Aliya Resume

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Aliya Kharisova 443-983-4198

219 Chartley Dr, Reisterstown, MD 21136

Kazan State Pedagogical College- Teacher of foreign languages
$alti%ore Count& Co%%unit& College ' (usiness %anage%ent
!) - *resent

Cit& /os*ital0
Kazan1 ,ussia
Greeting patients and registering into hospital system
Scheduling appointments
Responding to e-mails and answering phones
Typing speed is 35 WPM
Maintaining spreadsheets and databases
Filing patient charts and other paperwor
Maintaining in!entory o" supplies and ordering stoc
#andling lab wor and $-rays
%ital signs
'nitial ()uic* #ead-to-Toe assessment
+ssisted disabled with mobility
Pa*a 3ohn4s Pizzeria
Colu%(ia1 5D
,stimate "ood consumption- place orders with suppliers- and
schedule deli!ery o" "resh "ood and be!erages.
Resol!e customer complaints about "ood /uality or ser!ice.
0irect cleaning o" itchen and dining areas to maintain sanitation
standards- and eep appropriate records.
Aliya Kharisova 443-983-4198
Monitor actions o" sta1 and customers to ensure that health and
sa"ety standards
Maintain budget and employee records- prepare payroll- and pay
bills- or monitor booeeping records.
2se computer so"tware to monitor in!entory- trac sta1 schedules
and pay- and per"orm other record eeping tass.
3hec /uality o" deli!eries o" "resh "ood and baed goods.
Meet with sales representati!es to order supplies such as
tableware- cooing utensils- and cleaning items.
+rrange "or maintenance and repair o" e/uipment and other
Total receipts and balance against sales- deposit receipts- and loc
"acility at end o" day.
Select or create success"ul menu items based on many
considerations- and assign prices based on cost analysis.
Recruit- hire- and o!ersee training "or sta1.
Schedule wor hours "or ser!ers and itchen sta1.
Monitor "ood preparation and methods.
Slade /ealth Care 6rou*
$alti%ore1 5D
+nswering the phone- 4elding calls and trans"erring them to
appropriate person- or taing a message "rom the caller.
Scheduling patients5 appointments
Setting- changing or cancelling appointments.
Filing- copying- scanning documents.
,6plaining clinic policy to patients.
Processing incoming and outgoing mail.
Taing prescription re4ll messages.
Filing medical reports and insurance "orms.
7pening the o1ice in the morning and closing at the end o" the day.
Maintaining the receptionist area.
Pleasant, professional, and articulate phone voice
Ability to multi-task
Efficient and accurate data-entry skills
Friendly and outgoing.
Responsible and organized.
A team member.
Aliya Kharisova 443-983-4198
Punctual and reliable.
Russian8 9uent
+!ailable upon re/uest

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