture, book work, class labs, written assessments)
and project activities (group labs, presentations, models). Students will work individually and in groups
to understand the principle of biology.

Introduction to Biology
Cells/Cellular Activities

Grading System
Tests 30% Quizzes 20%
Assignments/Labs 30% Final Exam 20%

You are expected to do your best at all times. I will be available on an appointment basis before, during,
and after school to tutor students who need extra help on their assignments. However, YOU are
responsible for your own learning.

1. All work will be graded on actual point value. No curve grading.
2. Daily late assignments are worth 50% of the value. Projects that are turned in late will drop
one full letter grade for each day late. Late work will only be accepted until the test date
for that unit. After that point, missing work cannot be made up for credit.

1. For each excused absence, two extra days will be allowed to make up assigned on the
day missed. Students are responsible for collecting the assignments they missed. Extra
copies of assignments will be kept next to the turn-in bins. Students can also retrieve
electronic copies of assignments from
2. Students who miss a test, quiz, or lab must meet with the teacher upon their return to
schedule a time outside of class to make up work. Tests and quizzes must be made up in a
reasonable amount of time. Labs must be made up within 2 weeks of the students return
to class
3. For school related absences or absences that you know about ahead of time, you must make
arrangements for missed work prior to the absence. Please check with me ahead of time.

Course Materials
A 3-ring binder is strongly recommended.

__________________________________________________ _______________
Parent Signature Date

__________________________________________________ ________________
Student Signature Date

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