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6 Alley C Sable Street, S.S.S. Village, Marikina City, Philippines, 1811

Residence Phone: !6"#$% &'116('
Mobile Phone: !6"% &16'6&)**)
laniescalada+g,, -,
.each /nglish to st0dents 1or a 2ariety o1 acade,ic and social p0rposes, s0pport teacher
trainings, assist in the ad2ance,ent o1 lang0age ed0cation and participate in the c0rric0l0,
re2ie3 and de2elop,ent
4ork on signi1icant researches 1or the i,pro2e,ent o1 lang0age teaching in the Philippines and
in the global co,,0nity
Presently p0rs0ing Master of Arts in Linguistics
Philippine 5or,al 6ni2ersity, Manila, Philippines
Co,pleted the acade,ic re70ire,ents 1or the degree
Master of Arts in Eucation! Ma"or in Language Eucation ./S8%
Se,ester, 1&&&
6ni2ersity o1 the Philippines, 9ili,an, :0e;on City, Philippines
Bac#e$or of Arts in Eucation! Ma"or in Eng$is#, grad0ated March 1&&1
Cum Laude and Outstanding Leader of the Year S.<.1&&(#1&&1%
.rinity 6ni2ersity o1 Asia, /. Rodrig0e; A2en0e, :0e;on City, Philippines

(1 Septe,ber $(($
=0nctional Acade,ic Skills .est 1or .e>as? 6.S. Certi1ication Passed%
1( 5o2e,ber 1&&1
Pro1essional @oard />a,ination 1or .eachers Passed%
$6 March 1&&1
Ci2il Ser2ice Certi1icate o1 /ligibility e>e,pted%
/scalada, 8eilani and /rnest Aohn .a,ana. MSA Word Challenge: Building Vocab in a Snap.
:0e;on City: MSA P0blishing Bo0se, $((8.
Aa0ne 1(, $(1( to present
&u$$,ti-e Instructor
Marikina Polytechnic College, Sta. /lena, Marikina
.eaches St0dy and Critical .hinking Skills, Research, Philippine 8iterat0re, Cntrod0ction to
8ing0istics, 9isco0rse Analysis, /nglish 1or Speci1ic P0rposes, Content#@ased Cnstr0ction,
.he .eaching o1 4riting, Dral Co,,0nication in /nglish, .echnical 4riting, and 8iterary
Present $(1'#$(1), $
Se,, $(1"#$(1', A0ne $(() to $((6
%art,ti-e Instructor! Tertiar. Le/e$
Pa,antasan ng 80ngsod ng Marikina 6ni2ersity o1 Marikina, Philippines%
.eaches Creati2e 4riting and Cntrod0ction to 8ing0istics
.a0ght the 1ollo3ing /S8 s0bEects:
Cntrod0ction to 8iterat0re, 8ang0age and .hinking Skills, Speech and Dral
Co,,0nication, Str0ct0re o1 A,erican /nglish 8ang0age, .echnical
4riting-@0siness 4riting, .eaching /nglish as a Second 8ang0age ./S8%
A0ne $(1( to March $(11
Lecturer+ %art,ti-e Co$$ege Instructor
School o1 8iberal Arts, Ateneo de Manila 6ni2ersity, 8oyola Beights, :0e;on City
.a0ght Co,,0nication Arts 1/ssay 4riting% and $ Research%
Septe,ber $(, $((*# March $6, $(1(
Acae-ic Consu$tant for Eng$is#+ Eng$is# teac#er
MSA Acade,ic Ad2ance,ent Cnstit0te, Fatip0nan, :0e;on City
.a0ght Ad,ission .ests, /nglish .ests, and /nglish Pro1iciency Co0rses
A0ne S.<. $((8#$((&, ESL Instructor
/nder0n Colleges, Mc Finley Bill, =ort @oni1acio, Philippines
Pro2ided 8ang0age Pro1iciency .raining to 1oreign st0dents /S8 Co0rse%,
S0,,er $((8, ESL Trainer
/nder0n Center 1or 8ang0age and Co,,0nication, 4yns0, @0ilding,
Drtigas A2en0e, Pasig, Philippines
Page 2
.a0ght /S8 1or Foreans Rated e0ce$$ent by the /nglish Bead%
A0ne S.<. 1&&1#1&&$ to Septe,ber S.< $((*#$((8
&u$$,ti-e C$assroo- Teac#er! Seconar. Le/e$
D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor College, Marikina City, Philippines
ta0ght /nglish as a Second 8ang0age /S8%
ta0ght 8iterat0re o1 the Philippines, A1rica, Asia, /ngland, A,erica and 4orld
ta0ght P0blic Speaking and Speech Co,,0nication
S.<. $((*#$((8, S.<. 1&&6#1&&* to Second Se,ester S.<. $(($#$((":
%art,ti-e Instructor+Lecturer! Tertiar. Le/e$
D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor College, Marikina City, Philippines
ta0ght the 1ollo3ing 8iterat0re s0bEects:
Bistory o1 Philippine 8iterat0re, 4orld 8iterat0re
ta0ght the 1ollo3ing 8ang0age s0bEects:
.eaching /nglish as a Second 8ang0age ./S8%,
4riting in the 9iscipline, Gra,,ar and .hinking Skills,
@asic 8ing0istics, Cross#C0lt0ral Co,,0nications,
9e2elop,ental Reading, /11ecti2e />pository 4riting,
/11ecti2e 4riting, 8ang0age St0dies, and Str0ct0re o1 /nglish
=irst Se,ester S.<. $(((#$((1 to =irst Se,ester S.<. $(($# $(("
%art,ti-e Instructor! Tertiar. Le/e$
Gen " Co,p0ter /d0cation#Vocational .echnology, Marikina City, Philippines
ta0ght the 1ollo3ing 8ang0age s0bEects:
Co,,0nication Skills, 8istening, Reading and Ad2anced 4riting
/nglish Gra,,ar and Co,position
Speech and Ad2ance Co,,0nication Skills
.echnical 4riting
A0g0st $*, $((& to Aan0ary ", $(1(
*u-an Resource Officer! Branc# *ea 12C Branc#3! Acae-ic *ea for Eng$is#
MSA Acade,ic Ad2ance,ent Cnstit0te
Acade,ic <ears 1&&' to 1&&*, $((( to $((1, $(()#$((*
Page 3
Eng$is# Su4"ect Area Coorinator+C#air-an
Bigh School 9epart,ent, D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor College, Marikina City
organi;ed, de2eloped, s0per2ised and e2al0ated the /nglish s0bEect area
prepared acade,ic progra,s and reco,,ended co#c0rric0lar acti2ities o1 the s0bEect area
cond0cted se,inars, 3orkshops and con1erences to assist the teachers gro3 pro1essionally
ne3 teacher ,entorship
A0ne o1 Acade,ic <ear 1&&8#1&&& to Septe,ber o1 Acade,ic <ear $(((#$((1
Assistant %rinci5a$
Bigh School 9epart,ent, D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor College, Marikina City, Philippines
Acade,ic <ear 1&&*#1&&8
Assistant %rinci5a$ for Acae-ics
Grade School, 9epart,ent, D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor College, Marikina City, Philippines
assisted the Principal-Bead in the ad,inistration and s0per2ision o1 his 9epart,ent
acted as D11icer#in#Charge in the absence o1 the Principal
s0per2ised classroo, instr0ctions and co#c0rric0lar acti2ities
acted as ,e,ber o1 the Co,,ittee on =ac0lty /2al0ation and on st0dentsH Acade,ic
.RAC5C5GS CSS6C5G A6.BDRC.< 9A./ =688 .CM/%
Gender and 9e2elop,ent Se,inar Marikina Polytechnic College
8aiya, @atangas
$)#$6 Dctober $(1"
A Se,inar on Philippine /nglish 8ing0istics Society o1 the
Philippines, 8a Salle 6ni2ersity,
1' Septe,ber $(1"
4riting in Creati2e practice: 4riting
and the DbEect
Middlese> 6ni2ersity, 8ondon, 6F 1" A0ne $(1"
/nglish Accents I past, present, and
10t0re, A 8ect0re by 9a2id Crystal
6ni2ersity o1 4est,inster
Regent Street, 8ondon, 6F
1" A0ne $(1" e2ening
Se,inar: Dne ,0st speak a little yo0
@ritish Co0ncil, 8ondon 6F 1$ A0ne $(1"
@ritish Acade,y 8iterat0re 4eek @ritish Acade,y, Carlton Bo0se
8ondon, 6F
$(#$' May $(1"
Page 4
A Se,inar 1or /A8 /nglish as
Additional S0bEect% .eachers
@ritish Co0ncil, 8ondon 6F & May $(1"
Spelling Myths and Social#C0lt0ral
.eacher 9e2elop,ent
@ritish Co0ncil, 8ondon 6F "( April $(1"
80;on#4ide St0dent press
Con1erence 80nd0yan $(1$%
.he,e: A 4riterHs Sanct0ary is the
College /ditors G0ild o1 the
9ag0pan City, Pangasinan
$$#$6 Dctober $(1$
Cnternational Con1erence and Ann0al
Con2ention on 8ang0age /d0cation
.he Philippine Association 1or
lang0age teaching, Cnc. PA8.%
9ece,ber $(1(
Drientation Se,inar on the =ac0lty
Marikina Polytechnic College $& Dctober $(1(
Se,inar on /nglish lang0age
.eaching Strategies
Marikina Polytechnic College and
6nited States o1 A,erica /,bassy
in Manila
1' Dctober $(1(
.he 6P#9/C8 Centennial and
Access: .he $
Philippine /nglish
8ang0age Con1erence
@ritish Co0ncil and 6P 9ili,an
9epart,ent o1 /nglish and
Co,parati2e 8iterat0re
16#1* Septe,ber $(1(
Drientation Se,inar on Accreditation Marikina Polytechnic College $ Septe,ber $(1(
8SP Ann0al Con1erence and General
.he,e: =irst lang0age =irst: Mother
.ong0e#@ased M0ltiling0al
/d0cation in the Philippines
8ing0istic Society o1 the
Ateneo 9e Manila 6ni2ersity
$( A0g0st $(1(
Cnternational Con1erence and Ann0al
Con2ention on 8ang0age /d0cation
.he Philippine Association 1or
8ang0age .eaching, Cnc. PA8.%
9ece,ber $((*
Ann0al 8eadersH Con1erence D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor
College, Marikina City, Philippines
May $((), $((6, $((*
S0,,er .raining Cnstit0te D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor
College, Marikina City, Philippines
Ann0al attendance May
1&&$ to May $((*%
K=ro, Cn70iring to /,po3ering:
/8. Pro1essionals in a Changing
Philippine Association 1or
8ang0age .eachers PA8.%, 6P
(" March $((*
Page 5
KA Step to3ards :0ality Cnstr0ctional
D0r 8ady o1 Perpet0al S0ccor
College, Marikina City, Philippines
(" Aan0ary, $((*
=ac0lty Co,,0nications
9e2elop,ent Progra,
Magister /nglish .raining Center,
Marikina City
$' May $((6
Ann0al Con2ention and
Se,inar 4orkshop
.he Philippine Association 1or
8ang0age .eaching, inc., Vigan,
Clocos 5orte
May $(()
.3o I9ay .raining progra, 1or
/nglish .eachers on the 0se o1
CD5S./C /nglish .apes and
S0pport Materials
=6S/#8earning Center 1or
.eachers, Makati City
1" to 1' May $(('
$nd Cnternational Con1erence and '"
Ann0al Con2ention on 8ang0age
.he Philippine Association 1or
8ang0age .eaching, Cnc. PA8.%
$1 to $" April $(('
5A.6R/ D= A4AR9 CSS6C5G A6.BDRC.< 9A./
=acilitator o1 the Se,inar 4orkshop
Se,inar#4orkshop Series
Sponsored by /ng "$" I .he
.eaching o1 4riting 1or
.echnology-.hird <ear @../
/nglish MaEor St0dents
Marikina Polytechnic College
$6 =ebr0ary to ) and 6
o1 March $(1'
Criti70e#/2al0ator Ann0al =inal .eaching
9e,onstration o1 the Contin0ing
Pro1essional /d0cation CP/%
St0dents o1 All 5ations College
Maya,ot, Antipolo City
$$ =ebr0ary $(1'
=ield St0dy Reso0rce .eacher College o1 .eacher .echnical
Marikina Polytechnic College
$$ Dctober $(1"
.rainer-Coach Regional /ssay
4riting Contest '
Philippine Association o1 State
6ni2ersities and Colleges
PAS6C%, 5ational Capital Region
$& Dctober $(1$
Page 6
=ield St0dy Reso0rce .eacher College o1 .eacher .echnical
Marikina Polytechnic College
1$ 5o2e,ber $(1$
R.A.C./ to S/RV/ CC =0n R0n
Philippine Ci2il Ser2ice
Ci2il Ser2ice Co,,ission 8 Septe,ber $(1$
=ield St0dy Reso0rce .eacher College o1 .eacher .echnical
Marikina Polytechnic College
$1 Dctober $(11
=ield St0dy Reso0rce .eacher College o1 .eacher .echnical
Marikina Polytechnic College
$1 March $(11
=ield St0dy Reso0rce .eacher College o1 .eacher .echnical
Marikina Polytechnic College
1) Dctober $(1(
5A.6R/ D= /V/5.-8/C.6R/
CSS6C5G A6.BDRC.< 9A./
.eacher 9e2elop,ent o1 5angka
/le,entary School .eachers:
Reading Progra,
/>tension Ser2ice o1 Marikina
Polytechnic College thro0gh the
D11ice o1 Co0ncilor C0ares,a
5angka, Marikina City
$* Septe,ber $(1'
.opic: Assessing 4riting
Se,inar#4orkshop Series
Se,inar#4orkshop Series
Sponsored by /ng "$" I .he
.eaching o1 4riting 1or
.echnology-.hird <ear @../
/nglish MaEor St0dents
$6 =ebr0ary $(1'
Page 7
Marikina Polytechnic College
.opic: /11ecti2e Co,,0nication
"#day Se,inar 1or Pre#ser2ice
College o1 .echnical .eacher
/d0cation ,
Marikina Polytechnic College
* 5o2e,ber $(1"
.opic: Ca,p0s Paper Manage,ent
/cho Se,inar to @../ St0dents
MPC Ao0rnal, Marikina Polytechnic
16 5o2e,ber $(1$
/nglish Pro1iciency .raining 1or
Clerical /,ployees o1 Go2ern,ent
MSA Acade,ic Cnstit0te
9epart,ent o1 5ational 9e1ense,
:0e;on City Ball
Philippine Veterans D11ice
Septe,ber $((*#A0ly
/nglish 1or Pro1essionals Bigh
School =ac0lty ,e,bers%
Monthly Meeting, Bigh School
9epart,ent, D8DPS College
A0ne $(() to ,arch
$((6 and A0ne to
5o2e,ber $((6
Pro1icient in 0sing co,p0ter so1t3are like Adobe Page,aker and Microso1t D11ice
Applications s0ch as 4ord, Po3erPoint and />cel
Skill10l in special e2ent organi;ing, ,ost especially literary co,petitions and stage
4ell#trained in e2ent hosting or e,ceeing, se,inar#3orkshop 1acilitating
/>pert in teaching ling0istics, artic0latory phonetics, speech co,,0nication, and p0blic
.rained in operating a speech laboratory
Skilled in preparing /S8 ,aterials
Cnno2ati2e approach to teaching, 3hich incl0des incorporating ,0lti#,edia and co,p0ter
skills in classroo, 3ork to broaden the kno3ledge base o1 st0dents and ed0cators.
Bigh le2el o1 0nderstanding o1 c0lt0ral and race di11erences as tra2el e>pos0res in the
co0ntry, Singapore, Malaysia, Bong Fong, 8ondon, Scotland and Spain are e>tensi2e
St0dent leader o1 2ario0s st0dent organi;ations &a3arding as o0tstanding leader d0ring
Page 8
Consistent Acade,ic Scholar and Bonors st0dent 1
year to '
year% d0ring 0ndergrad0ate
.3o#ti,e Cl0b Ad2iser o1 the <ear
.3o#ti,e Class Ad2iser o1 the <ear
5ational and Regional Coach-.rainer 1or /ssay 4riting Co,petition
.3o#ti,e @est 9e,onstration .eacher in /nglish, D8DPS College, S.<. 1&&'#1&&) and
%resientia$ a6ar for -eritorious teac#ing 5erfor-ance! e0e-5$ar. attitue!
eication an $o.a$t. to t#e no4$e goa$s of Our La. of %er5etua$ Succor Co$$ege!
A5ri$ 7889
St0dent Co0ncil and St0dent P0blication, D0r lady o1 perpet0al S0ccor College
8ang0age Society and MPC Ao0rnal, Marikina Polytechnic College
PA=./ Me,ber, $(1'#$(1)
8ing0istics Society o1 the Philippines Me,ber, $(1$#$(1"
Philippine Association 1or 8ang0age .eaching, Cnc. Me,ber, 1&&6 to present
D8DPS College G0ild o1 Mass Ser2ers 8ector#Co,,entator, $(($#$((*
Reading Association o1 the Philippines Me,ber, 1&&* to 1&&8
Page 9

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