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Instructors Manual

Lesson 6
A. Write an overview of your plan of instruction and technology product by doing the
1. Discuss the following elements of the plan and product: instructional goal, intended
audience, length, delivery approach, instructional sequence, materials needed
The instructional goal of my unit of instruction is to teach plumbers how to manage their
time. The specific goal is to help them submit a bid for typing to the office within 48 hours
of their trip to the customers location. The audience is a group of 12 plumbers, with an
average of close to 15 years plumbing experience. The length of the entire unit of
instruction is approximately eight hours of instruction and the delivery approach is a
combination of teacher-led and group work. The instructional sequence is:
1Whos in charge of your time?
2Timewhat is it and how do we manage it?
3Are you prepared?
4Time wasters
6Stress of NOT prioritizing
7Asking for help
8Bringing it all together
The materials needed are:
Access to a computer or smart phone for each plumber to access , air horn, 1 handout for each plumber, pencils, 3x5 cards
with completely random items written on them (Abraham Lincoln, p-trap, swing, cigarette,
rocking chair, backyard, bald, motorcycle, vacation, wallet, 1776, triangle), pins, 1 What Can I
do to Reduce My Stress handout for each plumber?, ability to access Survey Monkey to take
survey regarding work stressors
2. Discuss each lesson or module in the plan of instruction.
6Stress of NOT prioritizingIn this lesson, the plumbers learn what some things are that
they are doing that are actually making their stress levels worse, and what they can do
about it.
3. Discuss how student performance is assessed.
There is no post-assessment for unit 6.
Instructors Manual
Lesson 6
B. Describe how the instruction (e.g., planned pedagogies, strategies) is to be delivered so
that its delivery could be re-created from your description.
Overview: 6Stress of NOT prioritizingIn this lesson, the plumbers learn what some
things are that they are doing that are actually making their stress levels worse, and what
they can do about it.
Pre-instructional activity: Blow the air horn to get their attention. Explain that I will be
pinning a 3x5 card on their back and when I say go they will need to mingle with the
others and try to figure out what is on their 3x5 card. The only rule is that they can only
ask yes or no questions. Pin cards on, and say go. When almost everyone (or
everyone if it goes quickly) has their card figured out, blow the air horn to call them back to
the table and ask them to take their seat. Discuss why this was stressful. (No rhyme or
reason to the cards, not sure where to begin, didnt know how to answer the yes/no
question, air horn blowing, etc.) Blow the air horn to indicate time for the discussion is over.
Content Presentation: Have them log on to IFSM before distributing handouts. Facilitate
discussion about what to do if you have jobs at 8-10, 8-12, 10-2, 12-4 and 2-6. How do
you decide what order to go in. If the 12-4 is closest to the shop, can you just show up
there at 8am? Why or why not? When would you go from the 8-10 to the 8-12? When would
you go from the 8-10 to the 10-2 and then back to the 8-12?

Give them the handout, touch on key points of the article (Do NOT read the entire article to
them). Why do we need to manage our stress?
Highlights of page 1 of handout:
Excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional
health. Finding ways to manage workplace stress isnt about making huge changes or
rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing thats always within
your control: you. Your emotions are contagious, and stress has an impact on the quality of
your interactions with others. The better you are at managing your own stress, the more
you'll positively affect those around you, and the less other people's stress will negatively
affect you.
You can learn how to manage job stress
o Taking responsibility
o Avoiding pitfalls
o Learning better communication skills
Tip 1: recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work
o Feeling overwhelmed at work allows you to lose confidence
Instructors Manual
Lesson 6
May become irritable
May become withdrawn
This makes you less productive and less effective
Makes work seem less rewarding
Can lead to physical and emotional health problems

Highlights of page 2 of handout:
Signs and symptoms of excessive job and workplace stress:
Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed
Apathy, loss of interest in work
Problems sleeping
Trouble concentrating
Muscle tension or headaches
Stomach problems
Social withdrawal
Loss of sex drive
Using alcohol or drugs to cope

Common causes of excessive workplace stress:
Fear of being laid off
More overtime due to staff cutbacks
Pressure to perform to meet rising expectations but with no increase in job satisfaction
Pressure to work at optimum levelsall the time!
Tip 2: Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself
o Get moving
o Make food choices that keep you going
o Drink alcohol in moderation and avoid nicotine (starting on page 3)
o Get enough sleep
o Get support

Highlights of page 3 of handout:
Tip 3: Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing
o Create a balanced schedule
Instructors Manual
Lesson 6
o Dont over-commit yourself
o Try to leave earlier in the morning
o Plan regular breaks (beginning on page 4 of handout)
o Prioritize tasks
o Break projects into small steps
o Delegate
o Be willing to compromise
When job and workplace stress threatens to overwhelm you, there are simple steps you can
take to regain control over yourself and the situation. Your newfound ability to maintain a
sense of self-control in stressful situations will often be well-received by coworkers,
managers, and subordinates alike, which can lead to better relationships at work. Here are
some suggestions for reducing job stress by prioritizing and organizing your responsibilities.

Highlights of page 4 of handout:
Tip 4: Reduce job stress by improving emotional intelligence
Even if youre in a job where the environment has grown increasingly stressful, you can
retain a large measure of self-control and self-confidence by understanding and
practicing emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage and use
your emotions in positive and constructive ways. When it comes to satisfaction and success
at work, emotional intelligence matters just as much as intellectual ability. Emotional
intelligence is about communicating with others in ways that draw people to you, overcome
differences, repair wounded feelings, and defuse tension and stress.
o Four major components of emotional intelligence in the workplace;
Self-awarenessthe ability to recognize your emotions and their
impact while using gut-feelings to guide your decisions
Self-managementthe ability to control your emotions and behavior
and adapt to changing circumstances
Social awarenessthe ability to sense, understand, and react to
others emotions and feel comfortable socially (beginning page 5 of
Relationship managementthe ability to inspire, influence, and
connect to others and to manage conflict
o Five key skills of emotional intelligence (five skills you need to master in order
to raise your emotional intelligence and manage stress at work)
Realize when youre stressed
Stay connected to your internal emotional experience
Instructors Manual
Lesson 6
Recognize and effectively use nonverbal cues and body language
Develop the capacity to meet challenges with humor
Resolve conflict positively

Highlights of page 6 of handout:
Tip 5: Reduce job stress by breaking bad habits (Many of us make job stress worse
with negative thoughts and behavior. If you can turn these self-defeating habits
around, youll find employer-imposed stress easier to handle.)
o Bad habits to break
Resist perfectionism
Clean up your act
Flip your negative thinking
Dont try to control the uncontrollable
o Four ways to dispel stress
Take time away
Talk it over with someone
Connect with others at work (page 7/8 of handout)
Look for humor in the situation
Tip 6: Learn how managers or employers can reduce job stress
It's in a manager's best interest to keep stress levels in the workplace to a minimum.
Managers can act as positive role models, especially in times of high stress, by following the
tips outlined in this article. If a respected manager can remain calm in stressful work
situations, it is much easier for his or her employees to also remain calm.
Additionally, there are a number of organizational changes that managers and employers
can make to reduce workplace stress.
o Ways managers or employers can help
Improve communication
Consult the employees
Instructors Manual
Lesson 6
Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions that affect
their jobs
Provide opportunities for career development
Cultivate a friendly social climate
Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees
Establish a zero-tolerance policy for harassment
Learner Participation: Hand out What Can I do to Reduce My Stress? worksheet (in resource
website) have the plumbers consult with their table partners and discuss some different areas
that they could improve on stressors in their lives. Have them write down the top three things
in their work and top three things in their non-work time that they could do to reduce their
stress. (They will keep this page, no one else will see it.)
Post-assessment: none
Follow-through activities: Survey Monkeyhave the plumbers log into
(link in resource website) and take the survey.

C. Provide a list of all instructional materials (e.g., handouts, books, assessments,
manipulatives, videos) that are used in the lessons or modules. click on Lessons tab, choose Lesson 6 Access the
following items on the Documents needed page: Content presentation-handout, Learner
participation-handout, and the following links on the Links needed page: Content
presentation (IFSM) and Follow through activity (Survey Monkey).

D. Provide a list of all physical resources needed in the instructional event (e.g., hardware,
lab equipment, calculators).
Hand-held, canister-type air horn, 3x5 cards with items written on them (King George,
safety pin, blue sock, dresser, blanket, ironing board, tree, slide, plumber snake, orange
safety cone, book, telephone, computer, space shuttle, Europe, etc.), tape or pins to secure
the cards to the backs of the participants, tablet or smart phone for each plumber to log
into IFSM on.

E. Provide all lesson plans, assessments, and handouts that could be reproduced by those
who use your plan of instruction.
See Weebly website (
Instructors Manual
Lesson 6

Note: This could also include media-related documents (e.g., press releases, advertising,

F. Include design elements that contribute to the purpose of the plan of instruction.
Ease of use of the Weebly website, appropriate content that the plumbers can relate to,
consistent navigation throughout the website, choice of images for use on the website (use
of water and above ground plumbing since Im working with plumbers)

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