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12 p.

166 Hackers Test 04


In an attempt to reduce traffic congestion, legislators have suggested that congestion fees
should be imposed on drivers who enter the city. However, this is not a good solution to the
traffic problem.
Issue: congestion fee

Thesis: X a good solution

To begin with, a congestion fee would hurt businesses in the city because fewer people would
enter the city for shopping. Such a result occurred in the city of London after it instituted a
congestion charge in 2003.
1: hurt biz

1: fewer ppl shop

Businesses within the fee zone immediately saw their sales fall. This policy would damage
businesses whose customers have to enter the congestion fee zone.
1: hurt biz

1: fewer ppl shop
London: fee zone sales

Also, imposing a fee would put a financial burden on people with low incomes. People who
have to commute to and from work every day would accumulate lots of fees over the course
of a month.
2: low-income ppl $ burden

2: lots of fees

This extra fee would create additional stress for working people who are already struggling

12 p. 166 Hackers Test 04


2: low-income ppl $ burden

2: lots of fees stress

Additionally, a congestion fee would increase delivery expenses, and as a result, small
businesses will suffer the consequences. For example, restaurants cannot receive all their
supplies from a single delivery.
3: delivery expenses

3: small biz suffer

This means that products such as vegetables, grains, and meats not to mention napkins and
other necessities arrive on different trucks. A fee would increase the cost a restaurant has to
pay for each of these items
3: delivery expenses

3: small biz suffer
cost for each item

Come on, weve all seen how busy the streets can be during rush hour, right? Well,
something must be done about the problem. A good solution would be to introduce a
congestion charge for drivers entering the city. It would reduce traffic while creating
revenue for the city.
Issue: congestion fee

Topic: good solution

12 p. 166 Hackers Test 04


One criticism of imposing a fee has been that it would hurt businesses. This is simply
untrue. You know, the case in London is ________________ because the city introduced
its fee during an economic ______________.
1: X hurt biz

1: London: misleading recession

As a matter of fact, we know that sales volume had decreased both inside and outside the
city during that period, but once the economy began to ______ again, ___ _____ sales.
1: X hurt biz

: London: misleading recession
economy sales

Whats more, the financial burden would not fall on people with low incomes because most
of them are ___________ using __________ transportations.
2: X $ burden

2: already use public transport

Think about it.with parking fees, the cost of car maintenance and highway tolls..hmm,
are low-income people really going to drive?
2: X $ burden

2: already use public transport

12 p. 166 Hackers Test 04


Of course not.and the great thing about the fee is that it will __________ congestion so
that buses can get these people to work more _______________.
2: X $ burden

2: already use public transport
congestion get to work faster

Another thing is that it is unlikely that a fee would increase delivery expenses. Rather, a
fee will encourage deliver companies to ____________ their deliveries and take more
efficient routes.
3: X delivery cost

3: consolidate deliveries

Not only that, but less traffic congestion will lead to _____________ deliveries, so trucks
will be able to reach more destinations per day. These factors would ____________
delivery prices.
3: X delivery cost

3: consolidate deliveries
quicker deliveries stabilize P

~ in an attempt to/ in attempts to
~ in an effort to/ in efforts to

impose++(upon/on) +=impose ones opinion on others

12 p. 166 Hackers Test 04


implement/carry out

recession /economic stagnation /economic crisis /slow economy

save (on) expenses/costs

~ put a burden on

financially burdened

people with low-income /low-income people / the poor
cut, reduce, lower /ease, alleviate traffic
increase, generate/ slow down/block, hold up, tie up, impede,
obstruct traffic

The reading passage argues that
In contrast, the lecturer mentions several points that contradict this argument

1 First, the speaker argues that imposing a fee would not be
_______________ ________ ______________. The lecturer points out
that the congestion fee was implemented during an economic ____________________.
This means that the decrease in sales was not caused by the ______________ _______
1 This casts doubt on the reading, which states that congestion fee
would ______________ _______________ in the city.

2 Second, according to the lecturer, people with low incomes would not
be _____________ ___________ by the congestion fee. The poor are
___________ ___________ ________ ________________ in order to save on expenses.
Furthermore, once the fee is instituted, traffic would be ___________________ and public
transportation would be __________________. 2 This refutes the
reading passages assertion that the fee would be __________________ to low-income

12 p. 166 Hackers Test 04


3 The final point made by the lecturer is that a congestion fee would
_________ ______________ the cost of delivery expenses. This is
because companies would be able to _________________ their deliveries. In addition, less
traffic would mean quicker deliveries and as a result, prices would _________________.
3 These points rebuff the reading passages argument that a congestion
fee would lead to __________________ ____________________ ________________.

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