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October Newsletter

What we are learning
in October
Language Arts
We are beginning writing workshop this month. Writing workshop
is based around creating a love for writing. The children are
encouraged to become independent in their writing skills. As
emergent writers, our goal is to label our pictures, write familiar
words, and convey a message through pictures. You can assist
your child in building upon their writing skills by having them help
you write a grocery list, writing stories at
home, or labelling items around your home.
We are finishing up some projects
discussing the change in season. We will
continue our learning in this area by
beginning a project based on what animals
are doing in the fall to get ready for fall. The
children will be focusing their learning on animals in the prairies
and animals they can see in their environment.
Social Studies
We will be working on extending
our learning about ourselves as
individuals with unique
characteristics and attributes. The
children will work on writing family
stories. Please send a photo of
your child and family to school for
our family wall.
We will begin an inquiry project into germs. The children will be

Dates to Remember
October 6
Walk to School Challenge
October 10
No School
October 13
Thanksgiving Day No School
October 20

Education Week
October 17

Lamontagne Orders Due
October 21

Hotlunch money due $3.00
October 22

Photo Retakes 1PM
Hot Lunch Turkey Dinner
October 24

Pajama Day

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asked questions such as, What does a germ look like? and where do germs come from? These
questions will guide our research in this area and allow the children to find information to answer
their own questions about germs and health.
In math, your child is learning about sorting objects and recognizing patterns. We will working on
repeating patterns and creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds, and actions.

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