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MiYarnie Johnson

Assignment: 1
Huawei Struggling in U.S Market CSIT 101 T/R 21:45
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Huawei, a large Chinese networking company has decided to ease tension going into the
U.S market by allowing less sensitive industries (Ranger, Steve) to use their products and
services. Huawei is best known for producing telecoms and other communication devices
including providing services for companies to store and transfer data. The company has had a
difficult time cracking the U.S market due to spying accusations and other security concerns
publicized by the U.S House of Representatives in 2012. Despite this, Huawei has decided to
resolve these issues by proving its products and services to be trustworthy by relying on many
U.S enterprises that rely on its products and services. Ron Raffensperger, Chief Tech. Officer of
Huaweis business solutions noted, that the company has not ran into nearly as much friction
with enterprise business and we have lots and lots of customers that have very, very sensitive
information that they have stored in Huawei systems without any problems(Ranger).
-Google is the better search engine in this case. Despite the fact that both give you articles and/or
reports from around the same time period (late 2012-July 2014) Google tends to not just reach
out to topics directly related to Huaweis security threats in the U.S but also in Europe, where
they have made much greater progress in the European market. Google also talks about
companies that relate to Huawei such as ZTE.
MiYarnie Johnson
Assignment: 1
Huawei Struggling in U.S Market CSIT 101 T/R 21:45
Page 2 of 5

-(South China Morning Post World) Was written Tuesday January 14 of 2014. It hasnt been
updated since the afternoon of that day.
-Yes this article relates to my topic because, it talks about how a foreign government that is
familiar with Huawei has dealt with its security concerns.
-The author is Peter Simpson who is credible for writing on this topic because he is a managing
director at Amphigean Limited under telecommunications.
-Yes, the information is trustworthy because, they have direct quotes within the text. Yes, this
article has evidence that supports it. I am not sure if this article has been tested for accuracy.
-This article has been written to inform. No, it is not objective nor is it bias. This article was
simply written to inform the public.

MiYarnie Johnson
Assignment: 1
Huawei Struggling in U.S Market CSIT 101 T/R 21:45
Page 3 of 5

Hamblen, Matt. "Cisco Lawsuit Against Huawei on Hold." Network
World Canada 13.21 (2003): 0. ProQuest. Web. 21 Sep. 2014.
Low, Brian. "Huawei Technologies Corporation: From Local Dominance
to Global Challenge?" The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
22.2 (2007): 138. ProQuest. Web. 21 Sep. 2014.
Ranger, Steve. "Huawei, Still Trying to Crack the US Market, Aims at
'less Sensitive Industries." Zdnet. CBS Interactive, 19 Sept. 2014. Web.
21 Sept. 2014.
Simpson, Peter. "British Government Drops Huawei Devices amid
Security Concerns." South China Morning Post. South China Morning
Post, 14 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.
Dano, Mike. "Huawei: Despite Security Issues, We're Making Progress in
U.S. Enterprise Sales." Fierce Telecom. Fierce Markets, 16 Sept. 2014.
Web. 21 Sept. 2014.

MiYarnie Johnson
Assignment: 1
Huawei Struggling in U.S Market CSIT 101 T/R 21:45
Page 4 of 5

MiYarnie Johnson
Assignment: 1
Huawei Struggling in U.S Market CSIT 101 T/R 21:45
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