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I SABELLE GI UONG www. i ami sabel l e.

i sabel l uong@gmai l .com

!"#$!%& %()*%*+*" #, *"-.(#/#!0 !an 2011-May 2014
uac|e| o o Sc| ence w| t| lonos, Ma o | n Comoutat| ona| Meo| a, M| no | n Leaoes|| o Stuo| es (uus| ness Management 1ac|)
loe|gn Lxc|ange Stuoy: L|g|ta| Meo|a ano Les|gn at l1 bn|ves|ty o Cooen|agen, Lenma| (So|ng 2013)

S18A1LCl C: Act|on-C|enteo, Comoet|t|ve Ma|et 8eseac|, Lata-o|ven, Coog|e Ana|yt|cs, Lanoscaoe Ana|ys|s, Lean Canvas uus|ness Mooe|
C8LA1l vL: Aoobe (l|otos|oo, l||ustato, lnLes|gn, Loge An|mate), Custome locuseo Les|gn, Lxoe|ence Les|gn, 8ao|o lototyo|ng, bse 8eseac|
1LCl-SAvv?: Ag||e, CSS, L3.s, lont-eno Lev, C|t, C|t|ub, l1ML, !ava, !avaSc|ot, Maya, SC8bM, 1est-L|ven Leve|ooment, bn|ty 3L, veb Lev

1"2 3")%!("$ 4 3"5"/#6"$ At| anta, CA
Ceog| a 1ec| l nst| tute o leoo| e ano 1ec|no| ogy !an 2014-May 2014
8eouceo wo| t| me by S0 ano | nceaseo wo| qua| | ty by 100 by conv|nc|ng suoev|sos to aooot bette su|teo tec|no|ogy
Les|gneo ano |mo|ementeo web an|mat|ons us|ng Aoobe Loge An|mate, !avaSc|ot (L3.s), Luoa|, l1ML, ano CSS

)#,*1&$" "(!%(""$ %(*"$( At| anta, CA
Cox Lnteo| ses, Man|e| m Mob| | e 1eam !un 2012-Aug 2012
| nten oeeo emo| oyment ate | ntens|| o ano w|||e st||| |n co||ege
l n S0 o exoecteo t| me, como|eteo oogamm|ng wo| |n matue ag| | e env| onment oeve|oo|ng sotwae eatues on Man|e|m's #1
web too| ano mob| | e s| tes us|ng C|t, !ava, l1ML, CSS, ano 8uby, on L|nux (8eo|at) mac||nes
to |n|t|ate 8 ece|ve 100 mentos||o om coss-team sen| o bx oeve| ooes ano bus| ness ana| ysts

!$&6.%- 3")%!("$ 4 )*+3"(* &))%)*&(* At| anta, CA
Ceog| a 1ec| Acaoem| c Success Cente Aug 2011-May 2012
1ac|eo ano mon|toeo -100 stuoents, ove $2,000 wot| o esouces, ano -20 sta membes on oem|ses w|t| 100 accuacy
l nceaseo ta| c to soc| a| meo| a out|ets t|oug| |n|t|at|ng ano oes|gn|ng smat, attact|ve oomot|ona| aovet|s|ng ||n|s, ||es ano buttons

70-#2&-*"$%& )*+3"(* $")"&$-."$ At| anta, CA
Sc| ence Loucat| on A| | | ance (SLA) lat| ona| Cenom| cs 8eseac| l n| t| at| ve Q Ceog| a State bn| ves| ty Aug 2010-May 2011
C|osen out o -20 |onos stuoents to oub| | s| esu|ts on SLA's webs|te as CSb's l|eatueo l|age"
lameo ano o| scoveeo new o|age (u| ac|n| g|t |tto: //o|agesob. og/) v|a caeu| gene |so|at|on exoe| ments |n b|o|ogy |aboatoy

6$#3+-* 3")%!("$ (1st l| ace v| nne-uest loouct Les| gn o 48 teams) At| anta Statuo vee|eno
ueanStoc| Aoo Ao 2012
Awaoeo o| zes va| u| ng ove $1, 000, 100 event sc|o|as||o, ano soonsos||o to 1|e lnous Lnteoeneus At|anta (1|L) 2012 Coneence
Conceotua||zeo ooouct oes|gn, moc|uos, w|eames, ano |ogo o a mob||e eoucat|ona| |nance game o c|||oen

-#76"*%*%5" 7&$8"* &(&/0)* l ntegat| ve Management Ana| ys| s Couse
lo| nts o L| g|t C| v| c Acce| eato !an 2014-May 2014
loent||eo bus| ness gowt| aeas v|a |anoscaoe ana|ys|s ano nat|onw|oe eseac| w| t| eng| nee| ng ano bus| ness teammates

6$#9"-* 7&(&!"$ 4 /"&3 +: 3"5"/#6"$ l nteact| on Les| gn Couse
At| anta C| v| c Las|boao Aug 2013-Lec 2013
l nceaseo team ooouct| v| ty ove /0 by |oent|y|ng ano so| v| ng 100 o team m| scommun| cat| on | ssues
Cooeo ove 80 o web aoo||cat|on oototyoe, useo l1ML, CSS, ano !avaSc|ot, | eo oes| gn ano oeve| ooment team meet| ngs
l oent| | eo taget ma|et, ceateo use sto| es, ana| yzeo comoet| t| ve | anoscaoe, o| o| t| zeo eatues, oes| gneo
w| eames ano moc|-uos

%(*"$&-*%#( 3")%!("$ 4 +: $")"&$-."$ L| g| ta| l| ay Couse
l nteact| ve La|ness Lnv| onment !an 2013-May 2013
8eouceo |na| eoot w|t|ng ano oes|gn t| me by S0 v| a owao t|| n|| ng ano attent| on to oeta| | s ot|e teammates neg|ecteo
Le|neo ooouct ma|et, co||ecteo ano ana|yzeo o| ect eeobac| om 100 o uses about usab|||ty o a -1S-oage oeta| | eo eoot
Les| gneo ano testeo Mvl oototyoe o 4L |nteact|ve o|g|ta| o|ay soace t|at |s esoons|ve to use emot| ons ano be|av| o

6$#3+-* 7&(&!"$; 7&$8"* &(&/0)*; 4 +: $")"&$-."$ Conceot Leve| ooment Couse
1a| || ng uaoge 8 louse o Ambe !an 2013-May 2013
lnceaseo eect|veness o o|ect custome eeobac| gat|e|ng met|oos by S00 t|oug| ana| ys| s o use be|av| o ano t|oug|t
Lo| teo ano co-wote 30-oage oeta| | eo ooouct eoot |nc|uo|ng | ean bus| ness mooe| o new sca| ab| e bus| ness
Leve| ooeo oototyoe 8 Mvl eatues baseo on o| o| ty, c||ent's bus|ness neeos, custome oemano, ano eseac|eo use tenos

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