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Megan Traylor

ICloud Safety

Lately an increasing paranoia of the iCloud system has arisen in effect of
celebrities private photos being leaked on the Internet. Apple has responded to this
breach of security on iPhones by adding two extra security features. The fear of having
your pictures spread onto the Internet is in everyone. It can ruin your career,
relationships, and social life but is much more severe in celebritys lives. By being a
social figure your image can be ruined if a hacker releases private pictures on the media.
Luckily with Apples new security system, your iPhones photos now will have to be
verified by the user to make sure a mistake like that does not happen again.
After searching on Bing and Google, I have found two more articles on the topic
of celebrities iCloud accounts being hacked. When I used the Google search engine I
found more articles on entertainment. The articles on Google did not give as many facts
about Apples iCloud system; they talked more about the celebrities and the rumors being
passed around. Whether the pictures were photoshopped or not, the majority of Googles
search results did not inform users of how to protect themself from having their phones
hacked. On the other hand, Bing search engine showed me informative articles on what
Apple was improving to protect users iCloud accounts. The articles on Bings website
also mostly were focused on the technology being breached and not the celebrities
gossip. I was surprised Bing helped me find factual and informative articles.
The article I found on Bings website was from the Huffington post. This article
was written September 1
, 2014 and was updated on September 2
, 2014. This article
focuses solely on the breaching security system on Apples iCloud, it informed me the
app find my iPhone allows hackers to guess multiple passcodes to get into others
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Megan Traylor
ICloud Safety

phones. Maxwell Strachan who is a business editor for the Huffington Post wrote the
article. I believe the Huffington Post is a reputable blog that can be trusted to employee
and review all web articles written and posted. This article names many people and
websites that they received their information from, the author did not just state unnamed
quotes in their article. The facts stated by Strachan are supported by evidence of select
people and outside sources. Although the iCloud hacking has not been stated that is
definitely caused from lack of security in the find my iPhone app, this article ensures
more testing is still in progress. The purpose of the information stated is to inform iPhone
users of the breaching in their iCloud system and the risks they face. The material is
objective and discusses how Apple was careless to not implement a secure system but
how they now are making sure this problem does not occur once more.
When searching on the CCBC database website, I searched iCloud security and
found many great results. The databases I used were Regional Business News and
Business Source Premier. These databases were both very factual and completed listed
the steps Apple was taking to improve iCloud security.
The journal articles were completely different from the Internet articles. The
journal articles provided much more information on the topic from leading investigators.
The Internet articles were much easier to access, though. It is easier to search on my
homepage to find out information about current events. It is more likely I will be on
Facebook on a news webpage to find out current events, than CCBCs database page.
There are many more steps involved in searching articles on CCBCs database. Overall,
CCBC databases provided better information with timeliness and authority. I trust the
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Megan Traylor
ICloud Safety

databases much more than I do the Internet articles.

Coldewey, Devin. "After Celeb Photos Leak, Apple Adds Two-Factor Security to
ICloud - NBC News." NBC News. N.p., 16 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.
Heller, Corinne. "Kim Kardashian and Vanessa Hudgens Among Celebrities Targeted
in New Nude Photo Leak." E! News. N.p., 20 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.
Iyengar, Rishi. "Apple to Strengthen Security After ICloud Nude Celebrity Photos
Leak." Business Source Premier, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.
Sensible Vision. "Fast, Two-Factor Security from Sensible Vision Can Help Prevent
Future "Celebrity Photo Leak" Situations for Services Like Apple ICloud."
Regional Business News. EBSCO, 5 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.
Strachan, Maxwell. "Apple Fixes ICloud Bug Blamed For Massive Leak Of Nude
Celebrity Photos: Report." The Huffington Post., 01
Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.

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