Summary Article

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Tyrell Evans

Sep 18, 2014
Assignment # 1 summary article
Summary Article #1

In the Article Apple protecting customer privacy from government requests the author
Aimee Chanthadavong informs customers of apple about what steps Apple is taking to ensure
that Apple users privacy is not shared. She emphasizes that privacy of customers with apple will
be protected against the government requests. What is discussed in the article is that many
companies such as; Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft was tapped into by government or
NSA (National Security Agency). Shortly after Edward Snowden leaked this information about
NSA tapping major companies and potentially putting customers privacy at risk. This lead to
more major companies like; Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, and
LinkedIn, to form the Reform Government Surveillance group. Chanthadavong argues that the
reason for this alliance is that called for changes to US surveillance practices and policy,
arguing that existing operations undermined the freedom of people.
Summary Article #2
The search engine used for this article was In the article Do Apple, Google
changes ensure privacy? National Law Journal Says No, the author Rick Smith a TechWire
Editor gives more of a persuasive side, to get Apple customers to think twice before continuing
their relationship with Apple. Rick Smith doesnt believes that the new Apple privacy policy will
stop the government from accessing individuals information. In this article Rick Smith quote
argues But in interviews with experts in the field, the legal publication warned that people
should not be nave about what the police and three-letter organizations like super-high-tech
National Security Agency can do." This gives evidence that backs up Smiths theory about the
privacy of these customers are not really protected to the greatest extent. He discusses in the
Tyrell Evans
Sep 18, 2014
Assignment # 1 summary article
article that individuals devices can still be accessed through warrants. In his interview with an
expert, the expert also informs him that individuals passwords are protected by the 5

Amendment, but fingerprints used for identification are unsure if that is protected as well.
Summary Article #3
In the Article Tim Cook didnt address Apples real privacy problem updated September
18, 2014 by author David Goldman; discusses that Apple is lacking in their reaction time in
fixing problems that can harm their customers. The statement David Goldman gave in the article
For example, Apple waited four months before patching the goto fail bug earlier this yeara
serious security flaw that allowed hackers to read private communications sent over Apple
devices, including emails, instant messages, social media posts and even online bank
transactions. Later in the article Apple CEO Tim Cooks explains that apple is taking a big step
towards encryption and the privacy policy that will boost the protection of Apple users. David
Goldman justifies that Tim Cook has done nothing to improve their protection for customers and
that there are still many problems apple has yet to confront.
Summary Scholarly Article #2
In the article Apple Flunks Security 101 by Christopher Mims informs individuals that
Apple is lacking leadership and awareness of the occurring issues that are continuing to arise for
customers. The database used for this article was ProQuest. An issue Mims presented was that
celebrities were being expose with nude picture of themselves or others through the backing up
of their phones on icloud. Mims stated that We dont know how often this sort of thing
happened; it could be a few dozen people or it could be thousands. But as ever more of our life is
Tyrell Evans
Sep 18, 2014
Assignment # 1 summary article
stored in our smartphones and backed up to the cloud--- including, potentially, financial and
health data
In the scholarly articles they had more resources on their topic and gave a more open
view of both sides. They didnt just state their own opinions or one side of the arguments. The
scholarly article are also done by experts, not to count the individuals on the internet sites out,
but they have done more research to get more actual facts. The accessibility was harder to locate
certain articles; times you would have to be very specific in key word to help you in your search.
The accessibility for searches done on the internet was a bit more promising. If an individual
searched on Google or Bing for a topic they might get a large amount of different sites to go on. I
recommend that individuals that are looking for actual facts about certain topics to search
scholarly articles done by experts or university, opposed to a individual from the media just
trying to stir things up.

Tyrell Evans
Sep 18, 2014
Assignment # 1 summary article
(c) 2014 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further
reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
Last updated
ProQuest Central

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