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Introduction to the BPEL Process Service Component

This section provides an introduction to the BPEL process service component in the design
4.1.1 How to Add a BPEL Process Service Component
You add BPEL process service components in the SOA Composite Editor.
To add a BPEL process service component:
1. Foo! the instructions in Ta"e #$1 to start Orace %&eveoper.
Ta"e #$1 Starting Orace %&eveoper
To Start... On indows... On !"I#...
or create a shortcut
(. Add a BPEL process service component through one o) the )oo!ing methods:
As a service component in an e*isting SOA composite appication:
1. From the Component Paette+ drag a BPEL Process service component into the
SOA Composite Editor.
,n a ne! appication:
(. From the Appication -avigator+ seect Fie . -e! . Appications . SOA
This starts the Create SOA Appication !i/ard.
0. ,n the Appication -ame diaog+ enter an appication name in the Appication
-ame )ied.
#. ,n the &irector1 )ied+ enter a director1 path in !hich to create the SOA composite
appication and pro2ect.
3. Cic' -e*t.
4. ,n the Pro2ect -ame diaog+ enter a name in the Pro2ect -ame )ied.
5. Cic' -e*t.
6. ,n the Pro2ect SOA Settings diaog+ seect Composite 7ith BPEL Process.
8. Cic' Finish.
Each method causes the Create BPEL Process diaog sho!n in Figure #$1 to appear.
Figure #$1 Create BPEL Process &iaog
&escription o) 9Figure #$1 Create BPEL Process &iaog9
0. Provide the re:uired detais+ as descri"ed in Ta"e #$(.

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