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The Scarlet Letter DEJS

& page
Quote, passage, paragraph Commentary (your thoughts, reflections, etc.)
Ch. 10,
pg. 90
They [weeds] grew out of his heart,
and typify, it may be, some hideous
secret that was buried with him,
and which had done better to
confess during his lifetime.
The weeds are symbolic of evil, but in this case, the
physician is using his words and this symbolism to
manipulate Dimsdale into telling him his secret.

Some sentence starters
This reminds me of the passage from _________ (another novel, movie, essay, etc. that you
have read)
This reminds me of when I.
I like/dislike this passage because(be sure to elaborate on this one for full credit)
One element of _______(literary term) shown in ch. __ is...I think the author used this because
The character _________reminds me of ___________(character or person from
history/literature/etc.) because
Pointing out what you see as important literary elements is always acceptable. Just make sure you
give YOUR commentary as to why you think it is important or why you think the author used it. Some
things to look for:
figurative language
thematic statements/theme

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