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1. I dont speak English.

I wish
a. I speak English
b. I spoke English
c. I spoken English
d. She spoke English
e. I can speak English
2. I wish I was hanging out with my
girlfriend. In fact, I
a. as studying in the class.
b. Studied in the class.
c. Study in the class.
d. as study in the class.
e. as study in the class.
!. "e didnt come to my house last
night. I wish
a. "e came to my house last night.
b. "e was coming to my house last
c. "e had come to my house last
d. "e comes to my house last night.
e. "e would come to my house
last night.
#. $ust a moment. I %%%%%%%%%%%%
help you with the bags.
a. &oing to
b. 'm going to
c. ill
d. as going to
e. ere going to
(. )ichele %%%%%%%%%%%% begin
medical school ne*t year.
a. is going to
b. will
c. am going to
d. are going to
e. will be
+. ,hey-e already decided on their
ne*t summer holiday. ,hey
%%%%%%%%%%%% .do/ a tour of
a. ill
b. ,o be going to
c. Is going to
d. 're going to
e. 'm going to
1. '2 here did you go yesterday3
42 I %%%%%%%%%%%% .go/ to a
friends birthday party.
a. &o
b. 5ont go
c. ent
d. &one
e. &oes
6. '2 ,hat sounds like fun7 5id you
buy him a present3
42 8eah, I %%%%%%%%%%%% .buy/ him
a mobile phone.
a. 4uy
b. 4uys
c. 4uying
d. ill buy
e. 4ought
9. '2 5id you ha-e a good time3
42 I %%%%%%%%%%%% .ha-e/ an
awesome time.
a. "ad
b. "as
c. "a-es
d. "a-e
e. ill ha-e
:or no. 1;<1#, fill in the gaps on this
following dialogue.
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 &ood afternoon,
madam. %%%%%%%%%%%%.1;/3
CUSTOMER 2 &ood afternoon, I=d like to
look at some shirts.
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 >ottons or
synthetics, madam3
>?S,@)EA 2 ,erycots, if you ha-e
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 Sure, madam.
@-er here, if you don=t mind. e ha-e
an e*cellent range of shirts in terycot.
,hese striped ones are new arri-als.
CUSTOMER 2 I rather fancy
those blue ones with red stripes.
SHOP ASSISTANT 2= ell, they=re
men=s shirts. 4ut nowadays . . .
CUSTOMER 2 >ould you take them
out, please3
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 hat=s the
collar<siBe, madam3
CUSTOMER 2 :ifteen.
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 :ifteen3 're
you sure, madam3
CUSTOMER 2 8es. I=m sure.
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 "ere you are,
CUSTOMER 2 %%%%%%%%.11/3
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 ,hat=s two
hundred and nineteen rupees ninety<
fi-e paise. Clus ta*es. %%%%%%%%%%.12/3
CUSTOMER 2 ,ry it on3 0o. >ould
you gift<wrap it3 8ou see, it=s a gift to
my husband on his birthday7
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 I see7 .Dater/
"ere it is7 I=-e stuck on it a little card
saying %%%%%%%%%%%% .1!/.
CUSTOMER : %%%%%%%%%%%% .1#/,
young man. 4ye7
SHOP ASSISTANT 2 &ood<bye,
madam. >all again.
1;. a. "ow are you3
b. 're you ok3
c. elcome to our shop

WAKTU : WIB HARI / TANGGAL : Sabtu, 15 Ju! "#1$
P%tu&u' U(u( :
1) Tu*!+*a, t%-*%b!, .a,u*u a(a .a /(/- 0%+%-ta A.a 0a.a *%(ba- &a1aba 2a3 t%*a, .!+%.!a'a4
") Ba5a*a, +/a*6+/a* .%3a t%*!t! +%b%*u( A.a (%3%-&a'a 4
$) P%-!'+a*a, ,a+!* 0%'%-&aa a.a +%b%*u( .!+%-a,'a '%0a.a 0%tu3a+ 4
A) P!*!,*a, +a*a, +atu &a1aba 2a3 0a*!3 t%0at 4
d. 're you busy3
e. hat can I do for you
11. a. "ow long is it
b. "ow cost
c. "ow much is it
d. "ow price
e. Is it cheap
12. a. ould you like to try it on
b. ill try
c. ould you like to see3
d. ould you like to buy it
e. 5o you like it
1!. a. >ongratulation
b. ,hank you
c."appy 4irthday
d. Im proud of you
e. Do-e you
1#. a. @k
b. ,hat=s -ery kind of you
c. Sure
d. ell
e. &reat
:or no. 1(<19, fill in the gaps on this
following dialogue.
'2 hy dont we go to the mo-ies3
42 ?mm, .1(/ like going to the
mo-ies because I went last night.
'2 "mm, ok. .1+/ to a restaurant3
42. .11/. "ow about going to a ,hai
'2 .16/.. hy dont we go to an
Indian restaurant3
42 .19/
'2 @k, Ill pick you up at 1
42 &reat, Ill see you then
1(. a. Its ok
b. I dont really feel
c. Sorry, I cant
d. I will
e. I dont
1+. a. how about going
b) do you like
5) we ha-e to go
.) you go
%) may you go
11. a. I dont like it
b. 're you sure3
c. is it ok3
d. I hope so
e. Sure, sounds great.
16. a. I like ,hai restaurant
b. Aeally3
c. great idea
d. Im not really in the mood for
e. 0o, I cant
19. a. sure, why not3
b. I dont care
c. I cant
d. may be
e. ell
:or no. 2;<2!, look at this following
' 2 E*cuse me, where is the post
office, please3
4 2 ..2;/ at the ne*t corner. ,hen
.21/ until you come to the
traffic lights. .22/ there. ,he
post office is .. .2!/the cinema.
2;. a. turn left at the ne*t corner
b. go straight
c.,urn right at the ne*t corner
d. &o down
e.Stop at the corner
21. a. go down
b. go straight on until you come
to the traffic lights.
c. turn right at the ne*t corner
d. turn left at the ne*t corner
e. Stop at the corner
22. a. go down
b. go Stop at the corner
c. turn right at the ne*t corner
d. go straight
e. turn left there.
2!.a. ,he post office is opposite
b. ,he post office is far
c. ,he post office is beside
d. ,he post office is behind
e. ,he post office is near
2#. Sinici2 Aan, what do u think
about this mo-ie3
R!n 2 I think this mo-ie is
really good.
Sinici2 . ,his mo-ie is so
boring that I sleep while watch
it. ,he plot is flat and there is
not any suspense in the story. I
like watching film but this
time I disagree with you.
a. 8eah
b. Aeally3
c. &reat.
d. I also like it.
e. I don=t think so.
2(. Sonoko2 "ey, Dook at my new
ring , isn=t it cool33
Aan 2 8eah, I , your ring
is so cool. It perfectly
matches with your
finger. It must be a
-ery e*pensi-e ring.
a. like it
b. want to buy it
c. lo-e it
d. absolutely agree with you.
e. don=t think so.
2+. )amoru2 5id you like the
sound track of the
?sagi 2 0o, I hated it. It was
too loud and too hard
rock for me.
)amoru2 . the music is so
great. I like hard rock.
a. 8eah
b. Aeally3
c. &reat.
d. I also like it.
e. I don=t think so.
21. &on 2 @h look Eillua, isnt that a
strange looking picture3
Eillua2 ,he one with the ducks3 I...
a. like it
b. want to buy it
c. lo-e it
d. absolutely agree with you.
e. don=t think so.
:or no. 26<!(, fill in the gaps on this
following dialogue.
Waiter2 "ello, >an I .26/ you3
Kim2 8es, .29/to ha-e some lunch.
Waiter2 .!;/a starter3
Kim2 8es, I=d like a bowl of chicken soup,
Waiter2 'nd what .!2/ for a main course3
Kim2 I=d like a grilled cheese sandwich.
Waiter2 ould you like .!!/ to drink3
Kim2 8es, I=d like a glass of >oke, please.
Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.2 >an I
bring you anything else3
Kim2 0o thank you. $ust the .!#/.
Waiter2 >ertainly.
Kim2I don=t ha-e my glasses. .!(/ is the
Waiter2 ,hat=s F+.1(.
Kim2 . "ere you are. ,hank you -ery much.
Waiter2 8ou=re welcome. "a-e a good day.
Kim2 ,hank you, the same to you.
26. a. take
b. help
c. what would you like3
d. anything else3
e. want
29. a. Id like
b. no,, thanks
c. I will
d. Im eager
e. may I
!;. a. ha-e
b. do you like
c. do you need
d. do you ha-e
e. would you like
!1. a. ok
b. please
c. thats all
d. thank you
e. waiter
!2. a. ha-e
b. do you like
c. do you need
d. do you ha-e
e. what would you like
!!. a. ha-e
b. something
c. anything
d. water
e. e-erything
!#. a. menu
b. food
c. bill
d. drink
e. coke
!(. a. e*pensi-e
b. how about
c. what about
d. how much
e. cheap
!+. I wish I could stop lo-ing him. In
fact, I
a. >an stop lo-ing him.
b. >ant stop lo-ing him.
c. as stop lo-ing him.
d. >ouldnt stop lo-ing him.
e. as stop lo-e him.
!1. Im staying at home now. I wish
a. I go dating with my boyfriend.
b. I go dating with my girlfriend.
c. I drank an orange Guice.
d. I was talk with him.
e. I was watching mo-ie with my
lo-ely friend.
!6. "e is buying some butter and eggs
because he %%%%%%%%% .make/ a
cake later.
a. ill
b. ,o be going to
c. Is going to
d. 're going to
e. 'm going to
!9. Its -ery hot in here. I %%%%%%%%%%%
.open/ the window.
a. ill
b. ,o be going to
c. Is going to
d. 're going to
e. 'm going to
#;. )y cousin %%%%%%%%%%% .work/ in
the ?E for a year.
a. ill
b. ,o be going to
c. Is going to
d. 're going to
e. 'm going to
#1. Im thirsty. I %%%%%%%%%%%%
.get/ you a glass of water.
a. ill
b. ,o be going to
c. Is going to
d. 're going to
e. 'm going to
#2. Dook at the clouds7 It
%%%%%%%%%%%% soon.
a. ill
b. ,o be going to
c. Is going to
d. 're going to
e. 'm going to
#!. '2 hat did you do there3
42 e %%%%%%%%%%%% .play/
a. Clays
b. Clayed
c. Claying
d. 're playing
e. ill play
##. '2 5id you listen to music3
42 8es, we %%%%%%%%%%%%
.listen/ to fine music.
a. Distening
b. Distens
c. Distened
d. 're playing
e. ill play
#(. '2 hen did you lea-e3
42 I %%%%%%%%%%%% at .(2;;/.
a. Deft
b. Dea-ed
c. Dea-es
d. ill lea-e
e. Dea-ing
#+. 5id he %%%%%%%%%%%% .-isit/ his
a. Hisits
b. Hisited
c. Hisiting
d. ill -isit
e. Hisiting
#1. '2 hat did you eat at the party3
42 I %%%%%%%%%%%% .eat/ a
hamburger and fries. It was great7
a. Eats
b. Eated
c. Eating
d. 'te
e. Eaten
#6. Dook7 ,here=s smoke coming out of
the photocopier. 8ou turn it off and I
.phone/ the safety officer
a.will phone
b. will phones
c. am going to phone
d. are going to phone
e. Is going to
#9. I .forget/ to call him this morning.
b. forgotten
d. forgot
(;. "e .ask/ me to go to his house last
a.ill ask
b. asked
d. is asking

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