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GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Physics (Syllabus 9745) 1 http://h2jcphysicscafe.blogspot.


JC Physics Tuition
 Mr Tan Kheng Siang, B.Eng. (Hons).
 EXPERIENCED JC tutor offers excellent exam preparation.
 Small Class Size, Comprehensive Revision Notes, Mind maps, Promo/Prelim Questions
 Call up for Free Trial Lesson.
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 Weekdays (Mon, Tue & Fri) : JC Physics (7.00pm – 8.30 pm)
 Saturday : JC Physics (12.30 pm – 2.00 pm)
Date/Timing Venue Description of Venue Ways to get there.
Weekday Potong Pasir Potong Pasir MRT,
(7.00 pm – 8.30 pm) Community Club Bus 13, 107, 133, 142,

Within 5 min walking distance from

SAJC & Potong Pasir MRT
Weekday Paya Lebar Kovan MRT,
(7.00 pm – 8.30 pm) Kovan Bus 112, 113, 115,
Community Club 119

Within 5 min walking distance from

Kovan MRT
Saturday Toa Payoh Hub Toa Payoh Bus
(12.30 pm – 2.00 pm) (3rd Level) Terminal Station

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1. Simple harmonic motion

An oscillatory motion in which the acceleration is always directed towards a fixed point (equilibrium position) and its
magnitude is directly proportional to the distance from the fixed point. Its defining equation is
a = - ω x.

2. Definition of some terms

The displacement is the distance measured from the equilibrium point in a stated direction.

The amplitude is the magnitude of the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.

H2 Physics - Mr Tan Kheng Siang Hp: 9620 7426 Email:

Blog: Copyright © 2009
GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Physics (Syllabus 9745) 2

The period is the time taken to make one complete oscillation.

The frequency is the number of oscillations completed per unit time.

The angular frequency is the angle by which the phase of the motion changes in unit time. It is expressed in rad s .

Two particles are said to be oscillating in phase if the displacements at any instant in time are exactly similar, i.e. of the
same direction and varying in the same manner. If the displacements at any instant are not exactly similar then there is a
phase difference between them. Oscillations are said to be π rad out of phase if there is a phase difference of half a cycle.

3. Variation of displacement, velocity and acceleration with time

x  x0 sin t

v  x0 cos t  v0 cos t
Note that magnitude of the maximum velocity v0 = x0 ω, and occurs at the
equilibrium point.

a  v 0 sin t   x0 2 sin t  a 0 sin t
Note that the magnitude of the maximum acceleration a0 = x0 ω and occurs at
the maximum displacements and where velocity is zero.

4. Variation of velocity and acceleration with displacement

a   2 x v   x0  x 2

5. Energy in SHM

There is a constant interchange of kinetic and potential energy. The total energy is always constant.

6. Variation of kinetic energy and potential energy with displacement

1 1
Substitute v   x02  x 2 into Ek  mv 2 , we get Ek  m 2 ( x02  x 2 )
2 2
Since total energy is constant and is equal to Ek when x = 0,
ET  m 2 x02 (horizontal straight line)

E p  ET  Ek  m 2 x 2

H2 Physics - Mr Tan Kheng Siang Hp: 9620 7426 Email:

Blog: Copyright © 2009
GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Physics (Syllabus 9745) 3

7. Variation of kinetic energy and potential energy with time

1 1
Substitute v  x0 cos t into Ek  mv 2 , we get E k  m 2 x02 cos 2 t
2 2
At total energy is constant and is equal to maximum kinetic
energy, E  1 m 2 x 2 (horizontal straight line)
t 0
E p  ET  Ek  m 2 x02 sin 2 t
Note that two cycles are completed in T.

8. Free oscillations

There are no resistive forces acting on the mass undergoing oscillation. The total energy does not decrease with time and
the amplitude remains constant.

9. Damped oscillations

There are resistive forces acting on the mass undergoing oscillation. The total energy decreases with time as it is lost to
the surroundings and the amplitude eventually decays to zero.

Light damping – Oscillations is maintained but amplitude decreases with time.

Critical damping – No oscillations. The motion is brought to rest in the shortest possible time. Useful in car suspension
systems and analogue meters.

Over-damped system –No oscillations. The system returns very slowly to equilibrium position.

10. Forced oscillations

A forced oscillation occurs when an external periodic force (driving force) acts on the oscillating system. The oscillating
system oscillates with the frequency of the external force (driving frequency) and not its natural frequency. The amplitude
of the forced oscillation depends on (i) the relative values of the natural frequency of the system and the value of the
driving frequency and (ii) amount of damping in the system (see graph below).

11. Resonance

A phenomenon when the amplitude of a forced oscillation becomes very large when the driving frequency is equal to the
natural frequency of the oscillating system. This is because there is maximum transfer of energy from the driving force to
the oscillating system.

H2 Physics - Mr Tan Kheng Siang Hp: 9620 7426 Email:

Blog: Copyright © 2009
GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Physics (Syllabus 9745) 4

Note the effects of damping on the frequency response curve – (i) maximum amplitude becomes lower and broader, (ii)
maximum amplitude slightly shifted to the left.

12. Useful resonance and destructive resonance

Make sure you are able to give examples of instances when resonance is useful (e.g. microwave heating involving water
molecules, in musical instruments, magnetic resonance imaging) and when it is destructive (e.g. vibration of car parts at
certain speeds, positive feedback in amplification systems giving a high-pitch squeal.)

H2 Physics - Mr Tan Kheng Siang Hp: 9620 7426 Email:

Blog: Copyright © 2009

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