Jethro (Moses Father in Law) : Week 5

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Week 5

Jethro ( Moses Father in law)

Day 1
Read Exodus 18:13-14
1-Complete, Moses Sat to. The people and the People stood before.
From .until.

2-In verse 14, explain how Moses Father in law show care and Concern for Moses.

Day 2

Exodus 18:15-18

1- Moses answered his father in law saying,


2-Why did Moses Father in Law said to Moses , (the thing that you are doing
is not good)?

Day 3
Exodus 18: 19-21
1-Moses Father in law asked him to listen carefully , so he may give him
cousel(Advice) T F.

2-It is always good to listen carefully to the advise if our elders T F

2- Complete, Moreover , you shall select from all the People able men ,such
as. ,,..,hating..

3 -What is the difference between Fear God and Fear From God, Which one you
want to be, and why ?

Day 4
Exodus 18:22-23

1-Jethro asked Moses to find able Men to help him with Judging ,s o, His work will
be easier on Him T F

2-When you see your Mom, Dad Sister or brother work so hard and seem tired, do
you offer help without them asking ?
3-Tell one situation that you thought to help some one without being asked to ?

Day 5
Read Exodus 18:24 -27
1- Did Moses Listens to his Father in law advice?
2- What was Jethros Advice to Moses?
3- When your Parent gave you an advice, what should you do about it?

Day 6& 7

Project, 3

In a big font ,use a poster and write the following,

Let us sing with the angels saying:
"Glory be to God in the highest, on earth
peace, and goodwill to men." We praise
you; we bless you; we serve you; we
worship you; we confess to you; we
proclaim your glory. O Lord, King of the
Bring your poster to Sunday school class

Project 4
In your Journal or in a poster write
Holy, Holy, Holy Prayer ( from the
Agpeya), bring the poster to your Sunday
school Class.

You may listen and sing along with this
Beautiful song while you are working on
your project,
The song in this link,

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