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9000 Colebrook Lane

Knoxville, TN 37922
(865) 719-5877
Dec. 2013 -N/1+R"/T2 03 T+NN+""++ Knoxville, TN
Master of Science in Communication and Information
Concentration: Journalism and Electronic Media
GPA: 3.95, umma Cum !aude
Com"leted courses in "rint, #roadcast, "u#lic relations, mass communication la$ and et%ics
Created a 30&minute documentar' anal'(in) se* tra++ic,in) in C'"rus and -ennessee
Ma' 2010 3-R4.N -N/1+R"/T2 5reenville, "C
Bachelor of Arts in English
Com"leted courses in anal'tical and creati.e $ritin), literature, t%eatre and li)%tin) desi)n
Jan. 201/ 0 Present 89/R-T1 Knoxville, TN
Digital Producer
Mana)es, researc%es, $rites, edits, and "%oto)ra"%s content +or $, social media, and ne$scasts
1ses anal'tics sites li,e C%art#eat, im"le2eac%, 3it$ise, and 4mniture to strate)i(e %o$ to dra$ a lar)er
audience to $
Contri#utes to editorial decisions in t%e ne$sroom
Mem#er o+ t%e +irst $e#site team in.ol.ed in Gannett5s content mana)ement s'stem desi)ned +or all its
ne$s"a"ers and tele.ision stations
6782 $on t%e national small mar,et 201/ Ed$ard 2. Murro$ A$ard +or 4.erall E*cellence
Jul' 2012 0 Jan. 201/ News Producer
6rote content, researc%ed stories, or)ani(ed s%o$s, mana)ed cre$s, #oo,ed$s, and in.esti)ated
#rea,in) ne$s +or se.eral ne$scasts under strin)ent deadlines
Produced $e#site content: $rote articles9 edited re"orter stories9 mana)ed and edited .ideos9 o.ersa$
li.e .ideo streamin), "%oto )alleries and $e#site la'out
Created content +or social media
Jan. 2012 0 Jul' 2012 News Intern
Jan. 2012 0 Ma' 2012 -T T0,.2 Knoxville, TN
Producer and Reporter
Produced a dail' and $ee,l' ne$s ma)a(ine "ro)ram at t%e 1ni.ersit' o+ -ennessee
2esearc%ed, $rote, narrated, +ilmed, and edited re"orter "ac,a)es

:e#. 2012 0 Ma' 2012 KN061/LL+ N+8"-"+NT/N+L Knoxville, TN
Freelance writer
e"t. 2010 0 June 2011 T:+ CL.R+NC+ 9R08N T:+.TR+ Knoxville, TN
Deelopment and Mar!eting Staff
P%oto)ra"%ed, $rote, edited, or)ani(ed materials sent to contri#utors, includin) t%e ne$sletter
2e.ised t%e $e#site5s co"' and la'out
:ilmed, directed, and edited audition reels +or )raduate student actors
Assisted in "lannin) and mana)in) s"ecial e.ents
ummers 2005 ; 2009 R/1R 4+,/. "T-,/0" Knoxville, TN
6or,ed on t%e +ollo$in) s%o$s: <-%e 6%ole Picture,= <Gara)e Ma%al,= and <7lo) Ca#in=
.,,/T/0N.L /NT+R+"T" .N, "K/LL"
Pro+icient in :inal Cut Pro, Edius, !i)%t%ouse, Microso+t 4++ice and Mac4
E*"erienced "%oto)ra"%er, .ideo)ra"%er, li)%tin) desi)ner, and .ideo editor
Mem#er o+ P%i >a""a P%i 3onor ociet' and Al"%a Delta Pi sororit' tra.eler, coo,in) and decor %o##'ist, and s%ort&stor' aut%or

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