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Empty Vessels Make The Most Sound.

Empty Vessels Make The Most Sound. :

Vessels which are empty make a loud sound when struck with something. But filled vessels
make less sound. This is true in the case of people also. Some people are very talkative and
go on speaking continuously. But others may be serous and talk less. Those people who go
on taking for hours together need not be taken seriously. They are most probably empty-
heated people with no sense in their talk. They do not give much thought to what they are
talking. Such people are devoid of action also. They are most probably empty-headed
people with no sense in their talk. They do not give much thought to what they are talking.
Such people are devoid of action also. They usually boast that they will do this and that. But
those people who talk less are different. Every word they speak is actually meant and hence
to be taken seriously. Such people put forth a lot of sense into their talk. These kinds of
people are usually clever and are capable of performing everything they say. They would
not say anything if they dont mean it. They believe more in action than in words. They are
like filled vessels which make less noise.

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