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Initial Ideas

These were our initial ideas when we first had to come up with a
logo. We liked the idea of using a clock as it fitted in with the common
association with 5AM as we liked having our production team name
as a part of the overall logo as it means for easier identification.
Although these are the only ideas we drew out, we also discussed
about having the 5 a lot bigger than the AM Productions as a
recognisable feature and we had ideas such as only having the words,
and no image to accompany it, in a font we would find interesting but
not over complicated. However, we decided not to try out these ideas,
as we knew that we could be more creative than that when designing
and creating our logo.

Created Logos

We decided to use the colour blue in our design against the
black and white to help tie in the logo with our blog design.
The use of the puzzle piece shape was because it is a motif
commonly associated with autism, which is our chosen
subject area for our documentary. However overall the logo
looked too full on and probably wouldnt be that recognisable.

We used the idea of clocks to fit the idea of 5AM but the
5 looked lost between the other numbers on the clock
face. All the text ended up being different sizes and it
looked really unprofessional and it almost looked too
white compared to the design above so seems quite

Logo number 3 incorporates the clock idea and the 5 of
our production name is hidden within the centre by the
use of the clock hands. I decided to connect the A and M
to help tie it all in together used the word productions to
square the whole design off. It became our final
logo because the colours were neutral to fit all of our
pieces of work and because it incorporated the idea of
time which documentaries usually look at.

We decided to go for a more simple design in contrast with
the others with less colours to see if it looked any better,
but we thought it looked way too simple and quite boring
and unimaginative. However it goes with the idea of using a
clock as 5AM is most commonly known as a time, so we played with this idea.

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