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Instructions for Simulation on Long Term Finance AILAC

Many Parties have indicated that they do not believe a 2015 Agreement will be possible without greater
clarity on the commitment by Annex 1 Parties to provide Means of Implementation, and, in particular,
Climate Finance, to Developing Countries. Aside from the agreement to mobilize $100 billion in climate
finance by 2020, there is not a clear pathway for scaling-up the provision of climate finance, nor is there
clarity with respect to what proportion of these resources will be public funds, e.g. bilateral grants and
concessional elements of loans; contributions to GEF and GCF; contributions to other Convention related
funds (AF, LDCF, SCCF); contributions to other multilateral funds; grants and concessional elements of
loans through multilateral development banks, etc.
A CoP20 Decision is expected, based on:

- The report of the Secretariat on the Workshop on Long-Term Finance;
- Referrals on "Strategies and Approaches" to be presented by A1 countries;
- The Ministerial Dialogue on Long-Term Finance to take place in conjunction with CoP20.

Background Documents

Long-Term Finance Workshop web site:
Decision 3/CP.19 on Long Term Climate Finance:
Draft Informal Discussion Note on LTF in 2014-20:
Scene-setter presentation on Climate Finance, Cassie Flynn, UNDP:
Scene-setter presentation on Enabling Environment for Climate Finance, Smita Nakhooda,
Informal Summary of June 2014 LTF Workshop:

Peru Position
Per defiende su posicin a travs de AILAC, pues como presidencia entrante no debe tener una posicin sobre
los temas, sino ms bien debe contribuir a buscar puntos medios e ideas para destrabar las discusiones.

As, la delegacin deber preparar intervenciones que se enfoquen en resaltar los puntos de encuentro,
proponer salidas para los temas complicados y llamar al dilogo.

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