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Structure of Mathematics Courses for the UG Program

Sem Name of the courses to be offered by the Department of mathematics

1 Analysis and Linear
2 Analysis and Linear
3 Probability and
4 Multiariable !alculus
and !omple" #ariable
$lementary Algebra and
Number %heory
$lectie $lectie
& Algebra ' Linear Algebra Analysis ' %opology '
( Analysis '' !omple" Analysis )D$ $lectie
* Algebraic %opology ' +unctional Analysis PD$ $lectie $lectie
, Pro-ect
Electives include:
Algebra ''. /alois %heory. Probability. 0armonic Analysis. Lie /roups. !ommutatie Algebra.
Numerical Analysis. Number %heory1
Detailed Syllabus2
Analysis and Linear Algebra I:
)ne3ariable calculus2 4eal and !omple" numbers5 !onergence of se6uences and series5 !ontinuity.
intermediate alue theorem. e"istence of ma"ima and minima5 Differentiation. mean alue theorem.
%aylor series5 'ntegration. fundamental theorem of !alculus. improper integrals1
Linear Algebra2 #ector spaces 7oer real and comple" numbers8. basis and dimension5 Linear
%ransformations and matrices5 Determinants1
Apostol, Calculus, Volume I, 2nd. Edition, Wiley, India, 2007.
G. Strang, Linear Algera And Its Applications, !t" Edition, #roo$s%Cole,
Analysis and Linear Algebra:
Linear Algebra continued2 'nner products and )rthogonality5 $igenalues and $igenectors5
Diagonalisation of Symmetric matrices1
Multiariable calculus2 +unctions on 9:4;n95 Partial and %otal deriaties5 !hain rule5 Ma"ima.
minima and saddles5 Lagrange multipliers5 'ntegration in 9:4;n9. change of ariables. +ubini<s
theorem5 /radient. Diergence and !url5 Line and Surface integrals in 9:4;29 and 9:4;395 Sto=es.
/reen<s and Diergence theorems1
'ntroduction to )rdinary Differential $6uations5 Linear )D$s and !anonical forms for linear
&. '. Apostol, Calculus, Volume II, 2nd. Edition, Wiley Wiley India, 2007.
G. Strang, Linear Algera And Its Applications, !t" Edition, #roo$s%Cole, 200(
'. Artin, Algera, )rentice *all o+ India, ,--!.
'. *irsc", S. Smale, .. L. /e0aney, /i++erential E1uations, /ynamica lSystems, and an Introduction to
C"aos, 2nd Edition, Academic )ress, 200!.
Probability and Statistics:
>asic notions of probability. conditional probability and independence. >ayes< theorem. random
ariables and distributions. e"pectation and ariance. conditional e"pectation. moment generating
functions. limit theorems1
Samples and sampling distributions. estimations of parameters. testing of hypotheses. regression. correlation and
analysis of ariance1
P. L. Meyer, Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, Addison-Wesley, 190
!. ". #o$$ and %. A. &anis, Probability and Statistical In'erence, 200(, Pearson %ducation
Inc., )el*i, Si+t* %dition.
!. ". #o$$ and ,. Ledolter, %n$ineerin$ Statistics, 19-, Mac.illan Publis*in$ /o.pany, 0e1
S. !oss, A 4irst /ourse in Probability, 200(, Pearson %ducation Inc., )el*i, Si+t* %dition.
Multivariable Calculus and Comle! "ariable:
4eie? of total deriaties. inerse and implicit function theorem5 !omple" linearity and the !auchy3
4iemann e6uations5 !omple" functions. conformal mappings1
Multilinear forms on ector spaces5 %ensor products and symmetric products5 Alternating forms and
the e"terior algebra of a ector space1
Differential forms. integration on chains. Sto=es theorem for differential forms5 !omple" integration
and !auchy<s theorem5 Po?er series and Laurent series representations5 4esidue theorem and !ontour
integration5 0armonic functions1
&. M. Apostol, /alculus, "olu.e II, 2nd. %dition, Wiley India, 200.
&. W. 5a.elin, /o.ple+ Analysis, Sprin$er 6nder$raduate &e+ts in Mat*e.atics, Sprin$er
International %dition, 2006
Elementary Algebra and #umber $heory:
%ivisibility and Euclid&s algorithm' (undamental theorem of Arithmetic' Congruences' (ermat&s little theorem and
Euler&s theorem' the ring of integers modulo n' factorisation of olynomials' Elementary symmetric functions'
Eisenstein&s irreducibility criteria' (ormal o)er series' arithmetic functions' Prime residue class grous'
*uadratic recirocity+
,asic concets of rings' (ields and grous+ Alications to number theory+
/. '. #urton, Elementary numer t"eory, 'cGra2 *ill.
I. 3i0en, *. S. 4uc$erman and *. L. 'ontgomery, An Introduction &o &"e &"eory 5+ 3umers, 6t"
Edition, Wiley Student Editions
G. 7raleig", A 7irst Course in Astract Algera, 7t" Edition, )earson.
Algebra I:
/roups2 4eie? of /roups. Subgroups. 0omomorphisms. Normal subgroups.
@uotient groups. 'somorphism theorems1 /roup actions and its applications.
Sylo? theorems1 Structure of finitely generated abelian groups. +ree groups
4ings2 4eie? of rings. 0omomorphisms. 'deals and isomorphism theorems1 Prime ideals and
ma"imal ideals1 !hinese remainder theorem1 $uclidean domains. Principal ideal
domains. Ani6ue factoriBation domains1 +actoriBation in polynomial rings1
Modules2 Modules. 0omomorphisms and e"act se6uences1 +ree modules1 0om
and tensor products1 Structure theorem for modules oer P'Ds1
Lan$, S., Al$ebra, re7ised t*ird editio.. Sprin$er-"erla$, 2002 8Indian
%dition A7ailable9.
Artin, M., Al$ebra, Prentice-#all o' India, 199(.
), ). S. and 4oote, !. M., Abstract Al$ebra, ,o*n Wiley :a.p; Sons, 2001.
#un$er'ord, &. W., Al$ebra, Sprin$er 8India9, 200(
#erstein, I. 0., &opics in Al$ebra, ,o*n Wiley :a.p; Sons, 199<.
Linear Algebra:
#ector spaces2 >asis and dimension. Direct sums1
Determinants2 %heory of determinants. !ramerCs rule1
Linear transformations2 4an=3nullity theorem. Algebra of linear transformations. Dual spaces1 Linear
operators. $igenalues and eigenectors. !haracteristic polynomial. !ayley3 0amilton theorem.
Minimal polynomial. Algebraic and geometric multiplicities. DiagonaliBation. Dordan canonical +orm1
Symmetry2 /roup of motions of the plane. Discrete groups of motion. +inite groups of SE7381
>ilinear forms2 Symmetric. s=e? symmetric and 0ermitian forms. SylesterCs la? of inertia. Spectral
theorem for the 0ermitian and normal operators on finite dimensional ector spaces1
Linear groups2 !lassical linear groups. SA
and SL
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India, 1994.
Herstein, I. N., Topics in Algebra, i!as P"blications, 19#$.
%trang, &., 'inear Algebra and its Applications, T(ird )dition, %a"nders, 19**.
Hal+os, P., ,inite di+ensional -ector spaces, %pringer-erlag ./TM0, 19*#.
Analysis I:
4eie? of 4eal and !omple" numbers systems. %opology of 4. !ontinuity and differentiability. Mean
alue theorem. 'ntermediate alue theorem1 %he 4iemann3Stielt-es integral1 'ntroduction to functions
of seeral ariables. differentiablility. directional and total deriaties1 Se6uences and series of
functions. uniform conergence. the Feierstrass appro"imation theorem1
!udin, W., Principles o' Mat*e.atical Analysis, Mc5ra1-#ill, 19-6.
!oyden, #. L., !eal Analysis, Mac.illan, 19--.
%opology '2
1pen and closed sets, contin"o"s f"nctions, t(e +etric topolog2, t(e prod"ct topolog2, t(e
ordered topolog2, t(e 3"otient topolog2. 4onnectedness and pat( connectedness, local pat(
connectedness. 4o+pactness. 4o"ntabilit2 a5io+s. %eparation a5io+s. 4o+plete +etric spaces,
t(e 6aire categor2 t(eore+. /r2so(n7s e+bedding t(eore+. ,"nction. Topological gro"ps, orbit
Ar.stron$, M. A., =asic &opolo$y, Sprin$er 8India9, 200(.
,anic*, >., &opolo$y, Sprin$er-"erla$ 86&M9, 19-(.
Mun3res, >. !., &opolo$y, Pearson %ducation, 200<.
Si..ons, 5. 4., &opolo$y and Modern Analysis, Mc5ra1-#ill, 196?.
Analysis II:
4onstr"ction of t(e 'ebesg"e +eas"re, +eas"rable f"nctions, li+it t(eore+s. 'ebesg"e
integration. 8ifferent notions of con-ergence and con-ergence t(eore+s. Prod"ct +eas"res and
t(e Radon-Ni!od2+ t(eore+, c(ange of -ariables, co+ple5 +eas"res.
)e =erra, 5., Introduction to Measure &*eory, "on 0ostrand !ein*old, 19(.
#e1itt, %. and Stro.ber$, >., !eal and Abstract Analysis, Sprin$er, 1969
!oyden, #. L., !eal Analysis, Mac.illan, 19--.
!udin, W., !eal and /o.ple+ Analysis, Mc5ra1-#ill, 19-6.

Comle! Analysis:
4o+ple5 n"+bers, co+ple5-anal2tic f"nctions, 4a"c(27s integral for+"la, po9er series,
'io"-ille7s t(eore+. T(e +a5i+"+-+od"l"s t(eore+. Isolated sing"larities, resid"e t(eore+, t(e
Arg"+ent Principle, real integrals -ia conto"r integration. Mobi"s transfor+ations, confor+al
+appings. T(e %c(9ar: le++a, a"to+orp(is+s of t(e dis. Nor+al fa+ilies and Montel7s t(eore+.
T(e Rie+ann +apping t(eore+.
Ahlfors, L. V., Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
Conway, J. ., !"nc#ions of $ne Complex Varia%le, &prin'er-(eria', 197).
Gamelin, *.+., Complex Analysis, ,*M, &prin'er, -..1.
>asics concepts2 Phase space. e"istence and uni6uness theorems. dependence on initial conditions.
Linear system2 %he fundamental matri". stability of e6uilibrium points1 Sturm3Liouile theory 1
Nonlinear system and their stability2 %he Poincare3>endi"on theorem. perturbed linear systems.
Lyapuno methods1
Co//in'#on, 0. A. an/ Le(inson, 1., *heory of $r/inary 2ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, *a#a
McGraw-Hill 197-.
ir4hoff, G. an/ 5o#a, G.-C., $r/inary 2ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, wiley, 19)9.
Har#man, 6., $r/inary 2ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, ir4hae"ser, 19)-.
Algebraic $oology I:
%he fundamental group2 0omotopy of maps. multiplication of paths.
the fundamental group. induced homomorphisms. the fundamental group
of the circle. coering spaces. lifting theorems. the uniersal
coering space. Seifert3#an Gampen theorem. applications1
Simplicial !omple"es. Simplicial and Singular homology 3 Definitions.
Properties and Applications1
Armstrong. M1 A1. >asic %opology. Springer 7'ndia8. 2EE41
0atcher. A1. Algebraic %opology. !ambridge Ani1 Press. 2EE21
Gosnio?s=i. !1. A +irst !ourse in Algebraic %opology. !ambridge
Ani1 Press. 1H,E1
Mun=res. G1 41. %opology. Pearson $ducation. 2EE&1
/reenberg. M1 D1. Lectures on Algebraic %opology1 F1 A1 >e-amin
'nc1. London. 1H*31
Mun=res. D1 41. $lements of Algebraic %opology. Addison3Fesley. 1H,41
Spanier, %. #., Al$ebraic &opolo$y, tata Mc5ra1-#ill, 1966
Functional Analysis:
6asic topological concepts, Metric spaces, Nor+ed linear spaces, 6anac( spaces, 6o"nded linear
f"nctionals and d"al spaces, Ha(n-6anac( t(eore+. 6o"nded linear operators, open-+apping
(eore+, closed grap( t(eore+. T(e 6anac(-%tein(a"s t(eore+. Hilbert spaces, Ries:
representation t(eore+, ort(ogonal co+ple+ents, bo"nded operators on a Hilbert space. T(e
spectral t(eore+ for co+pact, self-ad;oint operators.
Goffman, C. an/ 6e/ric4, G., !irs# co"rse in !"nc#ional Analysis, 6ren#ice-Hall of 7n/ia,
Conway, J. ., A co"rse in !"nc#ional Analysis, &prin'er, 199..
*aylor, A. 0., 7n#ro/"c#ion #o !"nc#ional Analysis, +iley 7n#erna#ional 0/i#ion, 198).
,irst order partial differential e3"ation and Ha+ilton-<acobi e3"ations= 4a"c(2 proble+ and
classification of second order e3"ations, Hol+gren>s "ni3"eness t(eore+= 'aplace e3"ation=
8iff"sion e3"ation= ?a-e e3"ation= %o+e +et(ods of sol"tions, ariable separable +et(od.
Gara%e/ian, 6. 5., 6ar#ial 2ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, John +iley an/ &ons, 199:.
6rasa/. 6. an/ 5a(in/ran, 5., 6ar#ial 2ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, +iley 0as#ern, 19)8.
5enar/y, M. an/ 5o'ers, 5. C., An 7n#ro/"c#ion #o 6ar#ial 2ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, &prin'er-
Verla', 199-.
!ri#; John, 6ar#ial /ifferen#ial 03"a#ions, &prin'er <7n#erna#ional &#"/en#s 0/i#ion=, 1971.

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