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Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City

I, ___________________________________________, of legal age, the ________________
of Mr./Ms. ____________________________________________, a student of Pamantasan ng
sis now taking the subject FREE or Free Electi!e " I.#. $eminars and Field #ri%, allows m&
son/daughter/ward to %artici%ate on a I.T. Field Trip to be held on $e%tember '(, ')* that is
%art of the re+uirements of the aforementioned subject.
In regard with this, I understand that m& signature marked below re%resents m& understanding
and agreement to absol!e Pamantasan ng ,ungsod ng -alen.uela from all liabilities, including
an& materials destro&ed or mis%laced directl& b& m& son/daughter/ward, which might be
encountered during the said I.T. Field Trip.
I also %romise to abide with all the rules and reminders agreed u%on before the tri% which were
setu% to %rotect our safet& and %h&sical well/being. I agree that m& failure to follow the said rules
will result in demerits on m& grade for the subject Free Electi!e and an& untoward incident that
might occur from m& failure to follow the said rules and guidelines will be m& sole
Date: September 25, 2014
Bayatel ! "#e$% &ity
'(ayer Te)*%l%+y , -a.i+
T/-,-E0 Aimati% ad &reati1e St#di% I). , (a. -i2a.
E)*ated 3i+d%m , Sta. R%.a, (a+#a
T%tal &%.t ! -*p 1, 200.00
I0 1I#0E$$ 12ERE3F, I here unto affi4 m& signature this _______ da& of _____________
here at the 5it& of -alen.uela.
44444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444
St#det5. Si+at#re 0#ardia5. Si+at#re
Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City
I, ___________________________________________, of legal age, the ________________
of Mr./Ms. ____________________________________________, a student of Pamantasan ng
,ungsod ng -alen.uela taking the degree of 6achelor of $cience in Information #echnolog& and
is a dul& a%%ointed officer of the organi.ation -alen.uela Information #echnolog& $ociet&
7-I#$8, an organi.ation recogni.ed b& the Pamantasan ng ,ungsod ng -alen.uela for the said
course, wants to %art take an educational Field #ri% with our co/officers and organi.ation 9d!iser
on $e%tember '(, ')*, this is not a re+uired acti!it& but will onl& ser!e as a channel for
brainstorming of our future %rojects and endea!ours.
In regard with this, I understand that m& signature marked below re%resents m& understanding
and agreement to absol!e Pamantasan ng ,ungsod ng -alen.uela from all liabilities, including
an& materials destro&ed or mis%laced directl& b& m& son/daughter/ward, which might be
encountered during the said I.T. Field Trip.
I also %romise to abide with all the rules and reminders agreed u%on before the tri% which were
setu% to %rotect our safet& and %h&sical well/being. I agree that an& untoward incident that might
occur from m& failure to follow the said rules and guidelines will be m& sole res%onsibilit&.
Date: September 25, 2014
Bayatel ! "#e$% &ity
'(ayer Te)*%l%+y , -a.i+
T/-,-E0 Aimati% ad &reati1e St#di% I). , (a. -i2a.
E)*ated 3i+d%m , Sta. R%.a, (a+#a
T%tal &%.t ! -*p 1, 200.00
I0 1I#0E$$ 12ERE3F, I here unto affi4 m& signature this _______ da& of _____________
here at the 5it& of -alen.uela.
44444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444
St#det5. Si+at#re 0#ardia5. Si+at#re
Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City

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