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ACDV 101-Transitioning to College

CCBC Department: Academic Development

Academic Development: Transitioning
to College:
Section: U01
CRN: 9293
Basic Course Information and Multiple Ways to Contact Your Instructor:
Spring 2014
Instructor: Russell ra!e
"#one: 44$%40&42&
'ffice (ocation and )ours*C#at: By appointment SSR+20,
"rere-uisites and*or /one
Save the instructor contact information on your computer and in your phone.
Co!rse Description
ACD" 101#1 credit$1%& contact 'o!rs# 0ransitioning to College is a 14 1ee! 2lended course
designed to familiari3e students 1it# CCBC and foster t#e de4elopment of decision ma!ing
s!ills and learning strategies t#at 1ill lin! you to t#e college5 6 15& contact #our course 1ill
re-uire appro7imately $ #ours of course 1or! and or preparation eac# 1ee!5 0#e course 1ill
focus on t#ose student 2e#a4iors and attitudes t#at are most consistently identified 1it#
ac#ie4ing success in college5 0#e significance of a college education is e7plored and t#e
specific 1ays t#at 0#e Community College of Baltimore County operates are discussed5
Strategies for managing time8 ta!ing tests8 reading for compre#ension8 communication s!ills8
colla2orati4e learning8 and use of on.line resources 1ill 2e co4ered5
Course escription and 97pectations: You 1ill 2e e7pected to attend all regularly
sc#eduled classroom time 1it# no e7ceptions5 0#is course is 2lended: t#is means it is deli4ered and online5 0#e portions t#at are deli4ered in t#e classroom8 lecture8 course
acti4ities and participation are mandatory and cannot 2e made up at a later date5 0#e portion
t#at is completed at a distance uses internet 2ased resources and B2 ,515 Student 1or!8 graded
assignments and assessments8 are completed and online5 Relia2le and consistent
access to a computer8 World Wide We2 and t#e Internet are re-uired5 CCBC student email is
re-uired5 Computers are a4aila2le for student use in t#e sc#ool li2raries on eac# campus5 Be
sure you are using t#e 1e2.2ro1ser (o)illa *ire+o,%
"lease 4isit t#e 0ec#nical Re-uirements for CCBC online courses page for additional guidelines
and tec#nical re-uirements at #ttp:**cc2cmd5edu*distance*tec#nical5#tml5 You 1ill also find
information regarding computer #ard1are8 operating systems and 2ro1ser re-uirements8 as 1ell
as 2ro1ser configuration8 pop.up 2loc!er information8 plug.ins and anti.4irus soft1are5
-in. +or t'e Smarter (eas!re Readiness Tool: 6n online self.assessment to measure #o1
1ell suited you are for online learning5 0#is is to 2e ta!en 2efore going to t#e rest of t#e ;Course
ocuments< and 2eginning t#e course materials5 "lease allo1 a2out $0 minutes to complete t#e
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
/o!r login in+ormation +or t'e Smarter (eas!re assessment tool is: =sername:
acd4 "ass1ord: student
Co!rse 012ectives
=pon completion of t#is course8 t#e student 1ill 2e a2le to:
iscuss #o1 you are responsi2le for your e7perience in college5
escri2e 1ays you can create a successful and satisfying e7perience in college5
iscuss college policies and procedures and 2e a2le to locate and utili3e information in t#e
college catalog to de4elop a personal academic plan >?("@5
(ist and descri2e specific met#ods to:
Impro4e your a2ility to recall information5
Manage time more efficiently5
Read a te7t2oo! 1it# impro4ed understanding and retention5
"repare for and ta!e tests5
0a!e effecti4e notes5
(isten8 1it# compre#ension8 to a lecture5
(ocate college resources 2ot# on and off campus to assist you in meeting your needs as a
student at 0#e Community College of Baltimore County5
isco4er your indi4idual learning style so you can dra1 on your particular
strengt#s and adapt to and de4elop s!ills using ot#er styles5
e4elop!ing s!ills for effecti4e goal setting5
(earn tools for creating ne1 ideas8 pro2lem sol4ing8 and t#in!ing5
Strengt#en s!ills to study8 1or!8 and li4e in a multicultural8 di4erse and c#anging 1orld5
(a2or Topics:
I5 (ife Issue S!ills
65 0ime Management
B5 Self.responsi2ility
C5 Resources Management
5 Ainancial 61areness
II5 6cademic Success S!ills
65 Study S!ills >te7t2oo! reading8 note.ta!ing8 test.ta!ing@
B5 Communication S!ills
C5 Colla2orati4e (earning*0eam1or!
III5 0#e Culture of )ig#er 9ducation
65 0erminology and traditions of academia
B5 CCBC policies and procedures
C5 College ser4ices
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
I+5 College and Career ?oals
65 Matc#ing interests and s!ills 1it# 4ocational fields
B5 Creating an 6cademic Roadmap
+5 'nline S!ills
A% SIM'/
B% CCBC Student 9.mail
C% Blac!2oard Use (o)illa *ire+o,
D% 'nline transfer resources
3% ?eneral CCBC 1e2sites
*% '2taining grades and future course registration
ACD" 101 Co!rse Attendance 4olicies
6ttendance and participation in t#e f2f sc#eduled meetings are re-uired and graded5 There is
no way to successfully complete this section without fully attending and participating in the f2f
meetings. Since t#e s#aring of ideas is an important aspect of t#is course8 you are e7pected to
attend all classes8 arri4ing on time and staying for t#e entirety8 and to acti4ely participate in
classroom acti4ities5 You are also e,pected to read assigned te7t2oo! c#apters and to come
to class prepared to contri2ute to class discussions5
You are encouraged to attend class regularly8 to come to class prepared to participate
ent#usiastically8 and to feel 1elcome to contri2ute to class discussions and to as! -uestions5
4lease Note: Mo2ile de4ices suc# as cell p#ones8 including Blac!BerryBs and i"ods are not
permitted 1#ile class is in session5
You are re6!ired to complete a 5rad!ated -earning 4lan and a personali3ed 4ort+olio in
order to complete t#is course successfully5 6 ?raduated (earning "lan is a plan t#e student
produces 1it# t#e Instructor*faculty ad4isor to ;map< out t#e courses needed for t#e ne7t t1o
semesters to progress to1ard a degree or certificate at CCBC or to prepare for transfer to a
4.year institution and t#e ?raduated (earning "lan is added to SIM'/5
Remem1er7 t'e grade +or t'is co!rse is re+lected in 8o!r 54A%
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
Assignment 4oints
6ttendance and C#apter Cui33es
istance (earning Reflection
0ransitioning to College Cui3
(earning Styles 6ssignments:
;Myself as a (earner< "o1er"oint "resentation
/ote 0a!ing 6ssessment
College Resources 6ssignment

Self * 0ime Management 97ercise &0
?raduated (earning "lan 6ssignments:
?(" 100
)olland Code
Specific Study "lan
Career 6ssignment Wor!s#eet
Ainancial 61areness 6ssignments:
Ainancial 61areness *Sil4er Sa4ings essay &0
Ainal 97am
Capstone "roDect E "ortfolio
T0TA- 1000
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
5rade Scale
,00.1000 points 6
%00.%,, points B
F00.F,, points C
G00.G,, points
Belo1 G00 points A
?rading "olicy
0#is course is reflected in your ?"65 (ate 1or! is strongly discouraged5 "oints 1ill 2e deducted
for 1ritten assignments t#at are su2mitted past t#e due dates5 eadlines 1ill 2e imposed
1#ere2y 1ritten assignments 1ill no longer 2e accepted for credit5 It is t#e responsi2ility of t#e
student to prepare assigned materials on time and to discuss pro2lems 1it# deadlines youBre
your instructor5 )o1e4er8 if you s#ould encounter a pro2lem su2mitting #ome1or! t#roug# B2
you must contact t#e #elpdes! to resol4e t#e issue5 If t#e assignment is late and you 1ant t#e
instructor to consider t#e #ome1or! for a grade you must su2mit t#e 1or! order H from your
#elpdes! correspondence to your instructor5
Co!rse (aterials
ACDV 101Transitioning to College
Custom 9dition for 0#e Community College of Baltimore County
"earson Custom "u2lis#ing8 2010 ISB/ ,F%.0.&&%.440&4.1
/o! can onl8 p!rc'ase t'is c!stom edition at t'e CCBC
*las' drive
(et'ods +or Completing and S!1mitting Assignments
Be sure all documents are sa4ed to an e7ternal source suc# as a flas# dri4e*C or on your
computerBs #ard dri4e 2efore you su2mit t#em as a doc or rtf file5 6ssignments m!st 1e
t8ped9 do!1le spaced :it' one inc' margins and s'o!ld 1e s!1mitted as an attac'ment
!sing t'e Assignment Tool%
!ailure to do so may result in a loss of points for assignments not su"mitted as a typed
attachment in the Assignment Tool. 6ll 6ssignments must 2e su2mitted 2y or 2efore 11:&, "M
9S0 t#e day t#ey are due5
?rading for 1ee!ly assignments 1ill 2e completed 1it#in one 1ee! of t#e assignment due date5
*eed1ac. 4olic8
Your instructor 1ill pro4ide regular feed2ac! to you t#roug#out t#e course5 If you 2elie4e you
are not recei4ing enoug# feed2ac!8 please feel free to contact your instructor and as! for more5
0#e instructor 1ill respond to 2ot# p#one and 1ritten messages 1it#in 4% #ours >pro4ided it is
not t#e 1ee!end or #oliday@5 If you #a4e a personal or pri4ate matter to discuss please do not
post it in t#e ;6s! t#e Instructor< area5 Send a pri4ate message to your instructor5 W#en
lea4ing a p#one message remem2er to spea! clearly and lea4e your name and a p#one
num2er 1#ere you can 2e reac#ed5
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
If you #a4e a -uestion you 2elie4e t#e entire class 1ould 2enefit from8 please post t#e -uestion
in t#e ;6s! t#e Instructor< area in t#e discussion 2oard5
iscussion Board
Your postings and responses s#ould 2e 1ritten using standards of proper 1ritten 9nglis# >i5e%7
t'e conventions o+ten !sed in te,t messages and ;nstant (essenger are not accepta1le
'ere@5 Your regular participation in t#ese discussions and t#e -uality of your responses 1ill
determine your iscussion grades5 It is recommend t#at you s#ould su2mit your initial post on
or 2efore day $ and return t#e discussion 2oard on or 2efore day & to respond to at least one
classmateBs posting%
In order to earn points for class participation8 students 1ill 2e as!ed to respond to -uestions
posted 2y t#e instructor in t#e iscussion Board5 (ate postings >2eyond t#e deadlines gi4en@
may not 2e eligi2le for credit5 4lease note t#e instructor 1ill log on to t#e discussion 2oard 4.&
days a 1ee! to read8 e4aluate and respond to discussions5 )o1e4er8 you may not see a
respond to e4ery posting*response5
Class CafI
0#e Class CafI is a discussion forum 1#ere you can discuss non.related course issues5 "lease
feel free to create your o1n t#read5 4lease Note: T'is is a non#graded +or!m%
Course Sc#edule
"lease read and print t#e Course Sc#edule 1#ic# can 2e found in Course ocuments5 0#e
Course Sc#edule indicates 1#ic# (earning Modules 1ill 2e co4ered eac# 1ee! online and
during A2A sessions8 as 1ell as assignments associated 1it# eac# (earning Module and t#e
due dates for all assignments5
Ser4ices for Student 1it# isa2ilities:
CCBC is committed to pro4iding e-ual access to educational opportunities for all students 2y
arranging support ser4ices and reasona2le accommodations for students 1it# disa2ilities5 6
student 1it# a disa2ility may contact t#e appropriate campus office for an appointment to
discuss reasona2le accommodations5 6n appointment must 2e sc#eduled 1it#in a time period
1#ic# allo1s staff ade-uate time to respond to t#e special needs of t#e student5 0#e student
must pro4ide t#e appropriate office 1it# proper documentation supporting t#e need for
reasona2le accommodations5 You can find a lin! to isa2ility Support Ser4ices in t#e )elpful
lin!s folder5
Aor more information8 contact:
CCBC Catons4ille8 44$.%40.&24G8 or 44$.%40.4&&$ >00Y@
CCBC undal!8 44$.%40.$FF4 or 44$.%40.$&2, >00Y@
CCBC 9sse78 44$.%40.1F41 or 44$.%40.1G01 >00Y@
ACDV 101-Transitioning to College
CCBC Code of Student Conduct
Aor t#e College to ma!e its ma7imum contri2ution as an institution of #ig#er learning8 t#e entire
college community must up#old #ig# standards of integrity8 #onesty8 and et#ical 2e#a4ior5
"lease remem2er t#e CCBC Code of Conduct is in effect at all times 1#en you are in our 4irtual
classroom or on campus5 0#e Code of Student Conduct can 2e found in t#e )elpful lin!s
/eti-uette is often defined as a set of appropriate and accepta2le 2e#a4iors 1#ic# facilitate
interaction in t#e 4irtual 1orld5 If you are unfamiliar 1it# accepta2le online 2e#a4ior8 please read
t#e Core Rules of /eti-uette5 0#e lin! to can 2e found in t#e )elpful lin!s folder5
6cademic Calendar
0#e 6cademic Calendar8 Wit#dra1 or c#ange to 6udit status from t#is course is /o4em2er 28
2012% You can also find a lin! to t#e academic calendar in t#e )elpful lin!s folder5
Weat#er and )oliday Closing "olicy
In case of a delayed opening8 College policy states students s#ould attend classes in progress
at t#e opening time5 "lease sign up for Campus 9arly 6lert5 ?o to

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