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Morgan Michele Pastor

2538 East County Line Rd

Phone: 404-555-9876

[Type the objectives]
Bachelors Degree in Nursing (2020)
Graduated with honors
Graduated in top 20
Certified in Nursing

Internship ([Type the start date] [Type the end date])
Emory (201 Dowman Dr, Atlanta, GA 30322)

Patient Care:
Delivered and distributed patient medication and food, assisted in dressing and undressing,
experience in bathing disabled patients, and socialized effectively and informed patients of
treatment and medications.

Filing Reports:
Was able to fill out and file many patient repots, filed patient personal information, and
completed delivers of patient prescriptions to select pharmacies

Assisting in evaluations:
Helped in the evaluation of patients in presence of a specialist
Proper cleaning care:
disposal of sharp boxes, cleansing of patients bed sheets and clothing, and cleaning of the front

Resume: Morgan Michele Pastor
Page 2 | [Type your phone number]
Certified in Microsoft
Interaction with People

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