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7703 Big Buck Drive Windsor Mill, MD 21244 410-782-9121/443-405-7552 ketur!sunders"g#il$co#

Dedicated individual with excellent people skills in search of a position with a company that can utilize
my abilities to contribute to its success.
Baltimore City Community College 20!
Associates of Applied Science in Surgical Technology
Ho"ar# Community College 200$%200&
Studied Early Education
Oa'lan# (ill) Hig* 200+
Maryland High School Diploma
Excellent customer relations skills; tactful and diplomatic in resolving customer concerns.
Able to accurately follow procedures in order to provide top notch quality service.
ighly organized and able to manage multiple tasks independently that possesses competing priority.
!rofessional appearance and aware of my role in presenting an appropriate and professional first
impression to customers.
"eliable employee who learns new tasks quickly and requires a minimum of supervision.
ard worker who is comfortable in a fast#paced settings and who is always available for additional
Able to provide basic office support including typing$ filing$ answering telephones$ and other
receptionist duties.
!rofound ability to effectively present information to customers.
Able to sustain a high energy level with a professional attitude.
/amily Dollar Store 00202 % 0201
%ales Associate
&y responsibilities included welcoming customers as they entered the store as well as on the sales floor$
verifying prices$ checking availability and locations of specific items for the customer's convenience and
answering inquiries concerning weekly sales and return policies to the best of my ability.
I "a) gi2en t*e o33ortunity to 4e5ome a))i)tant manager "it*in 2 mont*) o6 4eing *ire#7
8an#el Di)tri4ution ,,C7 020 % 20202
Newspaper Carrier
&y responsibilities included picking up newspaper orders intended for delivery and delivering them to
the customers on my route and making follow up calls to make sure their needs were being met.
(aintaine# a *ig* 5u)tomer )er2i5e goal9 5on)i)tently 'e3t my 5om3laint) #o"n e2ery "ee'7
R:IS 1020 % +020
Auditor/Retail Merchandiser
&y responsibilities as an Au#itor included maintaining inventory of various stores by scanning items
using handheld devices and storing information into a database. &y responsibilities as a Retail
(er5*an#i)er included building displays in stores$ resetting and storing gondolas using schematic and
necessary tools.
-ro2e# to 4e a #e3en#a4le *ar# "or'er 4y 5o2ering e;tra )*i6t) an# 5om3leting 0 #ay
a))ignment) to a))i)t t*e 5om3any in gaining re5ognition in a ne" area o6 )er2i5e t*at "a) 4eing
8al%(art +0200 % 20200
n!entory Control Specialist
&y responsibilities included receiving$ storing and issue materials(equipment and other items to and from
the company's stockroom$ warehouse or storage yard and maintaining records and compiling stock
I "a) re5ogni<e# 6or my "or' )3ee# a) one o6 t*e to3 t*ree 3eo3le to 4ring item) 6rom t*e
4a5'room in2entory to t*e )ale) 6loor7
Co)t5o9 In57 00200= % 20200=
Customer Ser!ice
As a seasonal worker$ my duties included addressing customer inquiries in a high volume fast#paced
environment and successfully diffusing volatile customer situations by providing swift resolutions to
customer complaints.
A) a #e3en#a4le "or'er9 I "a) a2aila4le on my #ay o667
Con)i)tently met 3er6orman5e 4en5*mar') in all area) >)3ee#9 a55ura5y9 2olume? an# e;5ee#e#
5u)tomer e;3e5tation) 4y lo5ating *ar# to 6in# item) or re5ommen# alternati2e o3tion) 6or out o6
)to5' item)7
,an5a)ter /oo#)0A#e55o Sta66ing Agen5y @0200= % !0200=
"arehouse "or#er
)hile on assignment$ my staffing agency placed me with *ancaster where my responsibilities included
pulling customer orders according to the work order$ keeping track of inventory and notifying
management when stocks needed to be replenished$ clearly documenting all paperwork for completed
work orders and wrapping pallets and returning unwanted orders to stock.
Target Store) 00200@ % 20200@
Cashier/Customer Ser!ice
&y duties included greeting customers as they entered the store as well as on the sales floor$ offering
assistance with purchases by properly using the peripheral electronic data processing equipment to verify
prices$ checking availability and locations of specific items for the customer's convenience$ answering
inquiries concerning weekly sales and return policies$ addressing concerns to the best of my ability and
requesting additional information or assistance using the paging system when an issue was out of my
+urisdiction; in addition to working at the ,ood Avenue serving food and coffee.
(a#e )ugge)tion) to 'ee3 t*e 6oo# 5ourt running )moot*ly )in5e it "a) )omet*ing ne" to t*e
RE/ERENCES A!aila$le %pon Re&uest

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