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Journeying the Teaching Profession: Myself and My career

What do I need to learn?

Trace the history of career planning;
recognize the significance of career planning in the teaching profession;
discuss the importance of the Teacher Education Development Program; and the National
Competency- Based Teacher Standards in career planning;
formulate and share a SMART career goal.
Historical perspective of career planning
The idea of career can be traced back in the beginning of the 20
Comes from the French word carriere, means, a road or a race course, which in turn comes from a
Latin word cararia which refers to track for wheeled vehicles.

History of career planning
1950s to 1960s In the Philippines, parents hope their children to become professionals
regardless of the socio- economic status, parents wanted their children to
earn a degree.
Education began to lose its stature as a course especially in Manila.
1970s The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) was introduced in
order to distinguish those who were eligible to take a degree course from
does who should take a vocational- technical course.
1990s Education, nursing and secretarial courses were associated with woman.
When men enrolled in these courses during this period, their sexual
orientation was a bit in question.
New courses like computer science, computer technology, management
information system, computer programming and web- designing have
started to gain popularity.

Significant definitions in the career field
Career- Time devoted for working for out of a purposeful life pattern through the work undertaken by an
Work- The activity that produces something of value for oneself or others.
Vocation- The work that an individual does because of a calling.
Profession- A career that requires specialized training and academic preparation.
Occupation-2 A group of similar positions found in different industries or organizations.
Position- A group of tasks performed by an individual in an organization
Job- A paid position held by one or more individuals requiring some related attributes in a specific

What is Career Planning?
Can be defined as choosing lifes important paths. It is a lifelong process which includes choosing;
an occupation
getting a job
growing in our job
possibly changing
careers and eventually;
As a whole, career planning encompasses establishing career objectives and determining
appropriate educational and developmental programs to enhance and enrich the knowledge, skills and
attitudes required to achieve short or long- term career objectives.

Four (4) Steps in Career Planning process
1. Self Gather information about yourself.
Interest, Values, Roles, Skills/ Aptitudes, Preferred Environments,
Developmental needs, your realities
2. Options Explore the occupation in which you are interested.
Get more specific information after you narrow down your options.

3. Match Identify possible occupations.
Chose both a short term and a long term option.

4. Action Develop a steps you need to take in order to reach your goals.
E.g., Developing a job search strategy, writing your resume and preparing
For job interviews

Significance of Career Planning

We say that teaching is a lifetime profession and vocation. Hence, career planning is not just
making plans to obtain your perfect job or career, but to help you make the many adjustments there will
be along the way as you learn about you and the world of teaching.

Remember to set your goals the SMART way
Specific (well- defined and detailed)
Measurable (can evaluate progress)
Attainable (within reach)
Realistic (practical)
Time- bound (within a time frame)






Do not abandon a career goal!
A well thought out goal can anticipate barriers that would stop you. Barriers that come up often
cause an individual to leave behind a goal. Its like running into a wall, and then you run away from it.
Suppose you want to go from a classroom teacher to a principal. Before you act and pursue this goal, ask

Why do I want to achieve this goal? Why is this important to me?
Career planning will help maximize your potential and satisfaction in your work. It will give you
confidence that you are in charge of your career and life and you have the power to decide, act, and do
want you want to accomplish your goals.

The Career Ladder of a Teacher
The Department of Education has initiated the implementation of a Teacher Education and
Development Program (TEDP) that seeks to conceptualize the career path of a teacher. TEDP reflects a
continuum that begins with ones entry to a teacher education program and culminates when a teacher
reaches retirement from formal service.
TEDP conceptualizes a teachers career path as a continuum that starts with entry to a
teachereducation program and concludes when a teacher reaches retirement from formal services.

The Teacher Education & Development Map

The Seven Domains of the National Competency Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)
What does NCBTS stand for?
It is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of effective teaching.
National Competency Base National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
The Philippine NCBTS has defined what Effective Teaching is. It has clearly stated the strategic
and indispensable role of the Teacher in the learning process of the students.

According to the Framework This will allow teachers to self-assess their own performance against
the Competency Standards in order to identify areas of strength as well as areas that need to be developed
further in order for them to function more effectively as facilitators of learning.

Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning (SRFL)
This domain focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive and powerful role models of the
value in the pursuit of different efforts to learn. The teachers action, statements, and different types of
social interactions with students exemplify this ideal.
Domain 2. Learning Environment (LE)
This domain focuses on importance of providing a social, psychological and physical environment within
which all students, regardless of their individual differences in learning, can engage in the different
learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning

Domain 3. Diversity of Learners (DOL)
The DOL domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process even with diverse
learners, by recognizing and respecting individual differences and by using knowledge about their
differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all learners can attain the desired
learning goals.
Domain 4. Curriculum (Curr.)
The curriculum domain refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence to
help students understand the curricular goals and objectives, and to attain high standards of learning
defined in the curriculum. These elements include the teachers knowledge of subject matter and the
learning process, teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning
Domain 5. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (PAR)
This domain refers to the alignment of assessment and planning activities. In particular, the PAR focuses
on the:
(1) Use of assessment data to plan and revise teaching-learning plans;
(2) Integration of assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning activities,
(3) Reporting of the learners actual achievement and behavior.
Domain 6. Community Linkages (CL)
The LC domain refers to the ideal that classroom activities are meaningfully linked to the experiences and
aspirations of the learners in their homes and communities. Thus, this domain focuses on teachers efforts
directed at strengthening the links between schools and communities to help in the attainment of the
curricular goals.
Domain 7. Personal Growth & Professional Development (PGPD)
The PGPD domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal regard for the teaching
profession, concern for professional development, and continuous improvement as teachers.

Why Do We Need the NCBTS?
- Provides a single framework that defines effective teaching in all aspects of a teachers professional life
& in all phases of teacher development.
Minimize confusion about what effective teaching is.
Provides a better guide for all teacher development programs

The Seven Domains of the NCBTS

Stages of the Career ladder or path of a Teacher (Bilbao)
1. Cadet - is a college student
- a prospective teacher
- or a student teacher
- nearly about to complete the required academic requirements including
student teaching or practicum for a teacher education degree.
2. Rookie - is a degree holder who passed the Licensure Examination for
- certified teacher from the Professional Regulation Commission.
- a new teacher experiencing a fire of a lot of adjustments.
From cadet to an independent teacher.
3. Young Professional - had at least two to three years of teaching experience. Expected to be
enrolled in a graduate programs of education.
- keeps connected with thother teachers.
4. Full- pledge professional - a masters degree holder.
- found realization in teaching, reflecting inspiration and pride in pride in
- tries out innovations in teaching.
5. Mentor or Molder - must have taught at least five years in any educational level
- has provided evidence of some best practices in the teaching career.
- offers professional advice to teachers with lesser experience.
6. Artist - a professional teacher who has been in teaching profession for at least ten
- has earned the highest degree possible which is a doctorate degree.
- mastered the craft in teaching and has raised it to a level of an art.

Some tips in preparing resume
Create a positive first impression.
Showcasing your communication skills and making the resume easy to read.
Describe what you have learned.
For newly graduates, your resume should highlight the sourses and projects that are
applicable for the job you hope to be hired.
List your accomplishments.
Should highlight any special accomplishments you have achieved.
For your resume to be able to be pleasant and easy to read, you can also follow other resume
format guidelines.
Getting ready for your job interview.
Practice your responses in answering interview questions.
Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills.
Be on time for the interview

Growing in Teaching
Salandanan (2007), emphasized that true teacher always search to learn more in order to further
develop their abilities to teach.
She cited various ways on how to grow professionally and personally and eventually last in the
teaching career.


Emulate virtues, traits and qualities of
model teachers.
Attend local and national assemblies.
Read biographies and autobiographies of
esteemed educators.
Internalize the Code of Ethics and moral
standards mandated by the Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers.
Attend courses/ sessions that focus on
further development of physical features,
social graces, poise and composure, bearing
and the total personality.
Imbibe cultural values.

Update oneself through enrolling in
graduate courses.
Visit national learning centers.
Travel scientific, historic and cultural
places to gather rich content materials.
Do extended reading and surf the internet.
Undertake individual or group researches.
Subscribe to local and international
Attend in-service trainings.
Conduct dialogues with model teachers.
Exchange best practices through
interschool visits.
Write formal papers and articles for teacher
Operate technological equipment in
presenting lessons.

Thank you!
Republic of the Philippines
City of Naga
Semester, AY 2014-2015

Special Topics

Journeying the
Teaching Profession:
Myself and My Career

Submitted by:

Balben, Hazel R.
Albo, Christine
Baraquiel, Edielyn G.
Breis, Rose Ann V.
Berona, Rachelle B.

Agotilla, Jobelle A.
Benosa, Rose B.
Reon, Norman M.
Castor, Jordan C
Torrea, Mark Robel C.
BEEd- 4N

Submitted to:
Mr. Ramon C. Cleofas

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