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Alexis Morris

Mrs. Hensel
English III
2 October 2014

Annotated Bibliography: Physical Attraction

Shen, Christa. Top 10 Scientific Drives Behind Attraction. Columbia University Scientists and
Engineers for a better society. Christa, Laura, Christine, Christina, n.d. Web. 24 sept
This article explains how in order to have that feeling love at first sight there has to be eye
contact for 8.2 seconds. Men normally hold eye contact for that amount of time. While a less
attractive women get eye contact of 4.5 seconds or less. The decision as to whether a person is of
dating material is made within five minutes. A study at the University of Bonn is Germany has
found that physical activities like cuddling, messages, and so on bring out oxytocin production in
males. Men can become literally addicted to that oxytocin, so the man can actually start to
become addicted to you and being with you. Women are more likely to be attracted to men with
the most full-bearded face because they are perceived as better potential fathers.

The article Top 10 Scientific Drives Behind Attraction is going to be a very useful in my
project. The information in this source is very reliable to me because it is a well trusted site. The
information is in no way biased because all the facts are very true. The goal of me using this
source is for the information to help me get good reliable facts to use in my project.

This article is one of the most important sources in my research. The source also helps me shape
my project with factual information and scientific test. The way Ill be able to use this source in
my research is because of all the facts and information it puts off. This source has changed my
view of my project from looks to many things about human relationships and the way I look at
my own relationship.

Fisher, Helen E., Arthur Aron, Debra Mashek, Haifang Li, and Lucy L. Brown. Defining the
Brain Systems of Lust, Romantic Attractions, and Attachment.Definging the Brain
System of Lust. Kluwer Academic, Plenum, 01 Oct. 2002. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.
The article is about why we fall so hard in love and what physical attraction has to do with love.
It also has information like that controls attraction and why looks count in a relationship. Love
isnt exactly blind but you cant pick who you fall in love with. In the article it also talks about
love and how it can be addicting.

This is a very useful article for the many facts and information it has in it. This source compares
to my other one by having true facts and being non bias. With the many facts the article has and
all of them checking out to be true this is a very reliable source. The goal of the source I believe
is to drag in people by using interesting facts and having attention grabbing information.

The source is very helpful and reliable due to many true facts. The other things the source helps
me do is shape my project in many ways by the facts and information it provides. I will be
needing this source to help me in my article by using grabbing facts and non-bias information to
help me grab the attention of people. The article has changed my idea of my topic from just little
things about love to the broad area of information about love.

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