Olumide o - Assignment 1

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Information Literacy (Mobile Technology) Ogunrayi 1


Olumide O. Ogunrayi
Prof. Michele Clements
CSIT 101
September 19, 2014
Mobile Technology
Mobile technology has evolved and at the same time gone viral in a more rapid way over the past
few years. Decades ago, we are all used to pagers, fax, and the phone booth which are built miles
away from one another around the corners of the city. The craziest thing is waiting a long queue
at the phone booth just to make a phone call. The invention of cell phone, GPS, web browsers,
and tablet PC had made live more comfortable for people. According to Matthew Miller, whose
article went beyond praising the latest invention of mobile technology (iPhone 6 and 6 plus). He
also gave a few good reasons why the best carrier people should use with the iPhone 6 and 6 plus
is T-Mobile. First of all, He spoke about the Wi-Fi calling, which was the main reason he had
bought T-Mobile. Besides the Wi-Fi calling was also given to all iPhone 6 users for free. A if
that is not enough, he unfolded the fact that iPhone 6 was the first model to launch with Wi-Fi
calling. He later made it easier for the iPhone 5s and 5c users by including the fact that his friend
confirmed that they could also use the Wi-Fi calling but only if they have the latest iOS 8
firmware update. Secondly, He also spoke about VoLTE (Voice over LTE) and the free in-flight
texting. The usage of the VoLTE enables people to make call using the LTE data, it is faster on
the iPhone 6 and clearer calls are assured with VoLTE. For in-flight texting it is better to choose
the iPhone 6 because most phones won't even text while in the air, but with the combination of
T-Mobile and iPhone 6 people can now text their love one when they're about to land while in
Information Literacy (Mobile Technology) Ogunrayi 1


the air. Lastly, Matthew Miller reviewed the key point which most teenagers will be interested
in, which is free music streaming and no-interest phone plan with the lowest service fees. For
people like myself who has always been wasting money on buy music and albums on iTunes; I
can now stream whatever music I want without any problem. About the plan, T-Mobile has put
forward low upfront pricing with no-interest payments for over 24 months, besides that they
have the lowest monthly plan unlike other carrier who tell you lies about low monthly plan but at
the end of the day the amount they are charging people on their carrier is making life unbearable
for people making the phone more expensive than the initiate price.

#3. Find two additional internet articles on the same topic
T-Mobile Personal Cell Spot hands-on: Never worry about signal strength in your home
Best 10 smartphones for the 2014 holiday buying season

I used both Google and yahoo as my search engine.

According to me, Google is more informative compare to yahoo, reason being that
when I searched for the word Mobile Technology on Google it gave me about 34,300,000
results in 0.28seconds and yahoo gave me 95,200,000 results, wouldnt indicate how many result
they had for your search and adverts keep popping out and yahoo wasnt showing as much result
as Google was.
#4. Trap your sources
1. Time: The article was written September 17, 2014 at 4:33 pm EDT
Information Literacy (Mobile Technology) Ogunrayi 1


It was also updated September 17, 2014 at 4:59 pm EDT
2. Relevance: it is not related to my topic but answered a few question on what I was
soliloquizing on. Questions like how helpful mobile technology has been in terms of health.
3. Authority: Ashish Toshniwal
I have a feeling that hes qualify to write about the topic and beside that Ashish Toshniwal is
the CEO at Y Media Labs. He is driven by product innovation, cutting edge technology, and
redefining the user interface paradigm. Toshniwal has helped create high impact apps, which
have touched the lives of more than 100M users like PayPal, EMC, and Shutter fly amongst
others. He has grown the company to close to 100 people in less than 4 years. Before Y Media
Labs, he worked at Like.com, which was acquired by Google and Shopping.com, which was
acquired by eBay, all this were according to his info.
4. Yes the information is trustworthy and he does support his points with evidence. Yes it
must have been tested, besides that this is not the first time I am using this site for my essays so I
believe it must have been test if not it wont be posted on the site.
5. Purpose: The article was written to inform people on some benefit of mobile technology
and on how mobile technology will continue enhance national security.

#5. Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC
library database
Mobile technology in recent time
Technology in recent time
Baltimore sun was the database I used and later found another database which was
ProQuest Central. The reason I chose this database was because I found genuine
information on them, although most of the information I found on these database are old
Information Literacy (Mobile Technology) Ogunrayi 1


and at the same time complex for me to find a recent article. They also gave me 368216
result to my search and while searching for technology in recent time

#6. Comparison
Firstly, it wasnt easy to use the CCBC journal to search for an article while it was very
much ease to the internet and I believe it was mainly because I was not use to the CCBC journal.
Surfing the internet has been a viral thing among the youth but not in some complex unfold
dimension. It wasnt easy for someone like for someone like me. In terms of timeliness, I was
very slow because i was trying not make no mistake and at the same time trying to take note of
whatever I do on the CCBC journal portal because it was very complex and time consuming,
which i dont think I will use in the nearest future. The journal really took much of my time than
the internet does, with the aid of the internet; I had most of what I was going to do done within a
twinkle of an eye. On the other hand, the journal, which is something am not very conversant
with took a lot of my time because i had to look carefully for whatever I want. Last of all
authority, which I will say the journal is quite informative compare to the internet. Furthermore,
the journal produces relevant and old informations. Although, the information might be old they
are far more informative to me to that of the internet. This made me conclude that the journal is
far more authentic than the internet because it has been integrated and everything that is being
reveal are genuine to me.

Information Literacy (Mobile Technology) Ogunrayi 1


Works Cited (MLA Format)

Miller, Matthew. "Five Reasons T-Mobile Is the Best Carrier for the Apple IPhone 6 and 6 Plus |
ZDNet." ZDNet. N.p., Sept.-Oct. 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.

Mobile Technology." Mobile Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.

Toshniwal, Ashish. "How Mobile Technology Will Continue Enhancing National Security." The
Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.

DEVELOPING COUNTRIES." International Trade Forum.3 (2009): 26-7. ProQuest. Web. 19
Sep. 2014.

Miriri, Duncan. "New Technology Speeds Up House Building in Kenya." Appropriate
Technology 31.3 (2004): 18-20. ProQuest.Web. 19 Sep. 2014.

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