Test de Evaluare Initiala A 11 A 2014-2015

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Anul scolar 2014-2015

Limba n!l"#
$lasa a %I- a
Numl &i 'rnuml l(ului)
Da*a sus+inrii *s*ului)
,ARTEA I -.0 / 'unc*0
11 Ra/ *2 *3* blo41 Ar *2 sn*ncs 1-5 5Ri!2*6 -A0 or 57ron!6 -809 I: *2r is no* nou!2
in:orma*ion *o ans4r 5Ri!2*6 -A0 or 57ron!6 -80; c2oos 5Dosn6* sa<6 -$01 -20 'oin*s0
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle, in Windsor in the English county of Berkshire, is the largest inhabited castle in the world
and, dating back to the time of William the Conqueror, is the oldest in continuous occupation. The castles
floor area is approimately !"!,### square feet $!!,%&' square metres(.
Together with Buckingham )alace in *ondon and +olyrood )alace in Edinburgh, it is one of the principal
official residences of the British monarch. ,ueen Eli-abeth .. spends many weekends of the year at the
castle, using it for both state and pri/ate entertaining. +er other two residences, 0andringham +ouse and
Balmoral Castle, are the 1oyal 2amilys pri/ate homes.
3ost of the 4ings and ,ueens of England, later 4ings and ,ueens of 5reat Britain, and later still kings and
queens of the Commonwealth realms, ha/e had a direct influence on the construction and e/olution of the
castle, which has been their garrison fortress, home, official palace, and sometimes their prison.
The castles history and that of the British monarchy are inetricably linked.
Chronologically the history of the castle can be traced through the reigns of the monarchs who ha/e occupied
it. When the country has been at peace, the castle has been epanded by the additions of large and grand
apartments6 when the country has been at war, the castle has been more hea/ily fortified. This pattern has
continued to the present day. $www.anglotopia.net(
7. Windsor Castle dates back to William the Conquerors times.
8 1ight B Wrong C 9oesnt say
:. British monarchs ha/e ne/er li/ed in Windsor Castle.
8 1ight B Wrong C 9oesnt say
;. Windsor Castle has remained unchanged since its construction.
8 1ight B Wrong C 9oesnt say
!. 0ome kings and queens ha/e been imprisoned at Windsor Castle.
8 1ight B Wrong C 9oesnt say
'. Windsor Castle has been hea/ily fortified by ,ueen Elisabeth ...
8 1ight B Wrong C 9oesnt say
21 $2oos *2 corrc* (arian*1 -20 'oin*s0
7. *eif Ericson..................<inland while he ==========towards the west.
a. was disco/ering ... sailed b. has disco/ered ... were sailing c. has disco/ered ... was sailing d.
disco/ered ... was sailing e. disco/ered ... sailed
:. .f . ....................... the 0uperman, . ........................
a.would be > fly b. would be >flew c. were > would fly d. were > will fly e. was>fly
;. . =.=== $finish( doing this eercise.
a. am finishing b. has ?ust finished c. ha/e ?ust finished d. ?ust finished e. ?ust ha/e finished
!. . ........................................... positi/e re/iews about that film in the papers so . am going to see it.
a. has read b. ha/e read c. read d. readed e. will read
'. +i @ane, you AAAAA sadB WhatCs upD
a. look b. looks c. is looking d. are looking e. will loook
&. +e =========== mineral water e/ery day.
a. will drink b. are drinking c. is drinking d. drink e. drinks
E. +e was late. When he ......................... at the airport, the plane ...................
a. arri/ed > had already left b. had arri/ed > left c. has arri/ed > left d. had arri/ed > had left
e. left> had arri/ed
". ........................................... rugbyD
a. did you e/er played b. do you e/er played c. has you e/er played d. ha/e you e/er play
e. +a/e you e/er played
%. AAAAA your homeworkD
a. +a/e you done b. +a/e you do c. +as you done d. +as you done
e. 9id you do
7#. We ............................... that film.
a. will already seen b. ha/e already seen c. has already seen d. already saw
e. already did see
3. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Rewrite the correct sentences. (20
7. . think this umbrella can be Emilys6 she was carrying one like it yesterday.
:. 8fter . ha/e been studying 2rench for another year, . can speak it fluently.
;. We must to lea/e as soon as we gets here.
!. +e isnt able to be /ery bright6 he has failed the course three times.
'. . wish . can come to your party.
&. +e must waits until the bank open.
E. They will ha/e to taking a tai to get there in time.
". 3y parents say that . am able to stay out until midnight.
%. 3ay . use this phone to make a pri/ate callD
7#. Fou ought to write to your parents more often.
,ARTEA a II-a -=0 / 'unc*0
>ou 2a( ?us* 4on a com'*i*ion an/ <ou 4oul/ li@ *o *ll <our :rin/ abou* i*1 7ri* an mail *o
<our :rin/; !i(in! 2imA2r /*ails abou* *2 com'*i*ion; *llin! 2im 2o4 <ou :l abou* 4innin!
i* an/ in:ormin! 2im abou* <our :u*ur 'lans
Anul scolar 2014-2015
Limba n!l"#
$lasa a %I-a
8arm / (aluar &i / no*ar
G 0e punctea-H oricare alte formulHri> modalitHIi de re-ol/are corectH a cerinIelor.
G Ju se acordH puncta?e intermediare, altele decKt cele preci-ate eplicit prin barem. Ju se acordH
fracIiuni de punct.
G 0e acordH 7# puncte din oficiu. Jota finalH se calculea-H prin LmpHrIirea puncta?ului total acordat
pentru test la 7#.
,ARTEA I -.0 'unc*0
11 5 sn*ncs% 4'B20 'oin*s
7 8, : B, ; B, ! 8, ' C.
21 10 sn*ncs% 2'B20 'oin*s
7( C6 :( C6 ;(C6 !( B6 '( 86 &( E6 E( 86 "( E6 %( 86 7#( B.
=. 10 sn*ncs% 2'B20 'oin*s
7. . think this umbrella could >must be Emilys6 she was carrying one like it yesterday.
:. 8fter . ha/e been studying 2rench for another year, . will be able to speak it fluently.
;. We must lea/e as soon as we get here.
!. +e cant be /ery bright6 he has failed the course three times.
'. . wish . could come to your party.
&. +e must wait until the bank open.
E. They will ha/e to take a tai to get there in time.
". 3y parents say that . can stay out until midnight.
%. 3ay . use this phone to make a pri/ate callD
7#. Fou ought to write to your parents more often.
,ARTEA a II-a -=0 / 'unc*0
4 'oin*s :or a''ro'ria*l< b!innin! an/ n/in! *2 l**r)
M : points the beginningN 9ear O the friends name
M : points the endingN Best wishes > *o/e > *ots of lo/e >Fours O the senders name
. 'oin*s :or corrc* !rammar s*ruc*urs an/ connc*ors
5 'oin*s :or *2 us o: a''ro'ria* (ocabular<
10 'oin*s :or co(rin! *2 as'c*s /man// b< *2 *as@
= 'oin*s :or a balanc/ s*ruc*ur -!r*in!Ain*ro/uc*ion; con*n*; conclusion0
2 'oin*s :or *2 !nral im'rssion

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