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t. Whatdo yourbestbudscallyou?
2. whenisyou.birthday?
3, lf you couldgo anywherein
4. Whois yqurdreamdate:
5. Ifyouwereananimal, whatwouldyoube?
6. Whatis your alFtimefavorite rYwV'
Nrft u.eLl
7. lf youcouldplayanymusical whatwouldit be?
instrument, wru Wfw)
L lf you couldmeet ; whowould

9. candyareyd addictedto?
10.Whowouldyoube:superman, Sp
11.Whatis your
7') lf someonegaveyouflowers.ry wouldthey like?
13.Whatt yourfavorite
14.Do yo! playanysports?Whatarethey?
lf vouhadlo watchoneTVshowfor the restof life,whatwouldIt be?

18.what.do to..
slaroucxs rlarb4 K?{ l.4 |artue oF{TutlJu
*i.", t6t'vAS\1>Y1 0(
, ".n,,k
ln-N-outf h€{ati-mzr f\o o,ft]i}r\ cold stol
-_*..=-- Chipotle:
19. You'vewona $1000shoppingspre€,wheredo you
20. Yourfriendswoulddescribeyouas... ty
21. What'syourfavoriteq
22. Whdt'syourfavorite oa^K SdCJ
23. What'syourfavoritemagazine?
24. Whoat SMHSknowsyoubest?
25. Do you havedny pets?What a.e they?

Circleyour FAVE:CookieJ Cake Cupcakes RiceKrispies

27. Do you work anywlrere?
29. what areyourhobbies? caWJ
30. Whatis yourfavorite BayArea?
what is yourfavo,itemovie gettre?
32. lf yourBirthdaywishcamettue,whatwouldhappen?
33. Whodo you lookup to?
34. what is yourfavoritesmellin the wotld?
35. Whatis yourbeststress-reliever?
36. What'syourfavoritecereal?
What'syour favorite childhoodtoy?
38. Whafs the best school lN THE

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