Jose Rizal

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( 1861-1896 )
A. Petsa : Miyekules, Hunyo 19, 1861
Lugar : Calamba, Laguna
Binyag : Hunyo 22, 1861
Pari : Pare. !u"ino Collantes
II. Pamila !i Ri"al
A. #ransis$o Mer$ao !i%al
1. ka&anganakan
a. Petsa : Abril 18,1818
b. Lugar : Bi'an, Laguna
$. Mga Magulang : ama ( )uan Mer$ao ina ( Ce$ilia Ale*anro
. Paaralan : Colegio e +an )ose , MAynila
2. kamatayan : ,nero -, 1898
B. .eoora Alon%o / !ealona
1. ka&anganakan
a. Petsa : 0obyembre 11, 1822
b. Lugar : 3ng&in, +ta. Cru%, Maynila
$. Mga Magulang : ama ( Loren%o Alberto Alon%o ina 4 Brigila e 5uintos
. Paaralan : Colegio e +anta !osa, Maynila
2. kamatayan : Agosto 16, 1911
C. Mga Anak
1. +aturnina 4 18-6
2. Pa$iano 4 18-1
7. 0ar$isa 4 18-2
1. 3lim&ia 4 18--
-. Lu$ia 4 18-2
6. Maria 4 18-9
2. )ose 4 1861
8. Con$e&$ion 4 1862
9. )ose"a 4 186-
16. .rinia 4 1868
11. +olea 4 1826
III. Pa#-aa$al %
A. Bi'an, Laguna 8 Hunyo 1826 ( 9isyembre 1821
B. +an )uan e Letran ( Hunyo 16, 1822
C. Atene e Manila
9. :nibersia ng +anto .omas
,. :nibersia Central e Mari
2 taong gulang 4 marunong nang magbasa
7 taong gulang ( marunong nang magasal
1 na taong gulang ( maruinong nang mag;ugis ng bagay
- taong gulang ( marunong nang gumu;it
8 taong gulang sinulat ang tulang < +a Aking mga =ababata>
:nang guro ( ang kanyang ina
:nang guro sa &ormal na &ag4aaral ( Maestro )ustiniano A?uino Cru%
+eguna =atigbak ( Li&a, Batangas
Miss L ( Calamba, Laguna
Leonor @alen%uela ( Antramuros, Manila
Leonor !iBera ( Camiling, Laguna
Consuelo 3rtega / !ey 4 Mari
3sei4+an ( )a&an
Certrue Be$kett ( 8,nglis;D Lonon, ,nglan
0ellie Boustea ( Paris, #ran$e
+u%%ane 8PetitaD )a$oby ( Belgium
)ose&;ine Bra$ken ( 8Aris;D 9a&itan
DISYEM&RE )9*1896
E 2:66 n.u. 4 ang &aglilitis
E 8:66 n.u. 4 binisita ni Lt. .aBiel e Anrae
E 12:66 n.t. 4 nata&os niyang naisulat ang tulang < Mi :ltimo Aios>
E 1:76 n.;. 4 umating ang ina at ka&ati na si .rinia
E 8:66 n.g. 4 ;uling ;a&unan
DISYEM&RE +,* 1896
E 7:76 n.u. 4 nagmisa si #r. Balaguer
E -:76 n.u. 4 umating si )ose&;ine Bra$ken at ka&ati na si 0ar$isa 4
ikinasal sila ni #r. Balaguer
E 6:66 n.u. 4 umalis na &auntang Bagumbayan
E 2:66 n.u. 4 &inulsu;an siya ni 9r. Castiloo
E 2:67 n.u. namatay si !i%al sa utos ni CoB. PolaBie*a. 4 sa ea na 7- taon,
6 buFan at 11 araF
The Mercado - Rizal Family
#ran$is$o, t;e "at;er, Fas a serious looking man o" stury buil. He
Fas born in Bi'an, Laguna on A&ril 18, 1818.
.eoora, t;e mot;er, Fas a Bigorious an &erseBering Foman Fit; a
beneBolent ;eart an a likable &ersonality.
+aturnina 818-641917D, elest o" t;e !i%al $;ilren, be$ame t;e Fi"e
o" Manuel .. Hialgo o" tanauan, Batangas.
Pa$iano, t;e se$on $;il in t;e "amily an !i%alGs only brot;er.
0ar$isa 818-241979D, t;ir !i%al, Fas marrie to Antonio Lo&e% o"
Morong, !i%al.
3lym&ia 818--41882D, "ourt; !i%al $;il, Fas marrie to +ilBestre
:balo. +;e ie o" $;ilbirt; in 1882.
Lu$ia 818-241919D, "i"t; !i%al $;il, Fas t;e Fi"e o" Mariano
Maria 818-94191-D, t;e siHt; !i%al $;il, be$ame t;e Fi"e o" 9aniel
#austino Cru% o" Bi'an, Laguna.
)ose !i%al 8186141896D, be$ame t;e national ;ero o" t;e P;ili&&ines.
.rinia 81868419-1D, t;e tent; !i%al $;il.
+olea 8182641929D, t;e youngest !i%al $;il be$ame t;e Fi"e o"
Pantaleon 5uintero
Jose Rizal
Rizal at age 11
Rizal at age 16
Rizal at 18 years old while a
student of medicine at the U.S.T

Rizal in Madrid at the age of 25
Rizal at age 5
Women in Rizal's Life
!ertrude "ec#ett
$aughter of a %ondon organist. She
fell in lo&e with Rizal.
'ose(hine "rac#en
'ose(hine "rac#en
She lo&ed Rizal and stood )y him
u( to his last hour
%eonor Ri&era
*rayon s#etch )y Rizal
%eonor Ri&era
Sweetheart of Rizal
%eonor +alenzuela
,riend of Rizal during his student
days at Uni&ersity of Sto. Tomas
-elly "ousted of "iarritz whom
Rizal almost married in 18.1/ after
learning that %eonor Ri&era got
01Sei 2iyo San whom Rizal met
during his one and a half month
so3ourn in 'a(an in the s(ring of
1888. She taught him 'a(anese
Susan 'aco)y
Rizal stayed in the house of the
'aco)y4s in "russels/ "elgium

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