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Cory Yeboah
CSIT 101 Assignment 1: Information Literacy
1. Five iOS8 features Youll Love, an article I found in the tech section of,
discusses the new software update from and its best features. It discusses the
introduction of family sharing allowing up to 6 people to share information without
having to be linked by a single apple account. It also covers the introduction of the
swype system to the messaging keyboard, siris new shazam capabilities, widgets, and
device continuity
2. Keywords used: technology, current, events, 2014
The search engines I used were bing and google. The results from google were a bit
more recent than bing, even though I used the same time filter, within the past month.
The google articles were from either 2 days ago or a few hours ago, while the bing
articles reached back as far as 18 days ago. Other than that I would say the results were
The article With the iPhone 6 Plus Apple aims for Versatility was written on
September 17, 2014 and has not been updated. The article is relevant because it
answers questions I had about the new iPhone which relates to mobile technology. It
was written by Farad Manjoo, who is more than qualified to talk about this topic
because he a lot of experience writing about technology. Manjoo was a technology
columnist for The Wall Street Journal before leaving to write for The New York Times.
The article is accurate because it fully describes the new iPhones uses and functions. It
also photos and videos to illustrate this, and its main purpose was to inform the reader.
4. Keywords used: Technology, current, events
The databases used were:
Ebscohost provides a general all-encompassing look at information, so I thought it
would bring about the most results.
5. Ease of access: the internet articles were easier to access than the databases.
Timeliness: The internet articles were more recent than the databases.
Authority: The authors were more credible on the databases.


Works Cited (MLA)
American Chemical Society. "'Electronic skin' could improve early breast cancer
detection." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 September 2014.

Gross, Doug. "Five iOS 8 features you'll love." CNN. Cable News Network, 1 Jan. 1970.
Web. 20 Sept. 2014.

Manjoo, Farhad. "With the iPhone 6 Plus, Apple Aims for Versatility." The New York
Times. The New York Times, 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 20 Sept. 2014.

Moore, David Cooper. "Bringing The World To School: Integrating News And Media
Literacy In Elementary Classrooms." Journal Of Media Literacy Education 5.1 (2013):
326-336. ERIC. Web. 20 Sept. 2014.

MORANTZ, ALISON D. "Putting Data To Work For Workers: The Role Of Information
Technology In U. S. Worker Protection Agencies." Industrial & Labor Relations
Review (2014): 675-701. Business Source Premier. Web. 20 Sept. 2014.

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