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Risk Assessment

Activity Location: Fal and Helford Estuary

Use of college boat on the Fal estuary to survey local Eel Grass
Room / Building
F! "aving referred to the College ris# assessment guidance and evaluated
the overall level of ris#$ please tic# the appropriate bo% belo&'
"igh ediu
Lo& )nsigni*ca
Hazards and Harm Who is At
How Are Risks Currently Controlled Are additional
eeded !" or
slipping Everyone a#e sure appropriate foot&ear is used+ ,read carefully on the boat
especially &hen boarding/disembar#ing vessel+
Dro&ning Everyone .ll participants are to &ear life/ac#ets+ ust be con*dent s&immers+ -
Falling from boat Everyone a#e sure conditions are suitable+ .ll participants are secure &hen
boat is moving+ .void standing &hen boat is in motion if possible+
"ypothermia Everyone .ppropriate clothing must be &orn including &aterproofs+ -
Collision Everyone a#e sure conditions are suitable+ ember of sta0 present at all
times &ith appropriate e%perience in driving the boat+
Capsi1e Everyone a#e sure conditions are suitable+ ember of sta0 present at all
times &ith appropriate e%perience in driving the boat+
H:\timr\Corporate\RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES VERSION !ame" Kerto# Oto$er 2%&2
Reference -o+ L.B 2
Cor#'a(( Co((e)e
Risk Assessment Action $lan
%mmediate Action Re&uired to Reduce Risk 'y whom
Further Action eeded to Reduce Risk 'y whom When
$erson Carryin( )ut Risk Assessment Has *his Risk Assessment 'een
Communicated to All Relevant
ame !+lease +rint# $osition ,ate of
Review ,ate
Line Mana(er: $lease si(n to con-rm you a(ree with the -ndin(s of the assessment and actions +ro+osed
.i(nature ame !+lease +rint# $osition ,ate
H:\timr\Corporate\RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES VERSION !ame" Kerto# Oto$er 2%&2
Reference -o+ 3as for *rst page4+
L.B 2

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