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D20 The Expanded Shinkoukenjin

When I begun the Shinkoukenjin project, I knew it would never be completed fully. There were too many
variables to consider, and too many thoughts that were rattling around in my head. I could have just gone back
and reedited the document I created before, and called it done, but I feel this would have cheapened my original
creation as an incomplete document, which it was. It served it's purpose. It created the races, and the world they
live in to a point. What follows is merely a collection of thoughts that I didn't place in the first book, either
because I never thought they'd be wanted, or because I thought they might be too risky at that time to produce.
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The Reincarnation Cycle of a Shinkoukenjin
When a Shinkoukenjin dies, it is different than the death of other races. Though they do move along the cycle of
reincarnation like humans, things are slightly different. "eincarnation can't handle the deific power they posess
as well as the normal human powers.
#t death in the living world, the Shikoukenjin loses their Shinkoukenjin feat, and gains either the Shinigami,
/ollow, or !ni feat, depending on their lot in life =%layer choice really.> They also receive the !ldblood feat with
their old Shinkoukenjin race =?ut only the first time they die>. They retain their old Spell Score, and the two
statistics favored by their Shinkoukenjin ancestry. 0irinketsu favor Strength and ,onstitution, Tora favor $e@terity
and Strength, Shougakubou favor ,onstitution and ,harisma and /ououAa favor $e@terity and Wisdom. #ll
other scores must be rebought with a pool of points eBual to 3C8ths the original number. =I' so if they had 3< to
begin with, they would have (D now>
#ll feats are lost =With the e@ception of the above, e@cept for !ldblood, counts towards eat acBuisition>, and
must be bought again from first level. -ou must rechoose at least ( feat from your old life.
#ll Skills must be repurchased and reEchosen. -ou must keep at least + skills from your old life
# Shinkoukenjin will also retain a small bit of memory. "oll +d(<F8, this is the percentage of memories you
retain. =So 4a@imum +8G memory retention> The feat H$eific "ecallI modifies this roll. To remember something
from your old life, you roll d(<<. If you rolled lower than your recall number, you remember that information.
$'II, "',#.. JS!1., S/I)0!10')2I)K
Prerequisites: #ny one Shinkoukenjin feat
Benefits: If you die, and have to remake yourself as per page 3 of the '@panded Shinkoukenjin, roll your
memory "etention roll, and double the number. T/IS is the percentage of memories you retain.
Special: This feat may be taken twice total. =So there is a possibility of there being a :8G memory retention>
#t death in the spirit world, the Shinkoukenjin repeats the process above, e@cept the line that reads Hand gains
either the Shinigami, Hollow, or Oni feat, depending on their lot in life (Player choice really.)I now reads Hand
gains any racial feat except Shinigami, Hollow, or Oni, depending on their lot in life (Player choice really.)I #ll
other parts of the above order remain the same.
The term shinkoukenjin refers to the following races5 /ououAa, /enpuku, 0irenketsu, 4amushi, Sasori,
Shougakubou, and Tora. They are descendants of the guardian animal deities of the world, and have differing
powers based on their lineage. There are other races out there, but that is between you and your &4. #n
additional race is supplied in this suppliment JThe TatankaK and is immediately available for use.
"ixin' Race(
#long with the $emiEShinkoukenjin prestige path presented in the core Shinkoukenjin book, the following three
prestige paths offer you a mi@ of the other races. /ollowCShinkoukenjin, !niCShinkoukenjin and
ShinigamiCShinkoukenjin are the paths below. Saddly, it is impossible to mi@ Luincy and Shinkoukenjin as you
are either born as one or the other, regardless of true parentage.
When a Shinkoukenjin dies, there is a chance they will become a hollow. ?ecause they have an enhanced grasp
on their old life, a good deal of the time their Shinkoukenjin side reasserts itself, often fusing powers together into
better more functional powers. # /akanai is a shell of it's former self, albeit with more power than before.
Prerequisites: /ave died with a Shinkoukenjin feat, and taken the /ollow eat to replace it, "elevant #ttack
Skill (<F, ,ero, 4ust have the natural attack of your oldblood race. 4ust have your hollow mask removed by a
Shinkoukenjin 7 or more levels higher than you.
1 M "'E'4'"&#),' J%"'STI&'K
-ou may trade any feat you have for any
Shinkoukenjin racial feat you Bualify for, discluding
the /ollow and !ldblood =Shinkoukenjin "ace>
feats. -ou also gain one bonus feat for each two
feats you trade in in this manner.
2 M 0114'I J%"'STI&'K
-our old form returns to you and adds to your power
as a /ollow. 1pon releasing your 0uumei, you gain
a bonus to your Spell Score and your !ldblood's
two preferred statistics eBual to the number of
Shinkoukenjin feats you have, including !ldblood
=Shinkoukenjin "ace> This form lasts for a number
of minutes eBual to your constitution modifier per
day, and can be spread out amongst multiple uses.
3 M ?onus eat =This feat is above and beyond the
feats normally granted by leveling>
4 M /I'""! J%"'STI&'K
The /akanai gains their ,onstitution modifier as a
natural armor bonus to defense rolls.
5 M '.'4')T#. ,'"!
!nce per week, you may double the damage of
your ,ero. This increased damage is of the element
your old Shinkoukenjin race produced from it's
natural attacks. In addition, your natural attacks are
considered to be of the same element with regards
to overcoming damage reduction and resistances.
Sometimes Shinkoukenjin go to 2igoku. There are some so evil that they cannot be allowed the path of
"eincarnation just yet. They must atone for their sins. Sometimes a Shinkoukinjin doesn't want to atone.
Sometimes they enjoy the evil they've wrought. Sometimes they just find their way out through the -omi hole, or
through another method.
Whatever the case, an #kujin is a terror to behold. %art !ni, %art Shinkoukinjin, #kujin have access to
transformations that make their ancestors weep.
Prerequisites: Shinkoukenjin "acial eat, !ldblood =!ni> eat !"
Shinkoukenjin that has been sentenced to 2igoku for evil. "elevant
#ttack Skill 9F "anks, F+d9 $amage from e@tra attacks, /ybrid
1 M /-?"I$ T"#)S!"4#TI!) J%"'STI&'K
When you assume your /ybrid or 0anAen form, ,hoose one from
each of the following categories instead of your normal benefit =-ou
still gain one half your level in shikai picks>. The choices from these
categories acts as the feat Transformation in regards to stacking
,hoose two statistics. -ou gain a F7 bonus to those
&ain one natural attack method that you do not
possess, or gain one damage dice siAe to an e@isting
natural attack method.
,hoose one of the following5 &ain one siAe category,
.ose one siAecategory, ?ecome a Luadruped, &ain
Two '@tra #rms, &ain a )atural #rmor ?onus eBual to
your Spell Score 4odifier, &ain $amage "eduction =as
the eat>.
,hoose two ?ase eats that you Bualify for and gain
them for the Transformation's duration
2 M T"#)S!"4#TI!)#. #$$ITI!)S J%"'STI&'K
When using your Transformation, you may choose category, and
choose a second benefit from that category. -our Transformation grants you access to both benefits when you
transform. =I'5 If you have )atural #rmor, and you take this, you may then choose to &ain a SiAe ,ateogry as
well, they will stack with this transformation and all others afterwards.>
3 M 0#)N') T"#)S!"4#TI!) J%"'STI&'K
When you assume your 0anAen form, ,hoose one from each of the following categories. The choices from
these categories acts as the feat Transformation in regards to stacking =-ou still gain your level in shikai picks to
create special attacks>
,hoose two statistics. -ou gain a F7 bonus to those statistics.
&ain one natural attack method that you do not possess, or gain one damage dice siAe to an
e@isting natural attack method.
,hoose one of the following5 &ain one siAe category, .ose one siAecategory, ?ecome a Luadruped,
&ain Two '@tra #rms, &ain a )atural #rmor ?onus eBual to your Spell Score 4odifier, &ain $amage
"eduction =as the eat>.
,hoose two ?ase eats that you Bualify for and gain them for the Transformation's duration.
4 M T"#)S!"4#TI!)#. .!)&'OIT- J%"'STI&'K
When using your transformed states, your time in each doubles.
5 M I44!"T#. T"#)S!"4#TI!) J%"'STI&'K
#s long as you are in your transformed state, you have "egeneration at a rate eBual to your character level with
a weakness for ,old and 'lectricity. #lso, you gain the %owerful Transformations eat as a bonus feat.
When a Shinkoukenjin dies, there is a chance they will become a Shinigami. ?ecause they have an enhanced
grasp on their old life, sometimes their Shinkoukenjin side reasserts itself, often fusing powers together into
better more functional powers. Those that do find their Nanpakutous acting much like their old powers.
%reBuisites5 Weapon #ttack Skill 9F "anks, 1narmed #ttack Skill 9F "anks, 4ust have died with a
Shinkoukenjin "ace eat and rebuilt into a Shinigami !" be a Shinigami with !ldblood =Shikoukenjin "ace>.
( M ?'#STI#. S/I0#I J%"'STI&'K
-ou gain an alternate release on
your Nanpakutou that changes it's
shape into a weapon that
enhances your natural weapon. It
is built just as the #lternate
"elease feat, but gains a bonus
type that matches the elemental
type of your previous race.
+ M /-?"I$ S/I0#I J%"'STI&'K
#s long as you are in Shikai, you
gain the secondary bonus of the
/ybrid feat for your !ldblood
race. -ou do not get to create
special attacks with shikai picks
3 M '4'"&#),' J%"'STI&'K
-ou gain bonus feats eBual to one
half the number of Shinkoukenjin
feats you had at the time of your
original death. These are for any
feats you Bualify for. If you had no
Shinkoukenjin feats at the time of
your original death, you gain
bonus feats eBual to your
Intelligence 4odfier.
7 M 0#)N') ?#)0#I J%"'STI&'K
#s long as you are in ?ankai, you gain the secondary bonus of the 0anAen eat for your oldblood race. -ou do
not get to create special attacks with Shikai %Icks.
8 M %'"',T "'.'#S' J%"'STI&'K
The amount of time you can have your Shikai and ?ankai released doubles. This does )!T stack with the
,aptain feature 'nduring "elease
ther Shinkoukenjin Race(
?eyond the original seven presented Shinkoukenjin races, there are doAens more. 'ach from their own legends.
'ach from their own place in cosmic myth. rom the mighty Slephnir of )orway to the enrir of inland to the
Tatanka of )orth #merica, Shinkoukenjin have many different names in many different languages. ?elow, I give
the key to creating a Shinkoukenjin race.
Step (5 $esign the flavor, name and origin of your Shinkoukenjin race. #re they arctic wolves from ,anadaP #re
they )orth #merican 'aglesP #re they .ions from the #frican Savannah. )early any country that has an animal
as a guardian being of some sort can be used as a Shinkoukenjin "ace.
Step +5 &ive the race a )atural attack that will scale as they gain more attack ranks. -ou can forgo a )atural
attack in lieu of a different one as I did with the Sasori. #lso, $eclare their two preferred statistics =Those
statistics that govern their feats and abilities>. #lso, each attack should have an element that it's damage comes
Step 35 $esign their /ybrid form. /ybrid forms generally give a good bonus. )ormally a F7 to two different
things. It is also possible to use class features or other original ideas. The general premise is that /ybrid should
be achieved like Shikai.... If you can picture it being appro@imately half as powerful as a normal Shikai, then it
should be alright on a /ybrid. ,onsult your &4 however, they may have other ideas and #.W#-S have the right
to refuse or change.
Step 75 $esign 0anAen state. 0anAen merely doubles the bonuses from /ybrid.
Step 85 $esign eats. $esigning eats is the hardest part of creating a shinkoukenjin race. Ten feats are
reBuired, one of which is an #tavism. 'ach feat should be something incremental that describes the creature that
serves as the progenitor of the race in Buestion. %laying an 'agle "aceP %erhaps the ability to ly, once there
how bout a light Speed enhancer, or a 4aneuverability 'nhancer... #tavisms are the simplest to create as they
give a F7 bonus to the less preferred statistic, and a FD bonus to the more preferred statistic. They give a E+ to
all skills checks and last 3 F ,urrent Spellscore 4odifier. !h yes... #tavism feats must begin with the letter #.
Step 95 &ain #pproval from your &4. &4's are a fickle lot, and a good amount of cooperation goes a long way in
their eyes. #lways present your race to your &4 for approval before you just go ahead and approve it for
yourself to play.
'@ample Shinkoukenjin "ace.
Jimmy wants to play a Shinkoukenin race that doesn!t exist normally. He talks to Jeremy his "#, and they
discuss that Jimmy wants to $e a massi%e creature that is normally peaceful, $ut can $e incredi$ly powerful
when risen. &hey finally settle on the mighty 'orth (merican )uffalo, and together create the following.
&(&('*( +SO,-, .(/0(-1
&he &atanka ha%e roamed the plains of 'orth (merica since times $efore man. /hildren of the 2hite )uffalo,
their skin is often pale, and their eyes ha%e a red tint to them.
Prere3uisites4 5xclusi%e any other .acial 6eat. &his is a Shinkoukenin .ace.
)enefit4 7ou gain a "ore attack that deals 8d9 damage :8d9 damage at ;, 88 and 8; ranks in ,narmed Strike.
<amage is treated as acid for the purposes of immunities and resistances.
Hy$rid State4 &atanka gain two a$ilities when they go into their hy$rid form. 6irstly, for each 8= feet they
mo%e in a round they gain a :> to defense rolls till the $eginning of the &atanka!s next turn. Secondly,
when they charge, they get a :? to attack and damage rolls instead of the normal.
*an@en State4 increase the $onus to defense rolls to :?, and the $onus to charge attack and damage
rolls to :9.
0#P.OA5< "O.5 +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka racial feat
Benefit: 7our gore uses d8=!s instead of d9!s
).,&(- "O.5 +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: 0mpro%ed "ore, &atanka .acial feat
Benefit: 7our gore uses d8>s instead of d8=!s
P-(0'S.,''0'" +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka racial feat
Benefit: 0ncrease your land speed $y 8= feet
Special: 7ou may take this feat up to > more times, each time further increasing your speed $y :B
2(. S&O#P +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: Str 8C:, /on 8C: &atanka .acial 6eat
Benefit: Once per day per point of constitution modifier, you may make a 2ar Stomp. (ll creatures within C=
feet of you must make a reflex sa%e or fall prone.
&H0/* H0<5 +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka racial feat
Benefit: 2hene%er you take damage, reduce that damage $y your strength modifier.
0#P.OA5< &H0/* H0<5 +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka .acial 6eat, &hick Hide
Benefits: 0n regards to &hick Hide, your strength is considered to $e > higher than normal.
Special: 7ou may take this feat multiple times, 0t!s effects stack and gain a $onus e3ual to the num$er of times
you ha%e taken this feat (05 0f you take this feat ; times, you gain 8> %irtual strength for the &hick Hide 5ffect : ;
extra %irtual strength for the num$er of times you took this feat.)
2(. /.7 +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka racial feat, /harisma 8C:
Benefit: Once per day per point of /onstitution modifier, you may release a 2ar /ry. (ll allies within 8== feet of
you gain a $onus to attack and damage e3ual to your Strength #odifier for a num$er of rounds e3ual to your
le%el : constitution modifier. &his effect stacks with itself up to a grand total of :8= (Should you go more than
that, it sets to :8=)
S-(# +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisite: &atanka .acial 6eat, ,narmed Strike 8>: .anks
Benefits: 7ou gain a Slam attack that deals 8d; damage : 8d; per B ranks in ,narmed Strike you ha%e $eyond
the first.
-OO#0'" 6O.# +"5'5.(-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka .acial 6eat, Strength 8B:, /onstitution 8B:
Benefits: 7ou are considered large, medium and small for all positi%e effects.
(-)0'O (<(A0S# +SO,-, &(&('*(1
Prerequisites: &atanka .acial 6eat, 2ar Stomp, -ooming 6orm, ,narmed Strike 8>: .anks
Benefits: 7ou gain a :> $onus on your Strength and /onstitution scores. 7ou also gain a :? $onus on Skill
/hecks that in%ol%e /onstitution and Strength. (lso, once per day you may loom large. 2hile looming large, you
gain a :? $onus to Strength and a :9 $onus to /onstitution. 7ou take a D> penalty to your Skill /hecks. &he
increase in constitution grants :? hit points per le%el. &hese hit points do not decrease first like &emporary Hit
Points &hese $onuses last for a num$er of rounds e3ual to C : your newly modified /onstitution #odifier. 7ou
are winded at the end of looming large. 0f you ha%e the any other .ageDlike effect, you may use them in any
com$ination, e%en using up to four at once. 0ncrease the tiredness one step for each rage you stack upon (l$ino
(da%ism. (2inded $ecome fatigued, fatigued $ecomes exhausted, exhausted $ecomes unconscious)
Special: 7ou may take this feat multiple times, each time you do, you gain an extra use of your a$ility to -oom
The following are Shinkoukenjin race specific prestige paths. I realiAed through positive reinforcement from
friends that I had neglected this part of the shinkoukenjin totally, only creating general prestige paths that any of
them could get into.
Child of Set
The ,hildren of Set, or the 4amushi are powerful beings of mysticism and lore. 1nlike the rest of their brood
however. The ,hildren of Set are a group that still keeps contact with their progenitor, Set. Through this
relationship, he secretly grants them immense powers. %owers unto like himself. They are his true progeny and
are rewarded as such.
%rereBuisites5 4amushi racial feat, "eiatsu /ealing, Spellcaster, 1narmed Strike DF "anks, Treat Injury D "anks
( M S'T'S $'O!TI!) J%"'STI&'K
# child of Set adds their ,harisma bonus to all %rotection skills and their $efense Skill.
+ M S'T'S /!%' J%"'STI&'K
-ou gain a pool of $ivine ,hanneling per day eBual to 3FWisdom 4odifier. -ou may use these points in several
ways. 1nless noted, a ,hannel $ivinity usage targets one creature ='ither the caster or the target or the target
1sage $ivine ,hanneling %oint ,ost
1se "eiatsu /ealing at a range of 3< feet +
$ouble your "eiatsu /ealing for the round +
#dd +dD healing to one "eiatsu /ealing attempt (
Imbue liBuid with Sleep (
Imbue liBuid with <eep Slum$er +
&ain F7 bonus on ort Saving Throw for one turn (
&ive F7 bonus on Will Saving Throw for one turn (
1se "eiatsu /ealing as an immediate action 3
"emove $iseaseC?lindnessC$eafness +
3 M S'T'S .!O' J%"'STI&'K
When you are knocked beneath one half your hit
points =rounded down>, you gain ast /ealing (<
until you are at full health or the encounter ends.
This ast /ealing stabiliAes you and heals even if
you are knocked to negative hit points up till E(<
where the healing stops.
7 M S'T'S %"!4IS' J%"'STI&'K
-ou gain resistance to damage from kido eBual to
(< F ,haracter .evel.
8 M S'T'S &.!"- J%"'STI&'K
-ou may revel in the glory of Set once per day per
point of charisma modifier. $uring your revel you
gain a bonus to all statistics eBual to one half your
character level. This also grants bonus /it points
and a bonus to "eiatsu. This lasts for 3 rounds F (
round per point of new constitution or wisdom
"a,u(hi -arlord
Warriors of fleetEfooted intensity, the 4amushi warriors move as fast as thought. These mighty warlords are
paragons of the armies of the 4amushi, and are well respected in the oni courts.
%rereBuisites5 1narmed Strike5 DF "anks, Tail Slap, #bomination, Survival D "anks
( M S%''$ ! T/!1&/T J%"'STI&'K
-our speeds increas by (< feet. $ouble your Statistic 4odifier to your $efense Skill. or each (< feet you move
in a turn, you gain a F+ bonus to your $efense Skill.
+ M S%''$ ! ?#TT.' J%"'STI&'K
-our speeds increas by (< feet. -ou gain an additional attack at your highest 1narmed Strike bonus each turn.
#lternatively you may use this attack to take a second move action.
3 M S%''$ ! 4I)$ J%"'STI&'K
-our speeds increas by (< feet. or each (< feet you move before you attack, you deal an e@tra (d9 elemental
damage =,hoose one of5 ire, ,old, 'lectricity, #cid, Sonic> with the attack made.
7 M S%''$ ! %!W'" J%"'STI&'K
-our speeds increas by (< feet. !nce you activate this power, it lasts till the end of combat or until you are struck
with an attack. #ny time an
opponent makes an attack
against you, you may, as an
immediate action, take a 8
foot step. This step uses one
of your attacks of opportunity
for the round. Should you
run out of #o!, you cannot
take the movement action
from this power.
8 M S%''$ ! I)I)IT-
-our speeds increas by (<
feet. !nce per day per point
of Intelligence ?onus you
may use this power. #s a full
round action you may move
up to your speed. 'ach time
you e@it a sBuare adjacent to
an enemy you may make a
single melee attack against
that foe. -ou cannot attack a
single foe more than once
with each usage of this
power. -our movement
provokes attacks of
opportunities as normal.
!enpuku Screecher
)ormal /enpuku have a screech that harms living and non living material. Some can even vary the effects into
specific chords. Some deafen, some blind... Some can even kill you outright. The /enpuku Screecher is a
master of these techniBues and each is nearly as feared as a regent.
%rereBuisites5 Improved ?reath Weapon, '@tended ?reath Weapon, Word of $oom !" ?reath Weapon
#dmi@ture, !ne #ttack Skill ((F "anks.
( M W!"$ ! $!!4 C ?"'#T/ W'#%!) #$4I*T1"' JS!1., %"'STI&'K
-ou gain the feat you are missing as a bonus feat.
+ M 4#SSIO' ?"'#T/ $#4#&' J%"'STI&'K
-our breath weapon, if it does damage, increases damage dice by ( =d9 becomes dD, dD becomes d(<, d(<
becomes d(+>
3 M ?"'#T/ S/#%I)& J%"'STI&'K
-ou can shape your breath weapon into a 8<ft .ine or a +<ft ?urst. In addition, you may create a number of 8
foot sBuares not effected within your breath weapon eBual to your constitution modifier.
7 M W!"$S ! %!W'" J%"'STI&'K
In addition to the effect chosen with Word of $oom, you may add any lower %ower Word effect instead. In
addition, once per week you may choose + %ower Words to use at once.
8 M 4#SSIO' S,"'',/ J%"'STI&'K
!nce per 4onth, you may make your screech a ( mile burst, centered on your position. If you do, you are also
effected by your screech.
!enpuku Flyin' +ce
There are those that can fly. Then there are the /enpuku lying #ces. These specially trained warriors of the fifth
court revel in the ability to soar above the trials and tribulations of their haggard court. They are above intrigue,
which to them is both dishonorable, and if caught is punishable by death. They take the battle to those that can
fly, they are the terror that flaps in the night... They are... the lying #ces.
%rereBuisites5 light, Improved 4aneuverability to %erfect 4aneuverability,
Improved light twice, ,law
( M $! # ?#""'. "!..Q J%"'STI&'K
-ou can shake off enemies with great ease. While flying, even in open
skies, against other flying opponents, you can make a hide check to hide
in plain sight using clouds, the sun, or even staying out of your enemies
field of vision. -ou gain an intelligence bonus to this roll.
+ M S/#0' IT ! J%"'STI&'K
-ou gain the ability to shake through damage, using superior
manuverability. !nce per day per point of intelligence bonus, when you
would be hit by an attack, you can make a refle@ save opposed by the
attack roll of your opponent. Should you succeed, you dodge the attack
taking no damage. Should you roll a natural ( on the roll, you take an
additional multiplier of damage. This can be done even versus a critical hit.
3 M %'"',TI!) ! .I&/T J%"'STI&'K
-our flight speed increases by +< feet, and you can treat the first two
diagonal sBuares that normally reBuire (< feet of movement as 8 feet of
movement while in the air.
7 M S'IS4I, T!SS J%"'STI&'K
-ou gain the ability to make a special attack against opponents while in
the air once per day per point of wisdom modifier. To begin this attack,
make a grapple check, if this attack succeeds, you may make a trip
attempt as a free action that does not provoke an attack of oppourtunity. If
the trip attack succeeds, the target is knocked prone as usual, and takes
additional damage eBual to twice your level.
8 M S1%'"I!" ,.#W J%"'STI&'K
-our claw attack gains +d9 damage and is considered cold and force damage towards overcoming resistances
and immunities. In addition, you may make a second claw attack at a E8 penalty to attack rolls.
The *rafted
Sasori technology doesn't just stay with the Sasori. It leaves their possession either by giving it to others, or by
having it stolen by outsiders for their own uses. Those that use the bioEorganic technology that the Sasori make
can become more resilient than normal, they can become... the &rafted.
%rereBuisites5 ?looded, #t least ( Sasori object that is worn,
$amage "eduction DCE or )atural #rmor F8 or better.
( M I))'" "'S'"O'S J%"'STI&'K
-our soul is powerful and has taken on the challenge of
powering one of your devices. ,hoose one of your sasori
objects, that device reBuires one less soul to power. If it did
not reBuire souls to power, you receive a F( bonus to all
numerical values of that object.
+ M ?onus Sasori !bject
3 M &"#TI)& 'O!.1TI!) J%"'STI&'K
,hoose one of your sasori objects. It goes through an
evolution as the Superhuman eat.
7 M ?onus Sasori !bject.
8 M .#"&' &"#T J%"'STI&'K
-ou can use grafts that are up to one siAe category larger
than you are. #ll other rules apply normally. In addition, if you
have a graft one siAe category larger than yourself on, you
count as a creature of that siAe category for all positive effects
for this graft.
9 M ?onus Sasori !bject
: M &"#TI)& 'O!.1TI!) II J%"'STI&'K
,hoose an additional Sasori !bject in your possession. It
goes through an evolution as the Superhuman eat
D M ?onus Sasori !bject
; M &"#TI)& &')I1S J%"'STI&'K
,hoose one slot on your body per two points of constitution modifier =rounded down>. -ou may place a second
Sasori object at that location, but you take ( constitution damage to do so. The constitution damage remains as
long as you have two sasori objects at the same location.
(< M &"#TI)& 'O!.1TI!) III J%"'STI&'K
,hoose an additional Sasori !bject in your possession. It goes through an evolution as the Superhuman eat
Expanded Feat(
/-?"I$ JS!1., S/I)0!10')2I)K
In addition to the normal te@t of this feat it reads.
Sasori: -our $okubari becomes a natural sting attack dealing (d9 damage per 8 ranks in unarmed
strike you have. It uses unarmed strike while in hybrid form.. It gains the $efending and Speed Bualities.
-ou gain a ,limb Speed of +< feet
Maushi: -our sting does one dice more damage and counts as #cid for immunities and resistances.
#lso, your poison damage doubles. -ou also gain F(< feet to your land speed.
!enpuku: -ou gain a Wing ?uffet attack. #lso once per day per point of Strength modifier you can
cause a gust of wind as the spell. -our flight speed increases by F(< feet.
0#)N') JS!1., S/I)0!10')2I)K
In addition to the normal te@t of this feat, it reads5
Sasori: The damage of your $okubari damage doubles, it also gains the 0een and &host Touch Buality
and your climb speed increases to 7< feet. -ou gain )atural #rmor eBual to your character level
Maushi: -our sting moves up one more dice siAe and counts as #cid and 'lectricity. #lso your poison
damage doubles once again =Thus tripling>. -our bonus to land speed is +< feet.
!enpuku: -ou gain a second wing buffet attack, and you can create a whirlwind instead of a gust of
wind. -our flight maneuverability incrases one step =4a@ %erfect>
%'"',TI!) ! S!1. J%"'STI&'K
In addition to the normal te@t of this feat, it reads5
Sasori: While in /ybrid form, when you hit with an attack, you may attempt to claw the target as a free
action. If you claw the target, you deal +d9 F strength modifier damage. -ou gain orce resistance +<.
Maushi: While in /ybrid form, when you hit with an attack, you may attempt to grapple the target as a
free action. If you grapple the target, you can constrict them for +d9 F strength modifier damage per
round. -ou gain #cid resistance +<.
!enpuku: While in /ybrid form, when you hit with an attack, you may attempt to trip the target as a free
action. If you trip the target, you can attack them for an additional +d9 F strength modifier damage. -ou
gain Sonic resistance +<.
": ,an Sasori, 4amushi and /enpuku take classes like /anshu, Shinkoukenjin Spellcaster or Shinkoukenjin
#: #ny prestige path that states HAny one Shinkoukenjin raceI or HAny one Shinkoukenjin FeatI or something
similar may be taken by a 4amushi, Sasori or /enpuku.
": What are the favored attributes for the 4amushi, /enpuku and SasoriP
#: 1nder %aragon Shinkoukenjin, the prereBuisites should be e@panded to read Heroic Attriute !"our race#s
fa$ore% aility scores&&& ' Kirinketsu fa$or Stren(th an% )onstitution* Tora fa$or +e,terity an% Stren(th*
Shou(akuou fa$or )onstitution an% )haris-a* Houou.a fa$or +e,terity an% /is%o-* Sasori fa$or
0ntelli(ence an% )haris-a* 1a-ushi fa$or +e,terity an% )onstitution an% Henpuku fa$or +e,terity an%
/is%o-2 34
": $o the fallen Shinkoukenjin follow the same reincarnation cycle as the e@alted onesP
#: -es
": $o $okubari regenerateP
#: -es, they regenerate in +d7 days
$ite %u&o: Writer and Illustrator of the ?leach 4anga
'ra(re)): This is the guy that created the ,lassless ?leach d+< system
'ionon: This is 4e, I created all the content within this booklet that is not copyrighted already. eel free to use it
as you see fit, as long as I get credit for it.
*us)it+ an) *eroit+: Two people who have a talent for finding the loopholes in systems and have been
invaluable in helping me root out the ones in this game system that even my discerning eye missed.
&iants in the %layground and &leema@ community5 or inspiring me to create d+< stuff.
Wikipedia contributors =&)1 ree documentation licence>
The /yperte@t $+< S"$ =!pen &aming .icence>
Peter %isner: for the classless d+< inspiration
'e,iantart: or having such a great selection of pictures to use.
# Series of .our /aces--- 0(pan)e) to Se,en
$he Shinkoukenjin are the ortal )escen)ants of the four 1uar)ian 1o)s of %2oto- $o1ether3 the2 fi1ht
thin1s that are &eneath the Shini1ai4s notice- $hin1s that ha,e nothin1 to )o 5ith the spirit 5orl)- $he2
fi1ht horrors that are ali,e an) 5ell3 that threaten ortal life an) li&- Soeties the2 5in3 soeties
the2 lose3 &ut the2 al5a2s fi1ht 5ith honor an) inte1rit2-
0(planation of Shinkoukenjin reincarnation path
6e5 Presti1e Paths
7reation 1ui)e to create 2our o5n Shinkoukenjin races
#ns5ers to frequentl2 aske) questions
0(pansion to other Shinkoukenjin presti1e paths
$he Shinkounenjin can fit into an2 classless '20 1ae that is lookin1 to e(pan) it4s &or)ers an) insert
soe )i,ersit2- $he fla,or te(t is a)e for the Bleach 8ni,erse3 an) the2 fit &est there3 usin1
terinolo12 an) )eri,e) statistics fro the Bleach '20 7lassless s2ste-
#ll content 5ithin is the intellectual propert2 of Brian %orot3 #%# 'ionon- ;t a2 &e use) &2 an2one that
5ishes3 an) a2 &e chan1e) to fit 2our capai1n- ;f 2ou are 1oin1 to pu&lish this in an2 forat3 or a))
to it3 please &e kin) an) 1i,e e cre)it3 as ; a 1oin1 to &e 1i,in1 cre)it to those that inspire) e to
create this suppleent for the )20 classless s2ste- #ll entions of the Bleach anie an) Man1a
inclu)in1 entions of the Soul Societ23 Shini1ai an) Soul /eapers3 are use) 5ith fair use fro $ite
%u&o3 Shoen *up 7oics an) an2one else ; a for1ettin1 to 1i,e cre)it to-

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