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TaNeya Lowder

Csit 101 class mon/wed/fri , class time 11:15

Assignment 1: Information Literacy


2) The technology article, based on my report is titled, Smartphones becoming prime target for
criminal hackers. Written by Andre Mayer, CBC news. It discussed the cybersecurity of phones and how
simple it is for hackers to receive personal data. Sean Forkan is a vice president and manager for a web
security company called Symantec. In the article Fokan incorporated his facts by stating between 1991
and 2011 his company Symantec identified about 200 million viruses. In his statement he stated that
android phones are the most common phones that potential hackers attack. This is because android
phones are more open when it comes to the web, downloading and not having any restrictions. The
article lastly cited that people are not conscious of the many viruses that are around and retailers fail to
warn consumers of the many anti-virus protection for smartphones.
3) The two search engines I have chosen to use were yahoo and google. Yahoo was showing too
much advertisement and repeating some of the same websites. Google showed advertisements as well
but, google displayed more sites. I used Google because Google gave more and better information than
yahoo. All the websites on google were from reliable sources. Everyone who wrote a blog or an article
where professionals in the technology field.
4) The secondary article was written July 8 2011 and has not been updated.
Yes, the article relates to my topic of mobile phone security. It also gives the exact data that I
have been searching for. The article also answer my question of what is the best way to protect
my phone against the harsh viruses that are around. Which is to get the best apps that are
guaranteed security for my mobile phone.
TaNeya Lowder
Csit 101 class mon/wed/fri , class time 11:15
Assignment 1: Information Literacy


The author of this article is David Rogers. He is qualified to write about this topic because Rogers
is a mobile phone security expert who runs Cooper House Solution Ltd, which is a software and
security company based in the UK.
The article appears to be very trustworthy. Rogers gives a lot of insight on ways to keep personal
data safe. There is no proof or evidence that the statements are relevant. The article is based
more on advising the importance of protecting the mobile phone.
This article was written to inform readers the facts of what may be potential was cellphones can
attract potential viruses. The material objective of the article is to target readers who are
curious or may be concerned about the threats that their phone can receive or may already
5) The key words I have used to find my two journals was mobile phone security. I also typed in
mobile technology and cybersecurity in order to find the articles that would benefit my topic. The
database I used was, Business Source premier. This was chosen because I wanted my article to come
from a business professional with experience in mobile technology. I also used the database
Business Insights: Essentials, in order to get more data towards my topic.
6) Based on the two articles I have read, both had really good information on mobile phone
security. The internet article was easy to access because there were many different websites for me
to find my information. The journal article was different because there were a lot to look for in the
database and the source type. It took less time for me to find the internet article because the search
engines gave information within seconds. More time lapsed looking for the journal article because it
did not go straight to the source. I have searched through other topics that were not relevant to my
TaNeya Lowder
Csit 101 class mon/wed/fri , class time 11:15
Assignment 1: Information Literacy


main focus. The articles on the internet were reliable because of the knowledge of the authors. They
are educated in mobile phone security and have the important factors to relating to the articles. The
journal articles had educated authors as well but they had a lot of non-related information.

Citation page in MLA format
Campbell, Macgregor. Phone Invades. New security. Database business source premier, 12
Gahran, Amy. Mobile Phone Security. Web log post. cnn news, 17 july.2011. Web. 18
sept. 2014
Mayer, Andre. "Smartphones Becoming Prime Target for Criminal Hackers." Web log post. CBC News, 6 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.
Rogers, David. "How Phone Hacking Worked and how to make Sure youre Not a Victim." Web log
post. N.P., 8 July 2011. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.

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