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Parklands Proposed Curriculum September 2014

Science and Foundation Subjects

Year Group
Autumn Sprin Summer
!orkin Scienti"icall# and usin t$e local en%ironment
&Animals includin 'umans
&(i%in t$ins and t$eir $abitats
Sound &States o" )atter
'istor# +oman *mpire and it,s impact on
-ritain,s settlement b# Anlo.
Sa/ons and t$e Scots
Georap$# &Sketc$ maps 0to include C$ester
&(ocate t$e 1orld,s countries.
&Counties and cities o" t$e 23
&Georap$ical +eions o" t$e 23
'uman and P$#sical Georap$# 0
ri%ers and t$e 1ater c#cle4
56 Structures & Mechanisms Textiles Food
Art Collage 3D Drawing

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