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Bosnia Reading Questions

1. What religious tensions existed in Yugoslavia pre-and during World War II?
Before the war they already had some problems. After, they were forced to live near
each other. This caused a lot of tension.

2. Why was Tito important in Yugoslavia?
He was important to Yugoslavia because he led it. Once he died, Yugoslavia started to
break up. He held Yugoslavia together.

3. What were Milosevics goals in Yugoslavia?
He does not want any muslims, he wants all serbs. He is the reason the war started.

4. Who did Serbian nationalists target in the Bosnian genocide?
They targeted all the muslims.

5. What happened in Srebenica?
Milosevic and his army attacked here. This is where the war happened.

6. What does this incident suggestion about European leadership and the role of the
It was suggesting that they needed a better leader. They needed a leader that could accept
everyone so war doesnt break out.

7. Who was responsible for eventual peace in Bosnia?
Gerhard Schroeder. He was elected from the democratic party. He helped the economy
in many ways.

8. In your own words, describe ethnic cleansing.
It is a mass killing of unwanted ethnic or religious groups in a society.

9. How did the map of Bosnia look after 1995?
The Serbian military controlled 70% of Bosnia.

10. Describe 2 problems Bosnia is facing today.

Many people are now displaced from their homes
There is also a problem of military intervention.

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