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Chapter-1 CONTENTS.
1. Introduction.
2. Gratitude / Acknowledgements.
3. Measurements and Measuring Systems.
4. Scope of esting of !lectrical !nergy Meters.
". #eed and Importance of esting.
$. !lectrical %ower and its &omponents.
'. !lectrical !nergy and its deri(ation from %ower.
). !lectrical !nergy and its &omponents.
*. ypes of !lectrical %ower and !lectrical !nergy.
1+. !lectrical !nergy Measurements ,
a - ..& !nergy.
/ - A.& !nergy.
11. ypes of !lectrical !nergy Meters and t0eir Accuracy &lass.
a 1 Acti(e !nergy Measurement / Meters.
/ - 2eacti(e !nergy Measurement / Meters.
c - Apparent !nergy Measurement / Meters.
d 1 All in 3ne 4Import-!5port6!nergy Measurements / Meters.
12. %rogramming of !lectrical !nergy Meters,
a -7or &lock Setting 4.ate and ime Settings6.
/- 7or %arameteri8ation 4a/out 1)+ %arameters6.
c- 9uadrant wise programming for %roper 2ecording of 2eacti(e !nergy.
13. 2e-%rogramming / 2e-&onfiguration of .igital 4Solid State6 !nergy Meters.
14. %rogramming Software for few Solid State !nergy Meters.
a- Provin for :CEWE !nergy Meter.
/- iner!o" for :PRI-APEX !nergy Meter.
c- Metervie# $.% for ISKRA !nergy Meter.
1". Testing of Electrical Energy Meters:
a- !lectro-Mec0anical ype.
/- !lectronic / Solid State ype.
1$. &omputeri8ed esting of !lectrical !nergy Meters.

1'. &ali/ration of !nergy Meters,
a- !lectro-mec0anical !nergy Meters.
/- Solid State !nergy Meters.

1). esting Sets for esting of !nergy Meters,

a- !lectro-Mec0anical / 2otary !lectrical !nergy Meters est Sets.
/- Solid State /!lectronic/ &omputeri8ed !lectrical !nergy Meters est Sets.
a- 3#-;3A. esting,
< =era
< 3micron
/- 377-;3A. / %>A#3M-;3A. esting.
< =7?
< ; @ G ype 4.3.4 !lectro-Mec0anical / 2otary !lectrical !nergy
Meters est Set.
< &al port A &al source 4Microprocessor ?ased6
< &al mate 4Microprocessor ?ased6
< M! ype %S 3.3 & 4 %orta/le est SystemB Microprocessor
1*. &.% 4&utoff .eli(ery %oints / &ommon .eli(ery %oints6 !lectrical !nergy
Metering / #on-&.% !lectrical !nergy Metering.
2+. S.M.S Metering 4Secured Metering System6.
21. 2emote Metering / ele Metering.

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