Assignment 1

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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Gina Wallace

1. Article:
a. Oculus Reveals Its New Crescent Bay Prototype With 360-Degree Head Tracking And
2. Summary:
The oculus is a system used to create a virtual reality within a headset. Oculus released a
new prototype known as Crescent bay, which contains a faster frame and 360-degree
head tracking. The system also contains integrated headphones and is much lighter than
previous prototypes. Though the new prototype will not be sent to developers, it will help
prepare developers for the full thing once the prototypes are finished. The new prototyped
was tested and was proven to cause no neck strain, like previous models had, as well as
no lag in the digital tracking. Oculuss goal is to overall transform the world of gaming
and entertainment.
3. Two additional articles
I chose to use Google and Bing as my two search engines. Their results varied in the sites
and articles that came up. Bing brought up the article I used at first as well as one from
Cnet that goes into more depth on development and finances. While Google, on the other
hand, brought up two articles published by Theverge, which went into more details on the
360-degree head tracking and how the headset worked. Googles was the better search
engine because the articles that it brought up were more thorough and carried more
information than the ones that Bing brought up.
i. Time: It was written on September 20, 2014.
ii. Relevance: The article goes over the same topic as the original article
used goes into. The details are very similar to the first article as well as the
product in discussion.
iii. Authority: Adi Robertson is the author. She has been writing articles with
Theverge since 2011 and has published other articles about the Oculus.
iv. Accuracy: There is noticeable way to see that the author checked for
accuracy. There is also no citations or sources used to show that the
information was accurate.
v. Purpose: The purpose of the article was to show the path that virtual
reality gaming is moving towards.
i. Time: It was written on September 20, 2014.
ii. Relevance: The article is very relevant to the first article. They both talk
about the new prototype, Crescent Bay, and go into details about the
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Gina Wallace

prototype. However, this article goes into more details about development
rather than how it works, or where the company is working towards.
iii. Authority: Ian Sherr is the author and is considered a senior writer at
Cnet. He focuses on video game companies, much like Oculus. He has
experience writing about companies and their releases and therefore has
good authority to write about the new prototype.
iv. Accuracy: Although there isnt a bibliography stating sources of
accuracy, the article contains quotes from the CEO, as well as from
scientists, of Oculus. This shows that the article maintains at least some
accuracy to the new prototype that was produced.
v. Purpose: The article is used to inform readers of the new prototype, how
it is different from the previous models and the reason for its development.
5. Scholarly Journal Articles
a. Keywords:
i. Oculus
ii. New
iii. Prototype
b. Database:
i. I searched the articles on the ccbcmd library and found that one article
came up. I chose this one because it was the first that came up.
6. Comparison of the articles
Only one article relating to the new prototype from Oculus appeared in the library
database. This article was much shorter compared to the ones found on Google, Bing and
the original article used. However the article was mostly based on quotes from employees
at Oculus as well as the CEO of oculus, similar to Cnet. The article also contained a
reference section which allowed for better accuracy.
7. APA Citations:
Constine, J. (2014, September 20). Oculus Reveals Its New Crescent Bay Prototype With 360-
Degree Head Tracking And Headphones. Retrieved September 21, 2014, from
Lang, D. (2014, September 20). Oculus unveils new prototype VR headset. Retrieved September
21, 2014, from ccbc:
Robertson, A. (2014, September 20). Oculus' new prototype is where VR should be right now.
Retrieved September 21, 2014, from
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Gina Wallace
Sherr, I. (2014, September 20). Oculus Closer to Launch with New Virtual Reality Headset.
Retrieved September 21, 2014, from


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