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Win-Win negotiation

The aim of win-win negotiation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties, and leaves both
parties feeling that they've won, in some way, after the event.
How to obtain win-win negotiation:
1. First and foremost, it is important to prepare ourselves before conducting a negotiation process.
gather info. regarding the related thing, people and company that you are ought to deal
for business deals, you must carry all the important doc. with you during negotiating.

2. Always set an expectation before conducting a negotiation.
this is important so that you are alarmed whether the deal worth it or not.
3. Be confident with your own self.
never show your weakness to other. So that they would not taking advantage of you.
4. Be understanding.
understand the needs and interests of the people or organization that you are dealing
do not decide on something that not satisfy for both party.
5. Be a good communicator.
choose suitable words that pleases the other party and avoid words that insulting them.
use both verbal and non-verbal communication. While talking show your interest to the
negotiation process.
6. Compromise to find a final decision.
both parties need to compromise and tolerate with each other because we cannot win
everything. We might win something and ready to lose something.

Form of communication:
There are 2 forms of communication:

1. Verbal communication:
where message is transferred either spoken by words or written.
it is divided to oral communication and written communication.
a. Oral communication : spoken words are used, includes face-to-face communication,
influenced by the volume, pitch, speed and clarity of the communicator.
b. Written communication: where memos, bulletin,reports and job manual are used for
internal communication. Whereas for communicating with external environment,
electronic mail, websites and pamphlets.
2. Non-verbal communication:
where wordless message are send and received.
it is send by the body language of the communicator.
the elements of non-verbal communication are appearance, body language and sound.
a. appearance: clothing, hairstyles, neatness
b. body language: facial expressions, gestures and postures
c. sounds: voice tone, volume and speech rate.

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