9a-It3 Section 1

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Personalised Feedback Sheet for IGCSE Section 1 Types and Components of Computers

Name: Alexander Elliott

Target grade:
Score on this assessment: 38/58
Grade for this assessment: C
General feedback/class needs:
Overall performance in this group was mediocre most of you managed around half marks, but not
much better. Whilst this was the first test, and some questions can be difficult, I would expect better
from a group of capable, competent students like you lot!
The biggest issues were a lack of revision, which led to some truly crazy answers to questions; a lack
of exam technique (not reading the questions, putting too many options down for multiple choice);
and finally, virtually none of you were good at operating systems or types of computers.
Generally, I would recommend all of you check through your lesson notes on operating systems and
check you have a list of things an operating does/is responsible for, and you have detailed notes on
the features, functions, advantages and disadvantages of GUIs and CLIs
As for types of computers, this is a revision thing. You all had access to detailed sources for this task
and, so longs as you were bothered to produce decent work in the lesson, shouldve all had an
excellent foundation on which to answer the questions given here.
No excuses, however, for those of you who answered questions such as Name two types of users of
Desktop computers and gave either one answer instead of two, or failed to read the question and
started to write about organisations.
Every mark counts in GCSEs, ladies and gentlemen, and the drive to get them starts now.
Your personal targets:
1. To look at the difference of mainframes and supercomputers
2. Revise more on interfaces and the differences between GUI and CLI
3. Remember what PDA stands for

You will have been allocated an exam question to further your knowledge or help you to overcome a
misconception. Copy out the question here in full and answer it.

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