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Date 21-5-2014

Chief Executive Officer

The Urban Unit
Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) t!.
ahore" Pa#istan
Dear Sir,
In response to ad in newspaper, I am writing this letter to apply for the Entry level GIS developer position !lease
see en"losed res#me
I am $aster of %omp#ter S"ien"e &$%S' form (irt#al )niversity of !a*istan I +elieve that my ,#alifi"ations and
s*ills are +est mat"h for yo#r re,#irements

$y en"losed res#me will s#mmari-e my ,#alifi"ation, "apa+ilities and "areer history I wo#ld li*e to wor* with .he
)r+an )nit
/ere +elow is also my email, "onta"t address and n#m+er in "ase yo# are interested in my profile
.han* yo# for yo#r pre"io#s time and "onsideration and loo*ing forward to hearing from yo#
0est 1egards,
Muhamma! $ilal
%ome &!!ress
%ouse ' ()* $loc# %+,
-ohar To.n ahore
Email &!!ress
Mobile' 0 1),(21*2((2"

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